#dev 2023-04-18

2023-04-18 UTC
thinking of adding automatic delayed webmention sending, Internet Archiving, and BridgyFedding to my server, and completely removing the default need for a manual publish step (while still allow it)
welp there we go I need to add .lol to my auto-linker
thanks to omg.lol++
omg.lol has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
geoffo, gRegor, lockywolf and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[snarfed] I'll have a look
The first first S in RSS was "Site" wasn't it?
Depends on which R you choose
[marksuth] joined the channel
[snarfed] do you have signature validation in brid.gy fed?
<c​apjamesg#4492> What is RSS?
<c​apjamesg#4492> https://indieweb.org/RSS
[Jeremy_Keith] joined the channel
↩️ I think the #IndieWeb community has some interesting ideas of automating links between sites, for example through #WebMention. However, at the end, it is about people writing blogs reading each other, linking each other and building on each other's ideas.
that's a nice summary
[dave]1, [chrisbergr]1, [jeremycherfas], [Jeremy_Keith], [KevinMarks], [tantek], IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks]1 joined the channel
Bugger, Google didn't renew unmung.com for me
I should have moved it off their registrar when Will left
it is probable
geoffo joined the channel
<c​apjamesg#4492> 😦
uh oh, do you have backup domain for the service?
like a .org or .net?
I can have a look. I'm trying to reclaim it but it's a yak shaving password reset as I haven't used GAFYD in a decade
<c​apjamesg#4492> GAFYD?
Google expletive expecting your domain
*expletive expletive
(Google apps for your domain)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
unmung is pretty much oneshot cloud functions with a little bit of memcached caching. What's the best thing to host that for Python? AWS Lambda? Google Cloud Functions? Azure Functions?
any of the above. whatever you're familiar with/like is probably a more useful differentiator
capjamesg, I noticed your RSS feed isn't autodiscoverable. Might be something to add to make it easier to subscribe. https://www.rssboard.org/rss-autodiscovery
[KevinMarks]: what was it running on before? App Engine is still around too
I'm familiar enough with AWS Lambda to know it's really annoying. I suppose it comes down to how easy it is to do a URL fetch in the environment
knowing you [KevinMarks], you'd probably still like modern App Engine, dev experience is still pretty familiar, even if parts have changed, eg unbundled APIs and dev_appserver => gcloud
it's in AppEngine classic, on Python 2.7, so If I am going to redeploy it I need ot change most of the code anyway
or if you want to try something new, there are very modern approaches like Vercel, Render, Fly.io
Oh, we have autodiscovery in the wiki already https://indieweb.org/RSS#Autodiscovery
aren't the modern ones mostly node flavoured though?
feedparser is pretty key to unmung
lots of modern ones do python, including some or all of those ^
also hopefully the domain kerfuffle isn't forcing you to change hosts?
they don't seem to let me renew the domain without signing up for Google Workspace, so I am feeling rather 'burn it all down' at the moment
My site build time is down to 25 seconds.
I am probably 3 layers of edge case for them, given that I signed up fro this in 2009 with a.google.com
interesting, it lets me use https://domains.google.com/registrar/ ok with a non-workspace account, but maybe yours was on an old personal GAFYD domain?
ugh yeah. they never handled that split btw businesses and personal vanity domains very well
yes, it was old enough to be registered via godaddy, but not using a godaddy account I have access too
that looks like this
do I call hover and ask them to transfer it out?
nope hover want me to unlock it at godaddy
Steganography might be what I was looking for thanks snarfed++! I've come across the term it in those CTFs (or more like puzzles really) where people hide stuff in images, but didn't make the connection to text
Oops, forgot the square brachets, [snarfed]++, and thanks for the link [KevinMarks]++!
what is Karma?
Karma is a community recognition tool used in the IndieWeb community and powered by the friendly bot Loqi https://indieweb.org/Karma
[snarfed] Does the contents of this look right to you? https://jamesg.blog/feeds/posts.xml
drmr: it's very minimal but there are "instructions" there for using Loqi's karma system ^^
Thanks! Was just gonna try to look it up 😅
[schmarty]++ drmr++
drmr has 2 karma over the last year
[schmarty] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
Oops haha.
I thought that worked.
it did work 😄
Oh, it did.
Also capjamesg, saw this the other day, I guess the arms race is on lol https://twitter.com/sohamgovande/status/1641828463584657408
I skimmed over the first message.
Page doesn't exist?
Thanks for the video link capjamesg++
capjamesg has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[snarfed]++ [KevinMarks]++
[snarfed] has 87 karma in this channel over the last year (141 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
All the karma today!
(waits to see if Loqi says "woot")
drmr Do you have another link?
The one you sent returns an error.
Oh you're right, seems to be deleted since I bookmarked it. Can't find now, but basically, there was GPT-Zero, which is like a turnitin, but for detecting if text was generated by ChatGPT. That link was to a tool for bypassing that, so that your text becomes "undetectable"
Reminds me a bit of ad-block-blocker-blocker-...
That was on an NPR Planet Money episode I think.
nertzy_ joined the channel
I really like that video though, because one thing I wanted to look at in addition to the steganography part is having "plausible deniability" that I wrote something. And I've seen the stuff where it's possible to deanonymise someone based on their writing style etc
geoffo joined the channel
This sounds like a topic for #chat I think.
Wrong link.
(With that said, that PDF is really interesting, but it is entirely unrelated to this discussion.)
Very nice! Is it fair to say: HyperDB is to SQLite as Pinecone is to MySQL?
That seems reasonable.
This will come in quite handy! I had a project idea around clustering embeddings, to find relationships between words (and their "categories"), ever since I saw this on HN and wanted to try https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35445312
[preview] [motiwari] Show HN: Want something better than k-means? Try BanditPAM
My first use case is around "core values". There's this exercise where you try to narrow down your core values, but you start with a list of 200-something of them. When I looked at the list, I couldn't help but feel like that some were very similar, some were like secondary to others, etc
I thought that if you turned them all into embeddings, then clustered them, it might give you some sort of taxonomy for free
That way, narrowing down core values isn't so tedious. If you wanted to rank those values, tournament-style, you'd have to compare each one to every other one, so like quadratic time. But if there was a "tree" of values, based on this clustering, it could maybe be log time
very fun ideas, but bkil is right, this is probably #indieweb-chat territory now
Ah oops, you're right, I'll go there 😅
jonnybarnes, mouse[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
I'm searching for quite some time for a solution to automatically take and save screenshots for my bookmark posts. Just playing around with chrome php library. https://github.com/chrome-php/chrome It works very well, so in case anybody else is in need of a php solution... ;)
[preview] [chrome-php] chrome: Instrument headless chrome/chromium instances from PHP
Did you consider taking a snapshot of the above the fold DOM instead as an alternative? It would weigh orders of magnitudes less in most cases.
Do you mean taking the snapshot manually?
bterry joined the channel
I would believe tooling should already exist for this. You can find similar tools that optimize & minimize above the fold HTML and above the fold CSS already.
Until now I have not found anything satisfying in php that I can run on my server
Why do you have to run it on your server? If you are bookmarking a site that you are browsing, a bookmarklet would be a reasonable choice.
I'd like to use it on mobile, too. Maybe this can be solved also, but I love the simplicity in use of the mentioned library.
[preview] [chrome-php] chrome: Instrument headless chrome/chromium instances from PHP
gRegor joined the channel