#dev 2023-05-22

2023-05-22 UTC
gRegorLove_, geoffo, [tw2113_Slack_], Soni, IWSlackGateway, bterry1, angelo_, [chrisbergr] and eitilt joined the channel
looks like brid.gy disconnected from mastodon again
Loqi__, [jacky], holiday_medley and [snarfed] joined the channel
hmm, for your account? looking
I had to reconnect with Mastodon OAuth again
Bridgy disables accounts when it gets a 401 or 403 back from the silo API, at least in situations when that generally indicates that the user revoked Bridgy's access from inside the silo
that's not always perfectly reliable though. I'll look more
guess that also happens when the silo is experiencing issues?
hopefully not 401 or 403
cloudflare returns 403 when it limits connections
yeah and that should be 429 or something else
but if that's what's happening I can adapt
wow yeah looks like fosstodon was returning 403 to API requests with HTML with some kind of user-facing CAPTCHA
not great
yeah that will be cloudflar
unfortunate. ok then
maybe it's been fixed now?
they shouldn't be expecting API users to fill a captcha, maybe they accidentally applied it to the api as well
but if it's cloudflare, it'll be unrelated to mastodon API vs UI
aaronpk have you noticed an uptick in incoming AP traffic due to the ongoing crypto spam wave? mastodon.social alone went from ~2qps to ~8qps for BF
oh huh i haven't checked
that's total messages not just mastodon.social
mastodon.social has been dropping steadily https://media.aaronpk.com/2023/05/22071428-8054.png
[schmarty] and geoffo joined the channel
aaronpk: i kicked up a couple of prs and an issue on representative-h-card-php over the weekend. hopefully quick stuff to review if you have a moment to spare sometime soon!
oh interesting
wow that's an old library
ok merged
before we get too many more authors, how do you feel about dual licensing this MIT? so far you and I are the only committers
totally good with that!
if you need a linkable statement...
i agree to dual license my contributions to indieweb/representative-h-card-php as Apache/MIT
are these updated bits and license enough to cut a 0.1.3? i'm also not sure if we should try and tackle https://github.com/indieweb/representative-h-card-php/issues/4 this week. the proposed fix ought to be quick as long as folks agree it's a reasonable proposal!
yeah i think that's fine for a minor release
oops i shouldn't have asked two questions in one message. would you be okay with me PR-ing the `!empty` change for query and fragment prior to a new minor release?
ah yeah sure
thanks! i've got a meeting in a moment but will get that up this afternoon!
aaronpk gRegor: okay, `!empty` PR is up for review please and thank you! https://github.com/indieweb/representative-h-card-php/pull/6
[preview] [martymcguire] #6 build_url: treat empty fragment/query as absent
gRegor, superkuh, geoffo, trwnh, gregsplace and [tantek] joined the channel
Who was talking about building poll previews? Was that capjamesg, for mf2.link?
poll << plain text design / equivalent: see what [[Mastodon]] does in their [[link-preview]], e.g. https://mstdn.social/@feditips/110407908649128257
ok, I added "plain text design / equivalent: see what [[Mastodon]] does in their [[link-preview]], e.g. https://mstdn.social/@feditips/110407908649128257" to the "See Also" section of /poll https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=87942&oldid=86418
<c​apjamesg#4492> That was me [tantek].
<c​apjamesg#4492> Argh!
[preview] [Fedi.Tips] How do you access the Fediverse? :fediverse: If you use more than one method, choose the one you use the most.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I don’t have poll markup in the preview. Should I?
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel; gregsplace left the channel
Always start with the content first, markup second
Oh interesting, the plain text in Slack preview didn't go thru to the wiki edit. I'll add it manually
<c​apjamesg#4492> The content is there.
<c​apjamesg#4492> I mean the plain text markup.
<c​apjamesg#4492> The [ ]
The [ ] *is* the content I'm talking about
You have to see it in Slack (for the moment) to see what I'm talking about
I'll add a text equivalent to the page so it's more obvious
I saw it. I called it "markup" because it isn't the original text.
I have the poll. I don't have the [].
it's not markup
it's visual content
it's the plain text version
just like "alt" text
what is plain text design
Text-first design refers to the practice of designing information and UIs so they are readable/usable/actionable at least as basic plain text https://indieweb.org/plain_text_design
Oh, my copy of the Chicago Manual of Style arrived today [tantek].
ooh enjoy!
that's on topic for #indieweb 🙂
since it's about content
speaking of which, brackets in visible text are *punctuation*, not markup. on topic for CMoS
[schmarty] joined the channel
what is CMoS?
It looks like we don't have a page for "CMoS" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "CMoS is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty] http://enwp.org/ is your typable URL prefix friend
i did a `whois` and it's all redacted. this is just out of curiosity. pragmatically i like the reduced typing _very much_
ah, good for typing, maybe not permalinks
What is enwp.org?
It looks like we don't have a page for "enwp.org" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "enwp.org is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Oh, English Wikipedia?
GrgLpz[m] joined the channel
yeah it's a convenient way to "command line" go wikipedia for a page
odd, Ascio is a "ICANN accredited domain registrar" so no idea who actually owns the domain. also different from the whois for wikipedia/wikimedia so who knows
evidently Thomas Wang, who's offered to give it to wikimedia foundation. https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Domains , https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T32861
angelo and Xe joined the channel
good sleuthing [snarfed] and nice to know people are being nice
oof that sounds like the kind of debate I'd rather nope out of. a whole of practical small & simple vs. but what about the grander theoretical concerns type stuff. nope nope nope
so many decision-making/debating/argument anti-patterns/fallacies could be extracted from those two phabricator threads. I'm a bit surprised folks aren't citing fallacies on Wikipedia itself in the comments
re BF, [tantek] yeah basically adding more AP => wm. BF already does much of that already, I think this would mostly just extend it to sites that haven't explicitly signed up
BridgyFed++ Webmention++
Webmention has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
BridgyFed has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
pharonix71 joined the channel
[tantek] mf2.link/mastodon?url=https://mstdn.social/@feditips/110407908649128257 now has the preview [].
hmm, wonder why that didn't auto-link in Slack
do we need a text equivalent for the <progress> element?
mf2.link and bsky.link now have rel=canonical.
(separately from the [ ] issue)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
wondering if a plain text summary would be a good way to express this in a mf2-friendly way (rather than metastuffs)
as in p-summary property
PRs are welcome :)
figured I'd ask as a matter of discussion first 🙂
You mean in the post itself?
Or a hidden p-summary?
good question
duplicating it all in the meta tags feels like a waste
I'm wondering if it's possible to re-use that "plain text"
I don't think for presentation.
Presentation is a key consideration for the *.link sites.
Minimal is good, but I want something that would look good embedded on a piece of journalism.
That was poorly phrased. I mean, I want something that is closer to the original presentation and visually stimulating, while still minimal.
yes that makes sense
I mean for the link-preview use-case
which is different from embedding
For solely link preview, yes.
Slack is only using OGP for link previews, right?
p-summary sounds good for Loqi's link previews though
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[preview] Decaying Silos as dead malls 2018-01-20
right gRegor. I suppose I'm wondering if there's some hybrid way to use p-summary in the metaformats way while keeping e-content etc. in the visible content
aaronpk: php8 empty fragment/query pr is up and gRegor has approved if you have a moment to merge: https://github.com/indieweb/representative-h-card-php/pull/6
next up would be cutting a new release which is outside my experience!
[preview] [martymcguire] #6 build_url: treat empty fragment/query as absent
[tantek] Yeah, that would be nice. Sorta the reverse of https://indieweb.org/The-Open-Graph-protocol#How_to_set_description like "add property=og:description to the visible summary"
Just tried `og:description` on some non-meta elements and FB didn't pick it up unfortunately.
maybe that's ok
I think this is the point — there's no actual RDF/SemWeb parsing going on for OGP. It's meta tag "parsing" at best
like meta description but with more "og:"
superkuh joined the channel