#dev 2023-08-24

2023-08-24 UTC
geoffo, btrem, eitilt, klez, oenone_, gerben, jjuran, IWSlackGateway, gRegor, Hyjjh, AramZS, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], lifeofpablo, angelo and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed] I haven't noticed any issues but Inoreader is complaining about bridgy fed's atom feed. I'll let you know if I can figure out what the error is more specifically.
I wonder if it's any of these issues.
[snarfed] joined the channel
hmm thanks, will look
probably XML parsing error: <unknown>:778:629: mismatched tag , due to us injecting HTML content from Mastodon into the feed and claiming it's XHTML
lifeofpablo joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
Cool, I think I escape all the html in my feed but it looks really messy. Thanks for taking a look.
I'm modifying front matter for ingredient posts, with the idea of building an index like you see in recipe books, where there's a title and page number for key ingredients. So for me it'd be a title and link. So I will need to modify my ingredients list (currently an array of objects, where each object is an ingredient.)
I'm not sure how I want to structure the objects. Lots of moving parts. I will probably want to index based on only part of the ingredient, e.g., orange carrots will probably be indexed on carrots.
I think it'd be helpful to see examples or read articles about it. Any reading recommendations?
I've played around with a special recipe language but didn't get far. Recipes have quite a lot of structural complexity. I've mostly manually tagged my recipes.
gRegor joined the channel
It's called cooklang
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
The cooklang approach is intriguing. I think I'll continue to separate ingredients from directions, but I wonder if I can tag the ingredient name with special characters and extract it. Probably not, but worth an investigation.
To clarify: tag the ingredient in some manner like "1 large @onion@" and then add that recipe to the index under onion. But I don't know how easy it'd be to extract that from a front matter array in 11ty.
Yeah, might be hard to get that into 11tys data model
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Quantities are hard. I remember Google parsing cocktail recipes and getting very confused trying to convert oz into ml in a sensible way
Not to mention cups vs grams for various ingredients
I'd love to add scaling to my site at some point but it seems hard for sure
For this recipe you'll need 10 teaspoons
It might be easier to just put the amount with the ingredient, and add a separate sub item to specify the index entry. { "2 large eggplant": {"index": "eggplant"}}. Not the easiest in terms of data entry, even in yaml.
There was the microsyntax Maureen used for tweeting recipes in the 140 char days. https://twitter.com/cookbook https://www.amazon.com/dp/1579654266/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_0ZqDybEKEV8BF
gerben joined the channel
Eg Banana Pancakes: Beat ¾c milk&ripebanana/3egg/3T oil. Sift2c flr/T bkgpdr&rum/½t soda&cinn. Fold all; +to grsdpan@med. Flip when bubbling.