#dev 2023-08-25

2023-08-25 UTC
eitilt, lifeofpablo, sp1ff, angelo, Loqi, GWG, jjuran_, sp1ff` and Fisher244599 joined the channel
i'm really tempted to turn off all pingback support in webmention.io
i'm looking at the logs while i'm debugging things and the amount of spam is out of control
aaronpk: You could also turn it off by default to start and require some express action to enable it
what percentage is spam and what isn't?
But not sure there's a benefit to incrementalism
If webmentions becomes a widely accepted standard, you'll end up in the same situation
GWG: you need to add the pingback header to a site to enable it already
Good point. Take it out of the instructions?
it's already deprioritized in the instructions now, rather than being in the default thing you copy and paste
and yeah, rubenwardy has a point, it might be a good experimental base for working on spam filters :D
this makes no sense, I'm getting a weird database error on an API call, but only after the app has been running for a few seconds. the first few calls work fine after just starting the app
hmm something must be changing a setting on the SQL connection
rubenwardy, gxt, AramZS and gRegor joined the channel
from #indieweb, re https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/11247 , they don't mention the AS2 vocab they'll use, and I don't actually see any obvious AS2 activity types in https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#extendedtypes
gRegor and btrem joined the channel
ah, they say they'll use ForgeFed's vocab extension: https://forgefed.org/spec/
eitilt joined the channel
[preview] [Alice Doe] ForgeFed
sp1ff and [jacky] joined the channel
placing this in dev b/c I'm thinking about this both from a UX and coding perspective:
so https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/40 is still experimental but there's a behavior I'd like to confirm/see: if one were to delete a channel, what would happen to all of the resources associated to that channel? does one have an idea of a "default" channel that these can get reallocated to?
[jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:31pm UTC: I think I figured out the microformats-parser#7 — `resolve_implied_name` is called way too early, when no items sufficient to suppress implied property detection are parsed yet! The invocation should be somehow moved far later, at the end of parsing
[jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:39pm UTC: ...or maybe the function is just called twice. I commented out a second invocation at line 404 and the test passed. Including the rest of the test suite (except one failure with dates that was already present)
[jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:51pm UTC: https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/merge_requests/6
[jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:39pm UTC: ...or maybe the function is just called twice. I commented out a second invocation at line 404 and the test passed. Including the rest of the test suite (except one failure with dates that was already present)
[jacky]: vikanezrimaya left you a message on 2023-07-22 at 9:51pm UTC: https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/merge_requests/6
oh that's AWESOME, vikanezrimaya
jacky: hey! I think my bouncer is not showing the full history, must be a glitch, but looking at the pushes I can assume you just got the messages I sent you some time ago lol
haha yeah
sorry for not being more active; union stuff at work has been _eating_ my free time
will review and merge this in!
ooh, unions? unions are important
that I agree 🙂
*on that, I agree
I wish I was in a union, tho my work conditions are already great
even more reason to have one; so that you don't _lose_ good conditions
but #-chat 🙂
more on-topic: glad you can finally find some time to review and merge it. I hope that I did not break anything. we surely need more tests around the parser
clearly the official test suite is incomplete
that I agree and I'm hoping to contribute more of that upstream
the ability to pull from the shared test cases is really handy here for that
so good that mf2 is a really standardized format, either some HTML with classes or JSON. I guess it shouldn't be hard to extend the official test suite with the cases we found?...
[preview] [microformats] tests: Microformats test suite
jacky: re micropub channels deletion: while I've never deleted channels on my website, in Kittybox whenever a channel (i.e. an h-feed object is deleted), the feed disappears, and whatever posts were there stay in other feeds they were added to, or become effectively unlisted (but permalinks remain active)
I think this is reasonable, since permalinks are sacred
I don't think deleting a feed should cascade to deleting all the posts in the feed
and I believe leaving orphaned links is fine, because they can be still traced via permalinks or in the database (I should definitely build better tools for exploring the database, especially considering I have an abstraction over the storage backend)
excellent point! I think my challenge is that my content would partly derive its URL _based_ on the channel it's in
but that's not too hard to change
great, think I somehow lost your changes 💢
sp1ff left the channel
no they're there
[tantek] joined the channel
ideally once this is cleaned up, I'll cut a 0.5.0 release
Jacky++ for unionstuff++
Jacky has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (53 in all channels)
unionstuff has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
sp1ff joined the channel
cracks knuckles
let's see what's going on here
btrem joined the channel
jkingweb is working on some big updates to the microformats tests btw: https://github.com/microformats/tests/pull/126
[preview] [JKingweb] #126 [WIP] Unit tests
👀 will subscribe to that
sp1ff joined the channel
okay lol I have no idea what's broken now
I _think_ this could be related to the change of the HTML parser
SigmundurM joined the channel
going to test downgrading to see
nope, nothing so this is a logic issue 😭
[david], sp1ff, SigmundurM, sp1ff`, barnaby, eitilt and sp1ff`` joined the channel