#dev 2023-03-27

2023-03-27 UTC
lagash and [schmarty] joined the channel
Oh gosh
lagash joined the channel
lagash, Soni, benatkin, IWSlackGateway, rubenwardy and bterry joined the channel
jjuran_, [KevinMarks], [jacky], geoffo, chenghiz_, lagash, [dave] and [manton] joined the channel
Found another place where content negotiation is required that I had missed. For “Announce”, Mastodon will try to pull the JSON version of a permalink. Problem is Micro.blog’s blog posts are served statically and ignore Accept headers. I can rewire this to forward Accept to the backend platform, but it may be a problem for other statically-generated blogs.
Wonder if this affects Bridgy Fed?
[aciccarello] and [tantek] joined the channel
conneg << Issue: Does not work with static sites, e.g. [[SSG]]s.
ok, I added "Issue: Does not work with static sites, e.g. [[SSG]]s." to the "See Also" section of /conneg https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=87200&oldid=87182
strugee joined the channel
that seems to be a feature of SSG, no? not being able to do content negotiation?
not necessarily an issue of conneg itself
[snarfed] joined the channel
kind of both, if some things require conneg and therefore exclude SSGs
there _is_ the <link rel=alternative> flow that could help (but that'd also require people to check that if they detect a HTML page, I guess)
(which also seems like a inevitability if you're fetching a resource via GETs at least)
right, rel=alternate is a good alternative, needs to be standardized
Looking at the spec, I think I see where I went wrong:
> The HTTP GET method may be dereferenced against an object’s id property to retrieve the activity. Servers MAY use HTTP content negotiation as defined in [RFC7231] to select the type of data to return in response to a request, but MUST present the ActivityStreams object representation in response to application/ld+json; profile=“https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams”
I made the `id` and `url` the same URL. In theory, I could have made the `id` point to a dynamic, smarter endpoint.
rel=alternate would solve this. It requires another HTTP request, but is much more flexible than conneg.
strugee_ joined the channel
Would making the I'd point to the file ending in .json work?
Yes, I think so. But at this point, I don’t think I want to change the IDs, for fear of breaking other things.
If you’re using your own domain name, I like that the actor URL and post URLs actually use that domain name. Seems good for portability.
Yeah, this is really yelling "AP needs an actual test suite" really loudly imo
like I can imagine if you had something like that, this could have been avoided/a lot easier for you [manton]
lagash and bret joined the channel
I kinda feel like at this point an easy interop testing setup might be more useful in practice vs a spec test suite
what is URL?
URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/url
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
sknebel: agreed
just replied to that issue saying I'll add that rel=alt logic to Lighhthouse (which I need to sit down, take a week off and hack out a prototype with someone)
gRegor and lagash joined the channel
skenebel, "interop testing setup" is roughly what IETF has done in the past for some specs, and the problem is that it only serves as a synchronous checkpoint in time, and does not persist over time
that approach also creates a two tier (or more) dynamic to implementations, those that got to participate in the "interop testing setup" and those that did not, e.g. future implementations
in that way "interop testing setup" has an anti-plurality bias to it
test suites are MUCH better for interop *over time*, e.g. a many years old implementation that passes a test suite will have a very good chance of interoperating with a brand new implementation that passes the test suite
(depends on unambiguous spec text + reasonably thorough test suites of course)
Webmention is a decent example of this
tantek has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (83 in all channels)
what is a test suite
It looks like we don't have a page for "test suite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "test suite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
test suite is a set of [[tests]] usually for a particular [[specification]] for implementations to check their degree of conformance to the specification, with tests for each feature therein; nearly all IndieWeb [[standards]] have test suites.
bterry joined the channel
i think sknebel's point was more about the contents of the test suite vs a single point in time interop test
i agree that an activitypub spec test suite isn't super useful at this point, and what would be far better is a test suite that tests the things that are actually required to interop with mastodon and others
lagash joined the channel
That sounds like skipping a step which is to explicitly identify the subset of the ActivityPub spec which is "actually required to interop"
That can start as a "profile" document of the existing spec (thus postponing a need to update the current spec, for now)
Then write a test suite for that profile
That's what the whole email thread and phone call is about
there's a lot more in the emails than that, and the scope of the call is beyond that as well
from the summary: "Session with members of the W3C's Social Web Incubator Community Group on the future of ActivityPub standardization and related subjects."
a test suite for a subset of one spec fits into that summary, but does not define the "whole" of that
nertzy joined the channel