#dev 2023-05-04

2023-05-04 UTC
<[snarfed]> "eh, the matrix channel still..." <- + the api touchers discord is very unofficial
I keep reading that as "api torchers" 🔥
superkuh joined the channel
[preview] [Jonty Wareing] It turns out you can simply serve a file from a domain to use it as your bsky handle.So this guy is now S3. All of S3. https://assets.chaos.social/media_attachments/files/110/307/527/459/839/047/original/cf1ae6754c568625.png
i thought it was DNS verification
i wonder if this could work on a static site like gh pages
aaronpk: yea but as a fallback it lets you use a webfinger style json endpoint
(one reason for .well-known: hosts tend to not let you put stuff there if it's not your domain
this was intended so all the .bsky.social subdomains wouldn't have to use dns
instead they wildcard to bsky.social, which handles the resolveHandle for all of them
Loqi, angelo and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ 好的,距离我 blog 刚用上 Webmention 没多久,Bridgy 的 Twitter 接口就被干掉了... https://snarfed.org/2023-04-03_so-long-twitter-api-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish 无力吐槽
LuLinks and Guest6 joined the channel
[chrisbergr], geoffo, gxt__ and pharonix71 joined the channel
Time to pitch them on rel=me verification
geoffo, IWSlackGateway, [BinaryDigit], holiday_medley, Seirdy_, [0x3b0b], aynish, vladimyr, bkil, usop[m], shreyanjain[m], cellular, mindofaaronw[m], drmr, JaeItIts[m], ClmentVILLISEK[m, Gorro_Rojo[theyi, kandr3s and [manton] joined the channel
So, mastodon.social was hit by Bitcoin spammers today and it’s made me rethink my approach to DMs. Has anyone handled DMs from Mastodon in an interesting way they want to share?
I wish every social network didn’t reinvent private messaging, but maybe I can’t fight that anymore.
huh I am currently just ignoring any DMs that I get sent
or actually, probably I am ignoring the "audience" property entirely so they might just show up as regular posts ?
aaronpk: yes, just sent you a DM reply to a post and it shows up on your website :/
It’s mostly controlled by whether an activity is to/cc “activitystreams#Public”.
wait... DM reply what does that even mean
DMs are posts marked as "only visible to people tagged in the post"
DMs in Mastodon are just posts that don’t target everyone/public.
so you can go from a post to DM by replying and setting that visibility
that seems like a poor design choice
The object’s `to` or `cc` field will be `https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public` if it’s _not_ a DM.
its quite nice IMHO, because you can privately reply to someones post
and have private threads
instead of having one DM conversation and linking what you are talking about
I personally find it confusing. Also, they aren’t encrypted so not a good replacement for iMessage, WhatsApp, etc.
(I replied to your post with the AI-generated usb cables if you want to look at the specific example)
huh yeah it shows up on my website and also as a reply in my reader
the latter is fine/good, the former not so much
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Some AP server implementations support a "local only" publishing option that prevents the post from federating, so on top of whatever visibility you set, it is only sent to your account's instance; and (on all such implementations I know of) it is also only visible to logged-in users of that instance, even if public - can't recall whether someone else can then boost it over the wall if they want, but most instances that use the feature
seem to treat it cooperatively as a thing for internal community discussions so it might not be a big deal.
One of the things I've been thinking of trying to add (or asking for) in microblogpub is a very similar feature, except that I would make those posts viewable by anyone. Most of my remaining motivation for that is if I ever start owning my issues I don't really feel like I need to shove them into my followers'
...Hello, enter key. ...Timelines.
Now that I've finished saying that I think I've pretty much gone off on a tangent and that's less relevant to the preceding discussion than it felt at first.
tomasparks and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
(re wording above, I guess "private reply" is a better phrasing than calling it a DM, but in the end both are private posts)
sknebel has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
in other news the Twitter API is still up and running for legacy free apps, 5 days later 🤷
Maybe nobody who still works there knows how to turn that off
just start unplugging cables until it stops
i think they tried that already
[snarfed] my "legacy app" was "free" and it was suspended so I expect most have also been. Anything still running is a weird, or accidental, or intentional exception
some of mine were missed
manyu have been suspended, many haven't. eg granary still works
https://twittercommunity.com/ has been tracking this. pretty haphazard, no clear pattern we've/they've determined yet
IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [aaronpk] and [manton] joined the channel
What’s the best Bluesky preview app now? http://psky.app and bsky.link don’t seem to be working for me.
<c​apjamesg#4492> [manton] sorry! Will bring up the .link soon.
capjamesg ^ I'm also seeing 502 again
I think I may wait to incorporate auto-linking (nevermind embedding) of http://bsky.app links using bsky.link until you've got it a bit more reliably running 🙂
is it a traffic thing? are people sharing bsky.link links on Reddit or some other unintentional DDOS-to-links forum?
No. It's a validation thing.
Sorry about the downtime, folks.
You should be able to use it reliably now.
I messed up an if statement and that was skipping some of the key validation logic.
[fluffy], tomasparks, [schmarty] and [snarfed] joined the channel
How do I convert raw data from an XRPC firehose to text?
you'll probably have better luck on the API discord
interesting, Dmitri Zagidulin said on #fediverse-devs:http://matrix.org just now that W3C SWICG is planning to start monthly calls again
he just posted a doodle poll to the mailing list and is volunteering to run them
[tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks] and lady joined the channel
unrelated, aaronpk have you seen this oauth competitor/alternative? https://git.juici.ly/federated-auth-network/federated-auth-network/src/branch/main/SPEC.md
I've been trying to grok the Rationale section but haven't quite managed yet
Oh boy
gRegor joined the channel
well their first assertion about OAuth and OpenID is wrong so I don't know how much more I want to invest in reading this
if they had said "most OAuth deployments today require two-way participation..." instead, that would be accurate, but then wouldn't justify creating an entirely new protocol
both OAuth and OpenID have already been extended to avoid the need for that kind of pre-registration (IndieAuth extension of OAuth, and FastFed in OpenID Connect)
and there is also work being done in both groups to formalize that kind of relationship further in the core
rubenwardy joined the channel
brid.gy doesn't seem to have been sending webmentions from mastodon in the last few months?
looks like there's a new fed.brid.gy thing, bit confused what that is
maybe I'll just use the mastodon API directly, it's the only social network I post to (other than occasionally reddit)
oh that's annoying, the mastodon .json doesn't have favourites
rubenwardy hmm, Bridgy Mastodon is definitely currently working for at least some users
Bridgy Fed has two modes, connecting directly from your site or cross-posting. I'm using the direct connection and have recently got webmentions for likes and replies.
what's your user page? I can look
I signed up using indieauth but I can't find that option anymore
ok what's your Mastodon handle
I mean maybe it's a webmention.io problem
ah, your auth got disconnected, try re-authing on that page
click to enable backfeed?
must be quite expensive to host brid.gy
not really, ~$40/mo
cheaper than expensive
does brid.gy log direct messages from mastodon? Given it has access to notifications
ooh I love stats
wish more stats were open
no, only fully public activities. https://brid.gy/about#fully+public
will brid.gy automatically import everything since 2 months ago now? If not, is there a way to tell it about posts that it missed?
That seems cheap, clearly [snarfed] is good at efficient code
thanks! it was more impressive when twitter was working. I could definitely get it down smaller now
worked it out. Thanks for the quick response!
KMF joined the channel
Is "link wrapper" a pattern?
I used the reset feature to tell bridgy about this mastodon post, but I only see 5 like-of webmentions instead of the 12 the post actually has. Maybe this is a webmention.io problem? https://fosstodon.org/@rubenwardy/110267408651479876
[preview] [rubenwardy] New blog post: #Bing (and #DuckDuckGo) shadow banned my website. Can you help? https://blog.rubenwardy.com/2023/04/26/bing-ban/
*resend feature
[jacky] joined the channel
gives me indiekit vibes but for an app https://github.com/TootSDK/TootSDK
[preview] [TootSDK] TootSDK: Cross-platform Swift library for the Mastodon and the fediverse
ah thanks
if I add ?wm-property=like-of to the webmention.io, I get all of them
so it must be limiting the results
ah, looks like it's paginated
KMF joined the channel
thanks again
<c​apjamesg#4492> [tantek] the firehouse is sent as bytes and I couldn’t figure out how to read it in full.
<c​apjamesg#4492> That is to say, the project you linked is impressive!
and sleep
[preview] [rubenwardy] My blog now shows likes from the fediverse. It's the number of favourites on my toots sharing my blog posts.The only remaining thing to complete #IndieWeb backfeeding is to show fediverse replies on my blog, I don't think I'll do this as it seems lik... https://cdn.fosstodon.org/media_attachments/files/110/312/916/290/908/094/original/8e89e8024717c611.png
rubenwardy++ nicely done!
rubenwardy has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[snarfed]++ thanks for the help today
[snarfed] has 93 karma in this channel over the last year (149 in all channels)
What is Mastodon
Mastodon is an open source social network project that supports some IndieWeb building blocks like microformats2 & rel-me, and has a federation of many instances, including https://indieweb.social/ for IndieWeb fans https://indieweb.org/Mastodon
rubenwardy get some sleep and then add yourself (as a subsection by name) to https://indieweb.org/Mastodon#IndieWeb_Examples
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I was hoping to get my node.js micropub server up running on http://fly.io but something broke after the initial deployment and I'm at a loss for how to fix it...
welcome rubenwardy!