#dev 2023-08-18
2023-08-18 UTC
[snarfed] right. I suspect this wasn't [Jo]'s original problem in https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-08-14#t1692028187984400 though, but not sure
Loqi [preview] [[Jo]] Does http://webmention.io do its own thing or something? Idk i tried to send a webmention with just the link and it didnt work so i ended up putting u-in-reply-to

eitilt and eitilt1 joined the channel
Gene, btrem, gerben, rocto and Nuve joined the channel
[jamietanna] Snarfed is there a way to backfill webmentions from Bridgy Fed? I assume not (easily)

Nuve joined the channel
[jamietanna] Ah just the failures that have happened since signing up

eitilt joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
rubenwardy [tantek]: the spam's json is https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/501dfa52de5ce8a8e6e87448492e9c50

rubenwardy using webmention.io

rubenwardy I guess the chances are good that this is pingback and not webmention

rubenwardy ah interesting

IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
rubenwardy everything is moderated and 2 instances in a year isn't much

rubenwardy my comment form was getting multiple spam comments a day until I added a honey pot field

rubenwardy now it's been 1 since I added the field

rubenwardy surprisingly effective

rubenwardy (honeypot field = a field hidden by CSS that a bot will fill out but users won't)

Loqi local comments are comments (sometimes called native comments) that are made directly (locally) on a post (like an article) in the UI of the site serving it, instead of posting a reply post on an indieweb site and sending a webmention https://indieweb.org/local_comments

[tantek] rubenwardy ^ add yourself to the https://indieweb.org/local_comments#IndieWeb_Examples section there if you like! especially with a summary of your honeypot technique that you have found effective in auto-spam-blocking

rubenwardy My September blog post will be about my experience implementing indieweb stuff and local comments

rubenwardy so that would be good to link there

rubenwardy how do I link to my user

rubenwardy added something there with dodgy user formatting

rubenwardy so much of the spam caught is just pure gibberish

superkuh I actually implemented local comments and webmention support the same way: having nginx log certain endpoints to .log files on disk.
superkuh So to leave a comment it's just http://mydomain.com/@say/Any sentence here. It can be multiple sentences. For some directories the comments are displayed in-line in iframes, but most just go to a general 'comment' page. Like a guestbook.
superkuh Very few bots are made to leave comments in such a weird way.
superkuh I don't get much spam at all.
[tantek] whoa never heard of that technique. definitely worth adding to https://indieweb.org/local_comments#IndieWeb_Examples

[tantek] rubenwardy, when you have a moment, if you recall when (what date) you added support for local comments, and a link to your first post that received them (presumably on that date or soon after), can you add them to your entry? I put a couple of placeholders there for now: https://indieweb.org/local_comments#rubenwardy

rubenwardy added now

rubenwardy ok, set up template for my user

rubenwardy nice

superkuh I wish that along with "Disallow" and "Allow" there was a "Comment" field in robots.txt where you could "send" (really have them pull) a message to web spiders's owners.
eitilt, eitilt1, gRegor, sp1ff, Nuve and bret joined the channel
[snarfed] did you click the 🔄 button on https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com to update your profile?
[tantek] I mean just the additional link showing up at all (nevermind verified) e.g. at https://w3c.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com/

[snarfed] ok! then yeah it's probably that it needs to be https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/ , sadly
[tantek] well they seem to have propagated to lots of servers per https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com

[snarfed] yup. and looking at the AS2 Update BF sent, your https://www.threads.net/@tantek link is in there
IWSlackGateway joined the channel