#dev 2023-02-15

2023-02-15 UTC
gxt and pharalia joined the channel
[benji] I have a branch that fixes the `@remy/webmention` test failures https://github.com/remy/wm/pull/54
[preview] [aciccarello] #54 fix tests
I am seeing some issues when I try to run the application locally. I don't know if local serving is meant to be fully functional.
geoffo joined the channel
This is totally random, but I figured it goes here. Have the features for free GitHub organizations changed, because evidently you have to pay for the Team edition just to be able to have multiple people reviewing pull requests now? Is that new, or has it always been like that, does somebody know?
strugee joined the channel
[aciccarello] Yeah, same here. I'm assuming its something to do with `now.json` since that contains the redirects
I tried a few more things out, gave up, and ended up just wrapping the `check` call in a netlify function so it can run with syndication support here: https://webmention.netlify.app
code is here if you want to check it out: https://github.com/benjifs/wm/tree/feat/netlify
Yeah, it's gotta be something with vercel. Interesting you were able to get it working with just a redirect.
I opened a few issues on the main repo with other thoughts I've had for improvements.
I am tempted to do a big refactor on some of the parts of the code though... trying to keep myself focused on important things.
geoffo, mro, [marksuth], gRegor, gRegorLove_, gxt, M85CD[m] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Hello everyone, I would like to showcase some of my open source projects.... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/ed6a93d651c5dbf8e8494411de6065c965ff6a64>)
jjuran, [dave] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek] The <title> tag for this post contains the whole post: https://tantek.com/2023/044/t1/unified-sent-box-universal-outbox
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] 11 days ago I suggested¹ a unified Sent box of everything sent/reacji’d to all Slacks logged-in with the same email. Beyond Slack though, everything you write & send anywhere: txt, chat, email, web. A Universal Outbox of all content you create, in...
hah lol I thought I was shortening that
though maybe it has the feature of being saved if people bookmark it
ross[m], micropublish.net supports custom slugs in general, though doesn't look like it supports event posts.
From https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients (which may not be up to date), it looks like only /Slater supports event posts
Ah, /Quill does as well. Doesn't look like it has custom slug though
[benatwork], geoffo and rubenwardy joined the channel
ross[m]12, you can parse events using any of the mf2 parsers to check to make sure the right information is marked up
so I read https://research.swtch.com/telemetry-intro this morning, and it resonated with me
summary: they want stats collection (ie telemetry) to help guide golang's development, so they sketched out a basic design for minimal, useful, privacy-protecting telemetry for open source developer communities and tools (*not* end user apps)
(many commercial developer tools already do this - notably VS Code, GitHub/GitLab, etc - but not with the same openly verifiable transparency or protections)
> I believe that the choice between invasive tracking and doing nothing at all is a false dichotomy, and it’s harming open source. Not having basic information about how their software is used and how well it is performing puts open-source developers at a disadvantage compared to commercial software developers. Not having this information makes it more difficult to understand what’s important and what isn’t working, making
prioritization that much harder. Not having clear prioritization in turn exacerbates the pre-existing problems with maintainer burnout.
this is one of the key reasons I built https://indiemap.org/ : I wanted usage stats on various bits of mf2 in the wild to inform design decisions and priorities in Bridgy granary etc, and bug reports and informal polls in chat were nowhere near enough. (sadly I evidently never wrote that up more formally than in chat here)
(I vaguely remember brief recent conversation here on this post, but couldn't find it)
[preview] Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
jjuran and lagash_ joined the channel
[snarfed], I thought I heard some recent drama about golang recently, I wonder if this is it
[snarfed] the particular rumor I had heard was that folks critical of the "decision makers" for the telemetry policy were silenced using code-of-conduct excuses.
maybe? I haven't read much of that discussion. I saw CoC invoked once, seemed appropriate
I guess I'm more interested in the proposal itself here than in golang or community dynamics
(but obviously those are important in their own right)
the proposal is hard to evaluate outside the context of golang being run by Google (and all the adjacent concerns, some noted in that GH thread)
I don't think I agree. seems straightforward to imagine a large, non-corporate open source project proposing this
I bet the discussion would have a different tone if it were about rustlang
right. which is understandable but disappointing
that's the conversation I'd like to see
yeah, I get that
the linked post lays out the motivations and design in detail, and is pretty much entirely Google-independent
in the HWC Europe call today we were talking about the difficulty of configuring DNS. I believe Angelo brought it up
I wonder if we can improve the pages on /domain_registrar and /DNS to be more helpful to folks with explicit Why and How to sections
asking here in #indieweb-dev because this is unfortunately a dev-level topic
bterry and geoffo joined the channel