#dev 2023-08-07

2023-08-07 UTC
It shows up only after I manually ran `curl -X POST -i -d source=https://ap.brid.gy/convert/web/https://social.mikutter.hachune.net/users/osa_k/statuses/110841748303822746 -d target=https://osak.jp/posts/ja/breath-of-the-wild/ https://webmention.io/osak.jp/webmention`. I don't know the exact source URL Bridgy Fed would use, but the reply wasn't automatically synced
[preview] [ミョウガ] @osak.jp てすてす
It barely shows a log message about searching for log messages then reporting no logs found 🤔
also, more or less, the other reply to the article isn't synced to webmention.io (I didn't change any configs between two replies) https://social.mikutter.hachune.net/@osa_k/110841715843010389
Hm, not sure. [snarfed] can probably look into the logs more
Dan, IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
hi again osa_k! you're right about those Bridgy Fed URLs and the redirects. wm receivers are supposed to follow source URL redirects, and I'm pretty sure http://webmention.io has done that for a long time now
here's the http://webmention.io status URL for the webmention: https://webmention.io/osak.jp/webmention/TKyZd7obVjsldG90Na5v . it says the source doc doesn't link to the target. but fetching https://ap.brid.gy/convert/web/https:/social.mikutter.hachune.net/users/osa_k/statuses/110841748303822746/activity (and following redirects), it definitely does. so I'm not sure what happened
[tantek] joined the channel
Hey snarfed, thanks for the response! I looked into the code a bit further and started to suspect that webmention.io doesn't handle redirects in reality.
hmm, that XRay service is disabling redirect following for `brid.gy` links 🤔 https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/blob/main/lib/helpers.php#L44
[snarfed], do you know any context by any chance? The webmention.io-XRay stack doesn't seem to expect Bridgy to return redirects
Oh wow, that seems wrong. cc [aaronpk]
I didn't think I had any special logic for bridgy in there...
That was apparently added 8 years ago
i vaguely remember some old issue with appspot URLs that I had to work around
We were all young and foolish
Funny, skimming the first page of https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues, I suspect this is the root cause of many of them
osa_k++ awesome sleuthing!
osa_k has 1 karma over the last year
whoa, didn't imagine my adventure results in such a big found! Thanks [snarfed] 🙂
eitilt and tbbrown joined the channel
The diagrams at the bottom of https://github.com/jcsalterego/Contrails are interesting (Bluesky).
[preview] [jcsalterego] Contrails: Contrails is an ATProto Feed Generator backed by Cloudflare Workers and Bluesky Search.
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