#dev 2023-06-08

2023-06-08 UTC
wow that's a pretty thin page given the discussion here recently about generating slugs
ahappydeath, gRegorLove_, [tantek]1, [marksuth] and [Ana_R] joined the channel
[preview] [DeWitt Clinton] Interesting. @techmeme.com is linking to Bluesky posts now, but has to link to the skeeet.xyz scraper because closed beta. Makes you think, if it's within ToS for skeeet.xyz to re-publish the content (is it?), why shouldn't Bluesky start serving a p...
Tech meme went for another solution.
well, we were too flaky
Any way we could win them over?
Seirdy and darylsun joined the channel
and simpler, shorter URLs
[schmarty], IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
yeah, do you want to carry a pager?
rewrite it in PHP so a single exception doesn't take down the whole site 🙈
[KevinMarks] pagers still work?
that, or catch the exceptions
```process.on('uncaughtException', async (err) => {
there; have a PR
Um, regarding node and exceptions. Yes, single uncaught exception on the main thread will bring it down and as of lately the same will happen with uncaught async thrown exceptions
But the reason it constantly happens with bsky.link is beacuse express does NOT support async express handlers natievly
You need to be either very careful to wrap all your request handlers, catch errors and send them back to express /engine/ via next(err) callback
Or you simply setup add 1 LOC! that sets up ghub.io/express-async-errors and pretend like someone fast forwarded express to v6 that actually does support async request handlers
How I know it? I helped to build the damn thing and it directly influenced supposedly upcoming Express v6
that does sound handy
IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
vladimyr has 2 karma over the last year
[campegg] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
do we need to be on express 5?
[jacky], gRegor, brad1 and eitilt joined the channel