#dev 2023-08-25
2023-08-25 UTC
eitilt, lifeofpablo, sp1ff, angelo, Loqi, GWG, jjuran_, sp1ff` and Fisher244599 joined the channel
rubenwardy what percentage is spam and what isn't?

rubenwardy If webmentions becomes a widely accepted standard, you'll end up in the same situation

rubenwardy, gxt, AramZS and gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] from #indieweb, re https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/11247 , they don't mention the AS2 vocab they'll use, and I don't actually see any obvious AS2 activity types in https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#extendedtypes
gRegor and btrem joined the channel
[snarfed] ah, they say they'll use ForgeFed's vocab extension: https://forgefed.org/spec/
eitilt joined the channel
sp1ff and [jacky] joined the channel
[jacky] so https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/40 is still experimental but there's a behavior I'd like to confirm/see: if one were to delete a channel, what would happen to all of the resources associated to that channel? does one have an idea of a "default" channel that these can get reallocated to?

Loqi [jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:31pm UTC: I think I figured out the microformats-parser#7 — `resolve_implied_name` is called way too early, when no items sufficient to suppress implied property detection are parsed yet! The invocation should be somehow moved far later, at the end of parsing

Loqi [jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:51pm UTC: https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/merge_requests/6

Loqi [jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:51pm UTC: https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/merge_requests/6

vikanezrimaya jacky: hey! I think my bouncer is not showing the full history, must be a glitch, but looking at the pushes I can assume you just got the messages I sent you some time ago lol
vikanezrimaya ooh, unions? unions are important
vikanezrimaya I wish I was in a union, tho my work conditions are already great
vikanezrimaya more on-topic: glad you can finally find some time to review and merge it. I hope that I did not break anything. we surely need more tests around the parser
vikanezrimaya clearly the official test suite is incomplete
vikanezrimaya so good that mf2 is a really standardized format, either some HTML with classes or JSON. I guess it shouldn't be hard to extend the official test suite with the cases we found?...
[jacky] not at all; just a PR to https://github.com/microformats/tests

[KevinMarks] Stares in AppEngine https://mastodon.social/@Rhodium103/110950432040895451

vikanezrimaya jacky: re micropub channels deletion: while I've never deleted channels on my website, in Kittybox whenever a channel (i.e. an h-feed object is deleted), the feed disappears, and whatever posts were there stay in other feeds they were added to, or become effectively unlisted (but permalinks remain active)
vikanezrimaya I think this is reasonable, since permalinks are sacred
vikanezrimaya I don't think deleting a feed should cascade to deleting all the posts in the feed
vikanezrimaya and I believe leaving orphaned links is fine, because they can be still traced via permalinks or in the database (I should definitely build better tools for exploring the database, especially considering I have an abstraction over the storage backend)
sp1ff left the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
[jacky] this is (going to be) the latest test output https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/jobs/4956982636

sp1ff joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
gRegor jkingweb is working on some big updates to the microformats tests btw: https://github.com/microformats/tests/pull/126

sp1ff joined the channel
SigmundurM joined the channel
[david], sp1ff, SigmundurM, sp1ff`, barnaby, eitilt and sp1ff`` joined the channel