#[benji]Still doesn't address u-syndication but works right now
geoffo joined the channel
#[aciccarello]Nice, I'm trying out the netlify build plugin right now. I think I got around the issue I has syndicating to bridgy fed with an update to my atom feed. Still need to confirm everything works.
#[snarfed]hmm! Bridgy Fed doesn't use Atom for anything any more
#[aciccarello][benji] I'm considering releasing my own version of the `@remy/webmention` npm package with some adjustments but ideally it'd be good to get changes upstream. I get the sense that he doesn't have a lot of capacity at the moment.
#[aciccarello]I forked the repo last night but saw a bunch of failures running the tests locally.
IWSlackGateway, [chrisbergr], [jeremycherfas], gRegor, [aciccarello], [KevinMarks] and [benji] joined the channel
#[benji]I also wanted to release a forked version of it but haven't had much luck with tests either. The build took a while to get right too but I can't update all dependencies unless I do a major refactor of the whole thing
#[aciccarello]I struggle to find time for open source but if you want to collaborate I'd be happy to help when I can
[tantek], gxt and mro joined the channel
#[aciccarello]Interesting, updating the node version fixed a lot of CERT errors on those tests
#[tantek]aaronpk, yesterday was the 5th anniversary of the closure of the Social Web Working Group 2018-02-13! https://indieweb.org/Social_Web_Working_Group — good reason to dig-up any retrospective drafts you’ve had in the works and finish them off!