#dev 2023-08-01
2023-08-01 UTC
tei_1, BinarySavior, eitilt, tei_, farproc, Xe, [KevinMarks], mcc, shreyan[m], [0x3b0b] and olaf[m] joined the channel
kandr3s and JaeItIts[m] joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Jamstack << https://www.spicyweb.dev/farewell-jamstack/
# Loqi ok, I added "https://www.spicyweb.dev/farewell-jamstack/" to the "See Also" section of /Jamstack https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=88821&oldid=74764
# Loqi [preview] Lowdown Coffee is a speciality coffee shop in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. https://jamesg.blog/assets/lowdown_coffee.png
# Loqi [preview] Lowdown Coffee is a speciality coffee shop in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. https://jamesg.blog/assets/lowdown_coffee.png
# [KevinMarks] https://unmung2.appspot.com/indiecard?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjamesg.blog%2Fcafe.html Summary is the same as content
# Loqi [preview] Lowdown Coffee is a speciality coffee shop in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. https://jamesg.blog/assets/lowdown_coffee.png
IWSlackGateway, tei_, Guest6, [tw2113_Slack_], tei_1, geoffo and bterry joined the channel
# [snarfed] capjamesg: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#which-parts
[Jo], gRegor and tei_1 joined the channel
# capjamesg I'll put this in a GitHub repo.
# capjamesg How do I use https://github.com/microformats/microformats-parser in vanilla JS?
# capjamesg gRegor [tantek] https://github.com/capjamesg/venue-page-experiments
# [KevinMarks] james: like this I assume https://github.com/microformats/microformats-parser/blob/master/demo/demo.js
# [KevinMarks] hm, I assume so. Does it build to a single mjs to import?
# [KevinMarks] looks like this on web
# [KevinMarks] wtf, does that compile to https://microformats.github.io/microformats-parser/demo.b770e148.js ?
# [KevinMarks] indeed
[schmarty], geoffo, tei_ and [campegg] joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I think the browser usage needs better documentation https://github.com/microformats/microformats-parser/issues/220
# [snarfed] https://indieweb.org/comments#How_to_markup discusses how displayed webmentions (and responses from other sources) can/should be marked up with mf2, for consuming use cases like yours
[capjamesg] and tei_ joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] A rel=alternate for jf2 would make sense (and vice versa from the jf2)
# Loqi jf2 is a W3C Note and a JSON Post Serialization Format of microformats2 for that is optimized for h-entry consuming code, as compared to the standard microformats JSON representation https://indieweb.org/jf2
pharalia and sebbu2 joined the channel
# trwnh Question: would it be theoretically possible to make Webmention work with content negotiation?
# trwnh like, say your `source` requires a certain HTTP header to fetch properly