#dev 2023-07-01
2023-07-01 UTC
holiday_1, tei_1, alephalpha0, gRegor, kirbo_kirbstar, gerben, btrem, eitilt, IWSlackGateway, petermolnar, [KevinMarks], tei_, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
[tantek] Risks of administering an instance plus doing so from a machine at home: https://kolektiva.social/@admin/110637031574056150
[snarfed] joined the channel
tei_ joined the channel
tei_1, holiday_1 and btrem joined the channel
[KevinMarks] James - have a look at this paper https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/46522.pdf
vikanezrimaya !tell jacky regarding the `microformats` crate: sorry if I'm being annoying, but are you still planning to work on <https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/issues/7>? additionally, the html5ever dependency requires updating because my rustc complains it's not gonna support some syntax in there soon, and there's 0.26.0 already, while microformats is using 0.22.5
[KevinMarks] some unicode options πβΌβοΈβ
[KevinMarks] [dshanske] UK met office SVGs https://lightskyuk.github.io/icons.html
Soni can you make an ephemeral RSS feed?
[KevinMarks] you can make one and then delete it⦠what's the goal of the ephemerality?
Soni like IRC
Soni we want an ephemeral web
[KevinMarks] You can delete it after a certain time or after someone load it, I suppose. Getting clients to delete is trickier as most of them cache by default, as RSS was designed to have things scroll off the bottom (there is a 15 post limit on one of the specs)
[KevinMarks] You can set the TTL to get people to repoll you, but they may not delete old entries
Soni we're assuming feed readers don't support permanent redirects?
[KevinMarks] not for items necesserily
Soni for the feed itself
[KevinMarks] they should, yes
Soni so we can send a permanent redirect and then kill the old one?
Soni kinda like a cookie?
[KevinMarks] maybe. They may still cache old entries
geoffo and [asuh] joined the channel
vladimyr Are you talking about feed with or without embedded article content?
tei_ joined the channel
Matt1 joined the channel
Matt1 How does an Micropub/sub server validate a client_id if the client app is running on a mobile phone instead of a webserver?
Matt1 joined the channel
Matt1 @snarfed yeah
[snarfed] Matt1 ok! then that's probably the usual authorization request? https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authorization-request
Matt1 joined the channel
Matt1 From the spec: "The authorization endpoint SHOULD fetch the client_id URL to retrieve application information and the client's registered redirect URLs". How does that work if the client is a mobile (or desktop) app that isn't addressable over the network?
Matt1 I'm not really familiar with OAuth in detail, I'm following along with the IndiAuth spec trying to build an IndieAuth provider
Soni we just want something like "you only see stuff from when you joined", like IRC
Soni not with that attitude
Soni we want our web to have IRC semantics
geoffo and tei_ joined the channel
vladimyr Soni: it is not very serious effort but it's literally derived from word ephemeral and has ready to be implemented spec: https://github.com/makew0rld/fmrl
[KevinMarks] If I make a post and manually POSSE it to Mastodon and bluesky, how do I tell bridgy that?
nertzy joined the channel
Soni vladimyr: see, we want it to be compatible with the wrong tools
Soni feed readers should be able to just work with it
vladimyr In that case you are pretty much required to resort to rss hacks
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] RSS/Atom for life
[tw2113_Slack_] i say RSS as a collective of the tech behind it
capjamesg [KevinMarks] Here is my approach to the Taylor Swift app: https://github.com/capjamesg/taylor-swift/blob/main/web.py
capjamesg It then returns a result like this: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/db5602c2fa4e1697b5fbcdd81a68f796