#dev 2023-05-03

2023-05-03 UTC
There's an analogy with the ActivityPub server API and the mastodon client API there
↩️ IndieAuth is the closest thing to a solution but it assumes every user has a personal website which is probably not true
[capjamesg] bsky.link is giving me 502
Yeah, he said he'll fix it tomorrow. Same issue on mf2.link
geoffo, benji, [jacky], [jeremycherfas], IWSlackGateway, [chrisbergr], jeremycherfas and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I write a blog post to help you implement Webmention on your website. #webmention #indieweb https://vanzasetia.site/blog/beginner-guides-for-applying-webmention/
Does anyone know how to debug a "There is currently no text in this page." message after a failed upgrade?
* on MediaWiki
Never mind -- fixed!
[BinaryDigit], holiday_medley, [schmarty], [marksuth], geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
[manton] out of curiosity, micro.blog currently federates to the fediverse, but syndicates to bluesky. do you know if you'll switch it to federate to bluesky instead once they enable that?
(ok either way obviously, just curious!)
[manton] joined the channel
[snarfed] I don’t know yet. I’m going to at least explore Bluesky federation. I’m not really sure if I can reconcile all the different worlds together, though.
e.g. you post to your blog, someone replies from Mastodon, someone replies from Bluesky, who sees what, etc.
hah yes! although you've had that problem already for a while now, with fediverse, twitter, micro.blog, etc right?
Also, Bluesky is honestly kind of a wild place right now. 🙂 Micro.blog is much more laid back, might be a clash to mix everything.
very true
That’s true, but things are easier now with the fediverse because everyone on Micro.blog by default gets a fediverse handle.
For Bluesky, would we also enable it for everyone? Not clear.
although whether/how much to mix is arguably separate from syndicate vs federate
Syndicate makes the separate more clear.
all good questions. thanks!
What do you think we should do? I’m all ears. 🙂
hah, I think it's mostly a non-technical problem, as you've described, which I'm less equipped to handle for online communities. https://snarfed.org/2023-04-15_im-not-eating-my-own-dog-food
for federation, letting people choose whether they federate into each service makes sense. no clue whether it should be opt in or out
we'd probably want to think through the UX of default-on federation. eg for AP, afaik there's no alternative AP-style frontend to micro.blog accounts, it's just micro.blog, so it's really whether fediverse people can follow and interact with micro.blog people by default, right?
There’s also a 3rd option that I’ve considered (1st being just syndicate, 2nd being full Bluesky federation): allow signing in to a Bluesky account from within Micro.blog, so Micro.blog becomes a kind of super-client that can interface with multiple services. I don’t think that’s the right solution, but it would separate things a little.
oh interesting, yeah
that would be a very different product direction for you though
Yeah. That doesn’t really fit.
I’ll probably add federation for my own account (if I can technically) and see if I like it. If I do, then we can decide what to do. If I don’t, we’ll just syndicate.
makes sense!
heads up though, as far as we can tell, implementing ATP federation is not easy, definitely harder than eg implementing AP. the MST and repo chain are fairly deep CS/eng
it's been fun so far though!
aaronpk Have you seen this error before? https://breakfastand.coffee/
hmm nope
[snarfed] That’s too bad, because AP federation is hard enough! I think that is a related concern I have with AT Protocol… Is it web-y enough.
Similar concerns with Nostr, since it’s based on WebSockets. I don’t have enough experience there to know if that’s a good thing or bad.
b&c is back up.
Upgrading MediaWiki is hard.
[manton] good q's. ATP is definitely web-y in spirit, arguably more than AP itself, but modern web-y. eg latest info we have is that ATP federation will use websockets too, not plain HTTP
[capjamesg] and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] I think my concern is that too much of the service might be hidden away instead of on the web. That is also a concern for parts of AP, but most pages and feeds in Mastodon are public. Already we’re seeing Bluesky URLs inaccessible unless you’re signed in.
ah, understood. user-facing web frontends and other clients aren't really part of the protocol. the API they use to talk to PDSes, yes, but those serve JSON, not human-readable HTML
so yes, fair point. sadly Mastodon 4.x going jsdr is an example of the same problem in the fediverse though
True. See also: Mastodon debates about whether posts need to be “licensed” for other services to use or index them.
geoffo, gRegor, neatnik_, willnorris_, oodani_, lanodan, BinarySavior and jonnybarnes joined the channel
Maybe interesting for Mastodon -> Bluesky bridging: https://github.com/videah/skybridge
[preview] [videah] skybridge: A work in progress bridge/proxy that lets you to use Mastodon apps with Bluesky.
[tantek], IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
that one is interesting! but pretty narrow, just lets you use a Mastodon client app with your own Bluesky account. it isn't an actual bridge between the two services, despite the name
[tantek] joined the channel
It's "bridging" a client and a server! :trollface:
lockywolf joined the channel
I mean yeah
confusing overload of the term as we currently use it, but sure, if we want 😁
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
bsky.link is rejecting my posts - custom domain issue? https://staging.bsky.app/profile/kevinmarks.com/post/3juq47xnwl72v
Will check.
[KevinMarks] works for me?
[preview] So BlueSky is almost where twitter was in December 2016, when I joined as user 57203.
when I paste it in I get this
Oh, in the paste? Oops.
Try now.
Will investigate that.
mf2 parse is looking good on mf2.link. great little service, capjamesg++
capjamesg has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (97 in all channels)
Any more services I should add?
jeremycherfas joined the channel
nostr, farcaster 😎
Is that useful [snarfed]?
"useful" is somewhat subjective here, but...probably not
For embeds, a general fallback to parsing notes from h-entry could be neat. more complex for sure, though.
I just wrote that down for myself!
Is a skeet a post on Buesky?
what is a skeet?
It looks like we don't have a page for "skeet" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "skeet is ____", a sentence describing the term)
why not bleet? as in https://enwp.org/bleet
because then it wouldn't be lewd
Getting 502 errors again
capjamesg++ hugops++
hugops has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
capjamesg has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
also capjamesg, well done for being the source of multiple TLD additions to the CASSIS auto_link_re (regular expression), so far .coffee and I suspect soon .link if/when I implement auto-link-wrapping of bsky.app links with bsky.link
bterry joined the channel
what will be more challenging is figuring out the link vs embed semantic, like when someone puts a bsky.app link in a plain text note, is the intent/desire "merely" for a public-usable hyperlink? or do they intend a link-preview-like/quote-like embed?
which also makes me wonder if I should come up with an explicit "embed this link" microsyntax instead
right now, I do auto-embedding for things that "make more sense" embedded than linked, like images & video (including special-casing youtube and vimeo video permalinks by detecting them)
current brainstorm: embedding -> iframe -> put a frame around it -> 🖼 -> [URL]
the brackets around something look like you're framing it, which evokes a visual embedding, so that both "looks right" in plain text, and is an easy syntax to remember
expanding upon that and combining with existing microsyntax, adding alt text makes sense as a parenthetical for that
I usually prefer the markdown syntax for iframes.
yeah markdown syntax is off the rails for all links & embeddings so that's a non-starter
but I'll document as prior art anyway
oh nm looks like Stack Overflow says just is <iframe> in markdown heh
yeah the markdown scrawl of [ ] ( ) { } has no meaning behind the characters, they're arbitrary and hard to remember and look like line-noise in plain text
so, adding alt text to a [URL] frame would be followed by parenthetical text, which is "normal" punctuation that fits the alt semantic quite well
has anyone done "text"(link) syntax before? I feel like that gets somewhat close to the punctuation being meaningful
[URL-to-image-or-video] (alt text)
aaronpk indeed! it was one of the options I was considering
for linking arbitrary text to a hyperlink, which is different from adding alt text to an embedding
aaronpk, what I don't like about "text"(link) is two things: 1. it's overloading plain text quotation marks to mean something other than quoted text, which "looks" wrong when reading in plain text, and 2. the link isn't really a "paranthetical" to the link text
It's just the other way around in markdown.
yeah they got lots of things backwards and wrong in markdown
aaronpk, what I have considered, since it "makes sense" in both plain text and when "auto-linked", is the use of `_underlined_text_`
and what I'd be willing to consider (since it has TONS of prior art / content in plain text emails) is the use of <URL>
and since text hyperlinks are traditionally underlined, something like `_link_text_<URL>` or even with a space for readability `_link_text_ <URL>` would work fine
"work" as in makes sense / is readable *both* in plain text (i.e. the punctuation doesn't look like random gibberish the way the bang-bracket nonsense does in markdown), and is a clearly explicit enough pattern that hyperlinking it makes sense too
<URL> is also supported in markdown
[snarfed] Are you up for reviewing a bluesky crawler?
footnotes are easier (less punctuation pollution) and more visually implied / rememberable with the ^1 syntax
twtxt user mentions are: @<Nick Name http://example.com/url.txt>
It is customary in scientific publication to reference footnotes by superscripting [42].
(I need a bit of help, too.)
direct @-mentions in plaintext are better than some @< > combo: https://tantek.com/2023/011/t1/indieweb-evolving-at-mention
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] One of the fun things about #IndieWeb notes & replies is that how we post is actively evolving! Like how should we @ someone? #socialMedia aliases (e.g. @Twitter) were obvious, with prior @-name usage on Flickr etc. Now, some have a domain, or an @...
capjamesg I haven't actually spent much time in the app.bsky.* API
I support @-mentions in my chat app by just typing @nick as you name your own followers with your own nick shorthand anyway and disambiguate their full profile URL within your feed.
capjamesg you should join the Bluesky API community discord if you haven't already, https://discord.gg/ZJJuPEKR
(aaronpk [manton] etc too ^)
oh boy
so many discords
yup 😐
wait, instead of using Bluesky to discuss Bluesky API, they're using ... Discord?
[manton] joined the channel
Thanks for the link… I’ve been trying to avoid more chat things but I should probably join and lurk at least.
why not #API in Bluesky posts :trollface:
they do that too
we discuss the indieweb both on our web sites and here in chat, right?
i was going to say
fair, though our use-cases for chat are *a bit* broader than "API" — including helping onboard folks who don't have a personal site yet
sure. feel free to consider their discord equivalent to our #indieweb-dev
and there's a pretty big difference between using a bridged IRC-Slack-Matrix system than using a corporate silo
e.g. if we "only" used Slack, the comparison would be more apt
agreed, I don't love discord either. fwiw the company originally set up the developer community chat on matrix. community people themselves later made the discord and largely migrated there 😐
IRC-Slack-Matrix-Web don't forget the chat is on the web too :)
wow [snarfed] re: Matrix to Discord migration
I'd really love to see the backstory / discussions about that
I mean nevermind the choice of destination but also *migration* rather than bridging!
eh, the matrix channel still exists and has some discussion, migration was loose and partial, not overly explicit
the matrix channel devolved slightly into people spamming for invite codes, which wasn't ideal
BTW, this a great example of bad syntax design / markdown fragility: https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax#paragraph-best-practices (if you have to tell plain text authors how not to indent their paragraphs, you're doing something wrong with your plain text syntax) markdown--
matrix channel was lost to moderation challenges, got it
we'd have that same problem too if the IndieWeb required invite codes
web search (ddg, goog) for "markdown iframe syntax" is a bust, so looks like there really isn't one (besides fallback to HTML <iframe>)
and https://www.markdownguide.org/ search gives "no results" for "iframe"
a-ha, looks like aria-label is the preferred attribute for providing "alt" text for an iframe (better than "title" which has other visual presentation effects)
[capjamesg] joined the channel