#dev 2023-06-13
2023-06-13 UTC
geoffo and eitilt joined the channel
[tantek] [timothy_chambe] re: Mastodon developer documentation, perhaps you could help with a nudge or thumbs up on my small PR to improve things? https://github.com/mastodon/documentation/pull/1202

UKn0Me, rrix, alecjonathon, ancarda, capjamesg, srushe, vikanezrimaya, bret, Zegnat, tiim, eb, angelo, gRegor, gxt__, sebbu2, jan6, null1, holiday_medley and [Murray] joined the channel
[Murray] Bit of a long shot, but does anyone have experience with any "Jamstack"/SSG hosts that _aren't_ Netlify or Vercel, but which they'd still recommend? Specifically, looking for something which can do push-to-deploy, integrates with "common" CI/CD tools like GitHub/GitLab/Trevor/Puppeteer/Chromatic etc., and would preferably create preview deployments and "branch" deployments (e.g. be able to setup a dev/staging/qa/production

[jacky] Looks like a new version of Web Monetization might be out. https://webmonetization-preview.netlify.app/

[jacky] Kinda cool the concept of revsharing is built in https://webmonetization-preview.netlify.app/prob-revshare

[Ana_R] and geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg This is really cool: https://explore2.marginalia.nu/search?domain=jamesg.blog
capjamesg Powered by collaborative filtering.
capjamesg GWG Apparently your site is the most similar to mine 😄
capjamesg Have you been writing coffee blog posts you haven't told me about? 😄
geoffo and Xe joined the channel
[jacky] trying to distract myself from <world>, would individual CLI tools for IndieWeb standards be more useful than a 'swiss-army knife'? I'm thinking something like `wm` or `webmention` to serve as a client (or even `mp` /`micropub`)

[tantek] Jacky, I think yes, and something like "wm" could be written as the CLI counterpart to http://mention.tech

jshmlr, gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
angelo joined the channel
[calumryan] and geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg https://indieweb-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ can help with both! You can do sending in < 10 lines.

[KevinMarks] I thought we had webmention with curl, or was that micropub?

[Jo] https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention it does (curl -si and grep rel=\"webmention\")

[KevinMarks] That was the one

epoch https://git.thebackupbox.net/webmention-tools/tree/refs/heads/master if you want to see the trainwreck

[jacky] interesting conversation for /reader development imo (around consensual UX) https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/discussions/1131

[tantek] benpate[m] re: >Nerds on Mastodon are up in arms that the tech press is calling it "the Mastodon Network" because there's no good, human-friendly name to describe this cool new tech thing.< — let that be a lesson for creating something which is ostensibly a "subset" of the web and trying to pretend that it's "special"

[snarfed] hell we haven't even gotten web => AP mentions working at all, regardless of syntax 😢 https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/493
[tantek] me neither, yet I’ve come up with some mitigating cross-network mention approaches which I need to write-up in a more sequential manner. links collected here in this post for now: https://tantek.com/2023/145/t1/

[jacky] I've been tempted to do some sort of one-time private message on whatever platform through my imaginary bridge that'd ask if people _would_ mind be rendering on my site (and if not and the URL is publicly available, just include it as a mention but mark it up as a reply without an explicit interface)

olaf[m]1 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] The line between webmention service and snitch tagging can be blurry

capjamesg Snitch tagging?
tei_ joined the channel
tei_ Hello! Is this the right place for beginner questions?
Loqi snitch tagging is a special case of explicitly person-mentioning someone in a reply to or quotation of a post which mentions (usually critically) that same someone more obliquely (like plain text or a nickname) as a way of notifying that person of the critique, either as a heads-up, or perhaps in agreement with the critique https://indieweb.org/snitch_tagging

tei_ I just brought my site to "actual" web hosting from Neocities, so it's just HTML and CSS. I'd like to be able to add comment boxes, and found this https://cheapskatesguide.org/articles/babbleweb.html for it. I set it up, and when I insert the code beginning with "<?php", I get an error that says ""Expected tag name, got “?” instead! (Html doesn’t support processing instructions)"". If I just remove the question mark and rename the whole
tei_ file .php instead of .html, then the whole thing works perfectly. So my 0% web developer question is, is that... bad somehow? Can I just rename all my .html files that I want to comment box on to .php and be on my way?
win0err joined the channel
tei_ ah okay
tei_ but it wouldn't be a a problem for people trying to access it
tei_ ok, thank you!
tei_ do you know if there's a way to make it run in the html file as written? I've never used php before so I'm... not toally sure what... anything is haha
capjamesg tei_ this is indeed the right place for beginner questions!
capjamesg Welcome!
capjamesg What is your domain name or web address? I’m jamesg.blog!
tei_ I mean where I don't have to rename the files
tei_ ah okay. I'm using inmotion's core shared hosting plan, which doesn't have root access, if that's what I would need
tei_ I am... not sure if it does haha
tei_ but if it's not a big deal from the user side to have mostly html files as .php, then I guess I might as well just do that
tei_ if the alternative is complicated
tei_ there are articles saying you can install it, but I'm not sure if I can at the cheap level haha
tei joined the channel