r0ss.mehi - wondering if this is the right place to report a issue with mention-tech.appspot.com - currently some javascript shenanigans going on making the site unusable for me at least - problem is recreated across multiple browsers and platforms, mac, mobile etc
r0ss.meOn a related note I'm wondering what kind of timeline there typically is from posting to the fed.brid.gy webmention queue? I'm getting a 202 and 'enqueued task...' response which sounds good - just wondering if someone can point me to where I can find a little more out about uptime, queue time etc - thanks in advance!
r0ss.me[schmarty]: Ah - yes - I've been checking that every so often... I was hoping there might be a pointer to learn a little more about fed.brid.gy's webmention queue as something could be stuck on there (or I have not configured my domain for Fediverse participation correctly - perhaps more likely)
[snarfed]http://r0ss.me thanks! Bridgy Fed is choking because your u-author on that post doesn't have a u-url. BF should definitely handle that better, I'll fix it. thanks for reporting!
r0ss.me[edit] [snarfed]: Thats great - thanks for the help, will put that back on... not sure where it disappeared to - probably about time I add searching for that part of my unit tests (well formed microformat 2 markup)!
tei_1, btrem, [tantek] and tei_ joined the channel
havenmattHi, question: From the IndieAuth spec: "the profile scope is required when requesting profile information, the email scope cannot be requested on its own and must be requested along with the profile scope if desired."
havenmattHow come we require the 'profile' scope in order to ask for the 'email' scope? I'm building an IndieAuth provider and I plan to give the user the option to approve or deny individual scopes among those that are requested. I'd like them to be able to say "sure, have my email, but I don't want you to know my display name"
IWSlackGateway, [pfefferle], [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty]from other headlines i assumed that "amazon, meta, microsoft and tomtom" "releasing" maps just meant some new API to get monitored for using. this might be interesting!
[tantek]venue << Brainstorming: it appears you can import venue information as needed from Overture Maps points of interest as long as you credit them and mention their license: https://overturemaps.org/resources/faq/