#dev 2023-04-19

2023-04-19 UTC
geoffo and pharonix71 joined the channel
Ich blogge jetzt, statt zu twittern und bisher läuft es ganz gut. Vor allem mit Webmentions/Activity Pub und Mastodon dran https://silberkind.de/blog/die-tuer/
sebbu2, [schmarty]1, [aciccarello]1, [campegg], [chrisaldrich], [TMichelleMoore], [pfefferle], [dave], [chrisbergr], [tantek], [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway, K4, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d] and petermolnar joined the channel
!tell [snarfed] does Bridgy Fed notify fediverse @-mentions in replies beyond the reply-to @ ? E.g. https://fed.brid.gy/log?start_time=1681894493&key=https://tantek.com/2023/109/t1/#bridgy-fed-create&module= seems to have only delivered the reply to a single instance. Also it's not showing up on the original post (in-reply-to) of https://mastodon.social/@john_fisherman/110224246899618915
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Am going to link to the original post in-content and re-ping Bridgy Fed to make it a top level post so it distributes broadly
petermolnar, mouse[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
Is mastodon.social blocking replies from Bridgy Fed?
Looks like an AP "update" sent to a server that never saw the original won't index the hashtags in it
Similarly if you update a post to add new hashtags and send an AP update to a Mastodon instance, it won't index those new hashtags into its tag pages
So because of that, I'm going to change the slug of my most recent post to see if that will trick Bridgy Fed into sending a "new post" (create?) to Mastodon instances in order to get them to index the hashtags in my post.
Not sure what else to do to work around what seems to be a Mastodon bug in how it handled updates. Perhaps [snarfed] has a deeper understanding of what's going on (when he wakes up :)
mro joined the channel
AP update support has been around on other servers, but landed in Mastodon just recently, so indeed it may be buggy.
mro_, mro and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
It seems to be missing a few posts.
[tantek] joined the channel
We really do need an h-feed validator that goes beyond parsing and looks for common publishing errors
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
If I get unmung back (or redo it) I can have a look at that
Or we could add it to indiewebify.me, as that tests individual posts and hcards but not feeds
[campegg], [jacky], geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
lots of BF/granary q's! let's see...
capjamesg https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https://jamesg.blog/ shows five h-entries inside your h-feed, and I see five corresponding items inside that granary RSS feed
[tantek] BF doesn't currently parse content HTML and try to identify fediverse @-mentions. given the number of domains and range of URL patterns, that would take a bit of work. I guess we could consider starting with heuristics for Mastodon and @-@ handles?
devil's probably in the details. feel free to file an issue with ideas!
I don't think mastodon.social is blocking BF. looking at your example reply, if you scroll to the end of the log, BF sent a weird broken AS2 Create activity, I wonder why
Weird broken AS2 Create activity sounds like the kind of thing I would accidentally cause
Ahhh will file an issue for @-@ recognition and @-mention inbox delivery!
First hashtags, now @-mentions
I'll happily provide the details I’m using for @-@ detection & profile discovery (since I’m already doing the full auto-linking in my code)
That will become my next highest priority BF feature request, per your question :)
thanks! I've finished the whole list I sent out the other day, so that's good to know
I'd also be curious to think of any false positive that naive @-@ detection would trigger
Haven't had any that I know yet
not important, easy to handle as they arise
I’m very tempted to write up a spec for @-@ resolution per my implementation. Fully computable, zero http requests, webfingering or otherwise, that matches existing implementation behaviors
is it not already in webfinger?
Both for ease of implementation and demonstration that webfinger was unnecessary for that use-case
Because they wanted to be all acct: syntactic vinegar and such
Tantek to webfinger: I will replace you with a small regex
simpler specs & implementations outpropagate & displace complex specs & implementations
[snarfed] @-@ is microsyntax, not http nor html
Which is really what I should write. A microsyntax spec
Right, I didn't mean that @-@ parsing _was_ webfinger, just that webfinger probably _contained_ it
no matter though, looking forward to this!
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[preview] [smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)] Hey #Fediverse 👋 Good news.. yet two more Fediverse Enhancement Proposals were created by ye'all dilligent fedizens:FEP-612d: Identifying ActivityPub Objects through #DNS https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/feps/fep-612d.mdFEP-0ea0:...
interesting that the DNS update was inspired by Bluesky!
and the payment logic uses the existing link-rel references
the DNS one is odd, seems to lack a use case other than "hey, Bluesky is cool and has buzz, let's do something they do?"
yeah - I could see it as a initial onramp to be semi-compatible with AT in that way but 🤷 (doesn't know too much about how AT implements/uses DNS)
er sorry. AT does DIDs in TXT records
this FEP wouldn't add compatibility, it just does an AP equivalent, for...unclear value beyond the way AP already serves actors over https
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
hmm that's good context
then I'm (also) confused in the use of this proposal
sounds like feature checkboxing then. hey if someone makes one of those tables of choices vs features, that for our "choice" that we check as many checkboxes (no fewer) than any competitors
with which projects are the people organizing the FEP thing associated?
excellent question
geoffo, [dave], [marksuth], pharonix71 and {{lifeofpablo} joined the channel
Zapier just announced that they're making their Twitter integration "premium only," ie only available on paid plans (starting at $20/mo), due to the API changes
kinda expected
(from email, haven't found a web version yet)
now to see if IFTTT does the same thing
gRegor, [pfefferle], [schmarty] and angelo joined the channel
"Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature." -- Rich Kulawiec
That's either trite & incorrect (look at any long lived bug in Bugzilla) or "sufficiently advanced" is carrying so much water that it's a useless saying.
It's also bad for being a bad ripoff/variant of the Arthur C Clarke quote
We found it on a '90s site at HWC.
(As in, a site published in the 90s)
I don't agree with it, but it was one of only two "Linux" maxims on the site.
[snarfed], A BF repost seems to have worked from the logs, but I don't see it on xoxo.zone or mostondon.social (not signed in) https://fed.brid.gy/log?start_time=1681934944&key=https://gregorlove.com/2023/04/reposted-jen-simmons/&module=
hmm! looking
I think I see the bug, will fix
gRegor fixed, I think. tried to retry but https://gregorlove.com/2023/04/reposted-jen-simmons/ no longer links to BF
Thanks! Retrying
still not seeing it, but the AS2 Announce we're sending looks ok now
guess I can try more ways to tweak it
Ok, I'll leave the BF link there if you need to retry it later
FWIW I decided to leave my BF links in-place because I found myself inevitably updating enough of my posts
which reminds me I queued up a bunch of stuff just *today* here in chat that I meant to get to when back on a laptop
geoffo joined the channel
gRegor fixed! for real this time
thanks again for reporting
awesome, thanks!