[KevinMarks]Anything like this involves a mixture of approaches to index compression - that explains the techniques they used, but how well it works will be dependent on the structure of the data.
[KevinMarks]The token embeddings have a high dimensionality but are very sparse in the raw form. The networks that model them are already more concentrated, but due to some degree of randomisation during training will have a different degree of sparseness, so coming up with representations that compress them well is a challenging problem. I expect that we will see ways to aggressively prune or compress models for specific applications.
[KevinMarks]More than one way of doing sharding. If you can hash the thing being queried you can direct to a single shard (or a few if doing something like CHORD). If you can't you can query all shards in parallel and then gather the results. The challenges are in balancing the shards
[manton][snarfed] I’m considering adding .well-known/nodeinfo support so Micro.blog is included in stats trackers like https://fediverse.observer/stats. Curious if Bridgy Fed supports this?
[timothy_chambe], [TMichelleMoore], sivoais, [chrisbergr], geoffo, chenghiz_, mro and [snarfed] joined the channel