[tantek][snarfed], aaronpk, might be a good idea to as a habit start Internet Archiving any Twitter API docs you've been using / referencing / linking from your own site / OSS docs
barnabyI recently downloaded all my reply contexts and favourited tweets as part of my old->new site migration script, I just have to be very careful not to overwrite the data now
barnabyyup! you sign into granary with your own twitter account, and then make a granary URL for each tweet, passing your access token and secret as query parameters
@elonmusk@BillyM2k@ericnakagawa Yeah, free API is being abused badly right now by bot scammers & opinion manipulators. There’s no verification process or cost, so easy to spin up 100k bots to do bad things. Just ~$100/month for API access with ID verification will clean things up greatly. (twitter.com/_/status/1621259936524300289)
barnabythe screenshots I saw were more like 150$ for the lowest tier, which was something like <100 API requests a month. unsure how legit and/or current they were tho
[0x3b0b]<[tantek]> "Has anyone implemented explicit..." <- I think what I have is almost the opposite... Since neither Twitter nor (yet) my site supports editing and because of how my permalinks are generated, currently I can only include a syndication link on my site if I plan when I'm going to make my post, tweet the link to it first, add the link to the tweet, and then post during the right minute for the link I tweeted to be correct. (So I
[manton]I saw this pricing screenshot but can’t find confirmation… 150 requests/month is way too few for Micro.blog to be able to offer this to our customers. I’d pay something, but not for so little. https://aus.social/@RettopNoj/109798301657888808
[manton]Probably wishful thinking, but if the main concern is bots (and some profit), maybe the requests/month will be high knowing that $100/month solves the bot problem. It’s kind of nuts to go from 500k requests for free, to 150 requests for $100.
[manton]I don’t currently record the number of tweets I send. I think I’ll add some stats for that per day so I can make an educated decision about the cost.
[schmarty], [KevinMarks], [benji], btrem, gRegor, [asuh] and [Murray] joined the channel
@tImminent end of free use^1 of the Twitter API likely also means the end of free Log in with Twitter^2 delegated signin service^3.
If you use [Sign in with Twitter]^4, consider replacing it with Web sign-in^5, implementing #RelMeAuth^6 & #IndieAuth^7 ...
https://tantek.com/t5PA1 (twitter.com/_/status/1621587566289125376)
[snarfed][tantek] out of curiosity, why do you footnote links in your posts instead of linking text directly? is it due to Falcon's handling of POSSE content?
[tantek]snarfed, two reasons, yes (1) POSSE to non-HTML destinations (Twitter), and more importantly: (2) reducing link/click distraction while reading.
[snarfed]interesting. it has the opposite effect on me, I'm constantly looking back and forth between the text and footnotes, since occasionally your footnotes aren't links, or include more than links, whereas inline links don't distract me as much