#dev 2023-06-19
2023-06-19 UTC
bterry1, tei_, Soni, jeremycherfas, tei_1, ludovicchabant and sivoais joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "https://matthiasott.com/notes/the-new-css" to the "See Also" section of /Cascading_Style_Sheets https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=88313&oldid=79490

Loqi___, [tantek], tei_, tei_1 and [Jo] joined the channel
omz13 and alephalpha0 joined the channel
alephalpha0 Is this the channel to discuss/ask about how to go about making a Hugo theme implement things like h-carda and pingbacks?
Loqi Hugo is a static site generator written in Go used by several people in the IndieWeb community to run their personal sites https://indieweb.org/Hugo

[tantek] indeed alephalpha0! though it looks like https://indieweb.org/Hugo#How_to could use some expansion, specifically to answer your question about adding h-card support to a Hugo theme

alephalpha0 Sweet. Thanks y'all.
[tantek] the nice thing is there’s a bunch of people here who use Hugo: https://indieweb.org/Hugo#IndieWeb_Examples so there's plenty of people to ask!

alephalpha0 I do already have a site set up.. but it's kinda barebones as far as far as making it my own goes right now.
alephalpha0 I'll browse those links and see what I can find.
alephalpha0 I've been reading the wiki here recently, but like most other wikis, it kinda sprawls at times.😀
tei_ joined the channel
alephalpha0 I'm glad it exists tho, that wasn't a slight against it.
capjamesg We are always here to help you navigate the wiki!
[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] interesting discussion on https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/discussions/1213 on whether Bluesky/ATProto should return the Content-Type header on HTTP requests for its blobs. I'm trying to advocate for yes, I'd love to hear if any of you have additional arguments for/against
bterry1 joined the channel
[tantek] some good responses to https://hachyderm.io/@renegadejade/110553942884474761

ahappydeath joined the channel
[tantek] UI design related observation: if your UI has *any* color whatsoever (e.g. images, decorative or not), then don't just use changes of black & white colorings (e.g. inversions) to indicate which UI item is "selected" or "default" or "active" or "hovered" or "focused" because it's too hard to tell if it's actually in that state or just "accented". Actual (bad) example: Amazon Prime Video UI on Apple TV (possibly elsewhere too). It's

tei_ and sebbu joined the channel
[snarfed] Bluesky soft launched federation to a sandbox! https://github.com/bluesky-social/pds/blob/main/SANDBOX.md
Seirdy, gnoo, tei_, KMF and [fluffy] joined the channel
ahappydeath and tei_ joined the channel
[tantek] !tell [benatwork] looks like your RSVP posts lost their markup because the <data> elements are being over-escaped, e.g. https://werd.io/view/51ca1213bed7de1e7763d71f