#dev 2023-06-07
2023-06-07 UTC
mretka, geoffo, angelo, bterry, [Jo], IWDiscord, jjuran, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks] ah, so the 'reauth if not 200' path needs a bit more nuance?

capjamesg Yep.
Soni epoch: if share is user-controlled then you don't need an emoji or button
Soni we wish we could show you what "send permalink to bookmark" would look like
Soni but that requires a browser that implements it
Soni and we haven't one of those
Soni but 99% of our problems can be solved by not trying to control the user
holiday_medley joined the channel
capjamesg ++
capjamesg Thanks, [snarfed]!
capjamesg [snarfed]++
capjamesg That photo is hard to see.
[KevinMarks] Oops, sorry, I thought I put it in chat

geoffo joined the channel
bkil Soni: Bookmarklets are supported on all modern web browsers, desktop, mobile and UC/Opera Mini alike. Could you specify which exactly does not support it? It is only the broken bookmarklets that are broken by CORS if you attempt to pull in random remote resources instead of inlining all required code. This is better from a tracking perspective as well. Not sure what you mean by non-server based either.
Soni bkil: you mean CSP?
bkil epoch capjamesg [tantek] It's a pity the bread punk (former tildeverse) domain was just squatted https://web.archive.org/web/20230414141158/https://breadpunk.club/
Loqi tilde is a community on a shared *nix server https://indieweb.org/tilde

[tantek] https://tildeverse.org/ still looks good to me

bkil Check the link I posted
bkil epoch: About the _one_ single share link: I have the option to share something that I enjoy in quite a few different ways. I could cite a few paragraphs, highlight a given part of a given photograph from the article, seek to a given point in a video or highlight a section of the video, share two articles that make sense in contexts (i.e., one replying to another) and me wanting to add commentary about how each links should be interpreted, etc. It's probably the
bkil less useful "shares" that you could mitigate by a single and universal "like button" action and I'm not at all troubled by not having such a button.
bkil capjamesg++
bkil The tildeverse is actually much more adjacent to the indieweb than you would think - it might make sense to elaborate this on the wiki.
[tantek] especially since the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tildeverse article was deleted

bkil It was just one of the dozens of tildeverse members, although I found their manifesto hilarious, they hosted a fun chat too. I posted it for you just for the word play - you were talking about naming bread and using the bread emoji for random stuff. It was codified in their manifesto that everything you did there had to be bread-adjacent, hence the bread, wheat and related emoji were used quite a lot there.
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
bkil Hm. It's hilarious how adjacent even their wiki is - I can't really find anything on it, despite having read that quite a few times over the years as well. But anyway, I wanted to post you the links of their rules and manifesto, but it's something like they give their people a shell account so that they can design their hosted cool personal web sites from grounds up from vi, understanding every piece of it. They also command for people to help others learn and
bkil discuss issues on either IRC or one of their command-line compatible forums.
bkil They host a bunch of services between tildes and there are common ones hosted as well individually, but it's less important here. The main difference I would say is that tilde people learn to share - everyone is living on shared machines under a subdomains of a shared domain that they consider their identities. Although, the cool kids register on multiple tildes and use them in an interspersed and interlinked way in federation.
[tantek] Ello << absent a [[like]] button, users (starting in Germany) adopted replying with a bread emoji 🍞 to represent approval: https://ello.co/brdr/post/rfswl3vb4xhi2fruwewkkq <blockquote>FUN ELLO FUN FACT FUN: In the absence of a "like" function, German users started posting 🍞 emoji to register approval. This spread to other European users like wildfire. Or the bread equivalent of wildfire. Be like Europe. Post bread. (h/t

Loqi ok, I added "absent a [[like]] button, users (starting in Germany) adopted replying with a bread emoji 🍞 to represent approval: https://ello.co/brdr/post/rfswl3vb4xhi2fruwewkkq <blockquote>FUN ELLO FUN FACT FUN: In the absence of a "like" function, German users started posting 🍞 emoji to register approval. This spread to other European users like wildfire. Or the bread equivalent of wildfire. Be like Europe. Post bread. (h/t" to the "See Also" section of /Ello https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=88159&oldid=41625

Soni bkil: anyway we don't like the current solution and we would like to see viable alternatives
bkil Note that I rarely eat bread and don't keep any at home. I avoid it for like decades now. You can find quite a few more nutritious alternatives.
[benatwork] joined the channel
bkil It's also interesting that there exist quite a few distinct emoji that carry a positive valence, but you can find nuance differences in their exact interpretation that could result in from confusion to insults if you use the incorrect one. Some of the more common ones are (maybe forgot a few): ➕ 👍️ 👌 🆗 🙇 💯 ✅ 🏁 ☝️ 💪 ACK
[jacky] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_], jonnybarnes, t0nic, ahappydeath and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] this is dev-adjacent/topical because there are folks here working on Nostr support (http://micro.blog, Bridgy) https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2023/05/30/bitcoin-social-network-nostr-creator-fiatjaf-/ and the subject of that article used to be active in the IndieWeb community (search chat for 'fiatjaf' and you'll see lots of discussion of ActivityPub etc.)

Loqi A slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug