2023-08-08 UTC
[aciccarello], bterry, eitilt1, eitilt, trwnh, strugee-, gRegor, laker, btrem, joshproehl, t0nic, mooff, gnoo, omz13, lanodan, ludovicchabant, Kaja, aaronpk and jamietanna joined the channel
# 10:45 Loqi [preview] [Jamie Tanna] My "pumped" Spotify playlist is my alarm and my "trick my ADHD brain into doing the thing" 😁 I find a few of the artists like Maduk and Fox Stevenson coming on usually do the trick
# 13:02 rubenwardy Changed link to point to the wiki page, so that there's fewer places to update
# 13:29 [KevinMarks] Yes, sorry. A domain I registered with Google whne they outsourced to GoDaddy and could not get them to stop being vogons about to reclaim it.
tei_ joined the channel
# 13:49 rubenwardy I prefer Malcolm's design as it's closer to IWC and is colourful
# 13:49 rubenwardy but looks like Shane was intending to color his at a later point
btrem, tei_ and geoffo joined the channel
[jamietanna] joined the channel
# 14:32 [jamietanna] Yeah I did an update to it and have manually mentioned BF but doesn't seem to be picking up that there's an update?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# 14:36 [snarfed] so, BF saw three update wms, but each time when it refetched the post, it thought the content was unchanged
tei_1 and jacknemitz joined the channel
# 14:57 jacknemitz hello, just testing out irssi for the first time
tei_1 joined the channel
# 15:11 [snarfed] [jamietanna] looks like it may be a bug with how BF converts HTML to (Markdown) text, but I'm not sure. will keep you posted
jacknemitz and bret joined the channel; jacknemitz left the channel
# 17:13 capjamesg jacknemitz Hello!
# 17:13 capjamesg I used to use irssi!
jacknemitz joined the channel
# 17:26 jacknemitz IWDiscord: hey :) did you find it confusing to configure?
jacknemitz joined the channel
# 17:31 jacknemitz if using a tui irc client is it recomended to run it on a dedicated vps?
# 17:34 [snarfed] [jamietanna] thanks for reporting! that was definitely a BF bug. deployed a fix hopefully, feel free to retry
tei_, gerben, tei_1, bret, geoffo, bterry and sebbu2 joined the channel