#dev 2023-07-28

2023-07-28 UTC
nertzy, [Jo], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Havenmatt interesting question, aaronpk can you remember? Having a quick look through some of the issues in the spec repo it may be that we tried to follow OpenID Connect (but using `profile` instead of `openid`
[schmarty], [marksuth], [tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks], [pfefferle], [tantek], tei_, [campegg], btrem, tei_1, joshproehl, [capjamesg], gRegor, geoffo, [aciccarello], t0nic, [benatwork], bret, [snarfed], angelo, jjuran and Xe joined the channel