#dev 2023-08-02

2023-08-02 UTC
tei_, tei_1 and geoffo joined the channel
I doubt it. Is there a use-case or just a hypothetical?
tei_1 joined the channel
trwnh I think the answer right now is that it's unspecified
https://webmention.net/draft/#create-a-source-document-that-mentions-the-target doesn't say anything about either required Accept or Content-Type for source docs
https://webmention.net/draft/#webmention-verification says the Accept header on the source fetch is up to the receiver, not the sender
maybe more importantly, in practice almost all webmention usage in the wild so far has assumed/required HTML. theoretically other types could work too, at least text types that can contain the target URL, and the spec lightly mentions those, but we have very little experience beyond HTML so far
geoffo, bret, gRegor and tei_ joined the channel
tei_1, IWSlackGateway, [pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
you can put a webmention header on a non HTML asset, so target works, but parsing the source for a link is trickier. You can just treat it as text and search fro the link (there are some json and xml examples IIRC) but conneg is not a good answer. rel=alternate is better
eg https://svgshare.com/s/BBx shows a webmention with source=https://indieweb.org/buttons and target=https://svgshare.com/i/BBx.svg because the svg file has a webmention link header
HTTP/2 200
[preview] microformats svg icon https://svgshare.com/i/BBx.svg
tei_1, jonnybarnes, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [schmarty], [pfefferle]1, moose3336, [snarfed], geoffo, [tantek] and [Jo] joined the channel
Oh that's smart
tei_, tei_1, gRegorLove_, [Murray] and btrem joined the channel
it was partially a hypothetical, kind of a thought experiment on AS2 + Webmention for notifying someone that you've replied to them or that there is a Mention tag, without sending them a Create (which may have undesirable side effects)
conneg in that case would be required unless you served the jsonld and the html via different URIs
Sure! Yeah there's currently no provision for indicating required conneg like that to a webmention receiver
It would theoretically work if you served on different URLs though!
There probably aren't any existing wm receivers that support AS2 sources, but it's at least theoretically possible
although in most cases an AP implementatio would serve the jsonld if explicitly requested, right?
and a HTML version otherwise?
right. in trwnh's scenario, they want the wm receiver to fetch and use the AS2 JSON (LD) as the source document, but wm receivers wouldn't know to use conneg to get that document, so they'd get the HTML instead
which would also have a link
rel-alternate? sure, but similarly there's no way to tell a wm receiver to follow a specific rel link and use it as the source doc instead
no, to the thing mentioned
oh. sure, but it sounded like the goal wasn't just to pass wm verification, it was for the wm receiver to actually fetch and use the AS2 as the source doc
(trwnh can correct me if I'm wrong!)
okay, but if you build a receiver that is expected to deal with json-ld, then its IMHO also fine to expect to figure out how to do that
*how to get that
doesnt need you to tell it how
sure! totally fine. you're just into non-standard territory
you'd also need some logic for which types to prefer. the HTML doc would be a perfectly valid source doc that links to the target, but the wm sender wants the receiver to use the JSON-LD instead, so the receiver would need to know to prefer it
I'm curious what aaronpk thinks here, given that non-HTML source docs were foreseen in the spec, but in practice no one's seriously tried to use them yet afaik
in doubt discover both, check both. conneg is annoying like that, but thats just how it is
sure, you can fetch and look at both, but if both are valid, like in this case, you still need to decide which one to use
or in this case, rel-alternate following
bret joined the channel
I think technically my website (and webmention.io) will accept a webmention from a URL that serves activitypub json via conneg already
because it uses XRay to fetch the source page, and XRay has a complicated conneg string and content type priority list
aaronpk interesting! I'm guessing XRay's conneg still prefers HTML though, right?
Yes but there's also something about having it retry with a different conneg string somewhere
Tho there's a way for the thing calling the library to change the accept header too so really I'd have to check what webmention.io is doing
wow interesting. so do you convert from AS2 to jf2 or something similar?
I feel like we had some cases where things went weird because it fetched an AS2 version
sounds likely
[preview] [bekopharm] #101 Make this work with ActivityPub WordPress plugin
doesnm joined the channel
what is selfauth
selfauth is a single user authorization endpoint written as single-file PHP without a database https://indieweb.org/selfauth
angelo and doesnm[m]1 joined the channel
doesnm[m]1, are you getting a selfauth php error? which php version?
tei_ joined the channel
<gRegor> "doesnm, are you getting a..." <- 8.2.8
[snarfed] How do I change my profile photo on Mastodon?
doesnm[m]1, Could you file an issue on github? https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth/issues
Okay. One sec, im want to reproduce
It updated my note but not my photo.
[preview] [doesnmisclown] #50 Deprecation
Using the refresh button on BF? Shouldn't update any notes.
Mastodon caching too, may not update immediately
Esp if you're not signed in
Ping 1 minute xd
Im sleep, tommorow checks github
doesnm[m]1++ thanks. I don't really use/maintain selfauth but others might take a look soon
doesnm[m]1 has 1 karma over the last year
capjamesg, doesn't look like you have a representative h-card https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjamesg.blog%2F
gRegor: BF?
Bridgy Fed, that was meant for capjamesg
Btw libera planning to disable matrix-irc bridge. IndieWeb drops matrix?
they are not disabling the bridge, they just switch it to opt in
(and a slightly different mode of operation, which we'll switch to)
capjamesg BF may also be unhappy somewhere here, I'll look
btrem joined the channel
Thank you!
[preview] W3C SWICG
[preview] W3C SWICG
tei_ joined the channel
nice! I think u-uid should only be on the homepage URL though.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
What is u-uid?
u-uid is a microformats2 property for representing a unique identifier for the item, e.g https://indieweb.org/u-uid
I'm going to bed but feel free to submit PRs! https://github.com/swicg/www
[preview] [swicg] www: Homepage for SWICG.
tei_ and [capjamesg] joined the channel