#dev 2023-03-31

2023-03-31 UTC
<[snarfed]> "as [aaronpk] suggested earlier..." <- It looks like it just set me up automatically. If I'm in some kind of approval period I can't tell by looking. If anyone at Twitter actually reads the reason I gave them I figure I might get suspended.
🎉 🤷
<[snarfed]> "that is indeed a common norm..." <- It's something that seems to come up tangentially every time someone tries to figure out a solution for Fediverse search, partly because: some of the people opposed to it seem to have what *to me* looks like either a conceptual disconnect between how public their posts *actually are* and how public they mean them to be; a different but partly overlapping subset of people are strongly
concerned about protecting the people who *don't realize* how public some of what they post is; and some people - including instance admins - seem to expect a level of control over content *that has been federated to another server* that I don't personally think is *realistic*, whether it is *reasonable* or not.
<bkil> "Probably doesn't allow the..." <- I'm in #indieweb-chat:libera.chat using Matrix. 🤷
But yeah, my reason for requesting API access was straight up "I finally got to where almost anything I post on Twitter is posted to my website first, as most people should, and API access would make that enough easier to do that it's potentially the difference in whether I post anything to Twitter" so...
gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
That seems a reasonable description. I started to sign up but wasn't sure what to put, so I might use something like that :)
Or maybe a la press@twitter.com, I'll put in 💩
Well, keep in mind the reason I said I might get suspended if they actually read it is all the business about them not liking Twitter As A Syndication Target. I did word it a little differently, though, but...that was still the gist.
[jacky], geoffo, wagle, gerben, mro, IWSlackGateway and pharalia joined the channel
I found this article excellent, although I would arrive at a different end conclusion. He threw out the baby along with the bathwater with ditching the whole backfeed concept due to the way he tried to hold onto having access the profile pictures and names in private. I would just stick to forwarding (05 embedding) everything anonymously until consented to if I wer him (although, I suggest just sticking to a dynamical Reader concept that waves away all such
About your specific comment on federation. Note that if you federate over the Fediverse it does not mean you automatically surrender and all content and rights to said content along with it. This misunderstanding probably stems from conditioning by silos. Providing federated communication technologies such as The Fediverse, NNTP, SMTP, SIP, XMPP or Matrix means just that: allowing for people to interact with you without having to register on _your_ property. It
doesn't mean that they want to "gift" away everything (such as signing a fine prints about your first born son). Many companies have a policy for including a reminder about that in the email footer of every employee so that nobody forgets this.
Similarly you can't just "steal" posts from random news websites from their Atom feed and republish them as your own.
Another thread. I agree that Reader is the way to go - also the direction I am heading towards. How come there is so low success rate and buzz in this area? Is there something better on the horizon perhaps that I should know of? https://indieweb.org/reader
I also find it peculiar that numerous articles within the wiki and within pages linked from there as recently as 2022 deal with UX & workflow nitpicks that have already solved by better Fediverse servers decades ago. I mean, these views had already existed in Friendica, Hubzilla and Diaspora from the start I think https://fasiha.github.io/yoyogi/about https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=reader&action=historysubmit&type=revision&diff=84908&oldid=75778
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don't know what to say about this: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1641680913661607936
Algorithm goes open source at noon Pacific Time
!jamesbot what would you say in response to twitter announcing they will open source the twitter algorithm at noon?
Oh right only in #indieweb-chat
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
capjamesg Loqi aaronpk https://www.theregister.com/2023/02/22/twitter_algorithm_to_be_open/ [...] Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act states service providers hosting third-party content can't be held liable for whatever its users upload. Issue whether that section of the CDA immunizes Google when they make targeted recommendations. Tech industry giants don't want to lose this case, as it could mean they're held liable for the behavior of their
holiday_medley and [snarfed] joined the channel
bkil re sgreger's GDPR article, did you read dgold's reply? unlike sgreger, he's an actual working GDPR lawyer, and he disagreed with many of sgreger's legal/GDPR claims. https://ascraeus.org/micro/1525556293/
[preview] [Daniel Goldsmith] Sebastian, first of all, thank you for your detailed write up on this issue. I think much of your roadmap is worthwhile, and of great interest. I cannot, however, say that I am convinced by your contentions regarding the effect of GDPR and indieweb ...
[manton], geoffo, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
James Bot now has robust instructions: https://github.com/capjamesg/llm-chatbot
If you want to set up your own bot, give it a try!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[capjamesg] That looks cool! Is it similar to services like https://chatthing.ai/? I’ve been wondering if that would work for documentation search.
<c​apjamesg#4492> It looks similar.
<c​apjamesg#4492> My solution is open source and thus a lot more flexible if you want to dive into the weeds.
<c​apjamesg#4492> The README should give you all you need to get it set up.
<c​apjamesg#4492> Everything is queryable via an API, so you could disable the front-end.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
lagash_ joined the channel
Awaiting the patches to our social readers (jkjkjk) 😂 https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm
[preview] [twitter] the-algorithm: Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
omg they literally named the repo "the-algorithm" :zany_face:
In terms of timing, in a way. IG didn't open source though.
PageRank making a comeback.
the issues are hilarious: https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm/issues . "What’s scala" "Don’t remove" "Why use scala?" "Why scala 2?" "Someone explain scala" "Scala"
I'm surprised they didn't disable issues entirely
Someone should submit a PR to make a more permissive license :P
whoa wait what it's AGPLed?!?
that's...actually clever of them
You beat me to it [KevinMarks] :P
barnaby joined the channel
there’s surprisingly little elno-specific code https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm/search?q=elon
and I don’t know enough about scala to figure out exactly what it’s doing with elno’s tweets
much of that is probably data-driven, not hard coded, eg the "power user multiplier"
Yeah. I did that search too barnaby.
Ah, I see.
I like this term haha.
"embarrassingly parallelizable"
interesting, they've now turned off commenting on all issues. but they're still allowing new issues
(and on PRs)
next up, bot that closes all issues with "💩"
sknebel has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
[campegg], [tw2113_Slack_], holiday_medley and billbennettnz joined the channel
<bkil> "About your specific comment on..." <- I'm definitely not talking about surrendering the content or any content rights. "Control" might not have been the right word. I'm talking about people who seemed to have the impression that they could be comfortable about what was happening to their public and unlisted posts because they trusted their instance admins and their followers, who didn't seem to recognize what level of trust that
meant they were placing in their followers' instance admins.
That and the fact that I very nearly decided I'd have to defederate my website from one instance because I found out its terms of service say that "Content on this instance must not be archived or indexed wholesale by automated means by any user or service" and at least at whatever wee hour of the morning I came across that, my train of thought had me convinced that the database holding my instance's copies of content federated to me
from that instance constituted a wholesale archive and indexing, so clearly their terms of service meant that they prohibited any other instances from federating with them
all this applies to /reply-context use-cases also