#dev 2023-08-17
2023-08-17 UTC
ender1, eitilt, bterry1, btrem, gRegorLove_, [0x3b0b], jjuran, gRegor, [Jo], [KevinMarks], tei_ and gerben joined the channel
[schmarty] what are maps?

Loqi 🗺 Maps are representations of the real world that are often used to display the location of a post, especially for checkins, and sometimes an aspect of archive pages, showing locations (or animating travel) during the month or other time period https://indieweb.org/maps

[schmarty] oh that's not what i expected, interesting.

[benatwork], btrem, eitilt and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] [Jo] what's the http://webmentio.io status page for that failed webmention? (http://wm.io returns it in the Location header.) we can maybe take a look
[aciccarello] and nertzy joined the channel

[snarfed] [Jo] got it. could be that http://wm.io doesn't support relative target URLs? https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/123 , cc [aaronpk]
aaronpk so if you send a webmention with `target=https://dead.garden/art` but the page has `/art` in it, it will correctly fail

tei_ joined the channel
[snarfed] interesting ok. yeah the spec is light on language for this, but I guess this is close: "The source document MUST have an exact match of the target URL provided in order for it to be considered a valid Webmention." https://webmention.net/draft/#webmention-verification
[snarfed] [aaronpk] while we're on the topic of http://wm.io, https://github.com/aaronpk/XRay/pull/120 ?
[snarfed] hah sure. live on both http://wm.io and http://xray.p3k.app?
[snarfed] confirmed! https://webmention.io/www.jvt.me/webmention/nLYk8BQjgd8mT7Uf7CqT . woo, thank you!
[campegg] and [jamietanna] joined the channel
[jamietanna] 👏 Amazing, thanks snarfed++ aaronpk++

eitilt joined the channel
[schmarty] aaronpk++ yay looking forward to updating xray! snarfed++

tei_ joined the channel
[schmarty] Yeah interesting if webmention verification doesn't resolve relative URLs to the source or base or whatever