#dev 2023-08-28

2023-08-28 UTC
Loqi___ and [tantek] joined the channel
in relation to keybase, I remember my reddit proof breaking as soon as the snoosite shut down the API
keybase seems to be almost unmaintained and I wouldn't consider depending on it in prod
bterry, gxt and superkuh joined the channel
The key case people got aquihired by Zoom
*keybase, stupid autocarrot
superkuh, btrem, jeremy, AramZS and sp1ff joined the channel
[preview] [steve-bate] activitypub-testsuite: Server-independent, full-automated test suite primary focused on ActivityPub server compliance testing.
[snarfed] joined the channel
is this different than the revived activitypub.rocks one he made?
I _believe_ so
yeah the revived one wasn't literally served on the same hosts
and yes this one does look new
ah there's more discussion in #fediverse-devs:http://matrix.org
so many apps
gRegor, gxt and btrem joined the channel
so many channels
[dave] joined the channel
[snarfed] the interesting distinction between silos/POSSE and mastodon/fedi options is that there's a lot more confidence in depending on open standards for the various masto/fedi options IMO
elaborate on "confidence" ?
whereas all the silo POSSE approaches IIRC required proprietary APIs based on getting dev/app permissions etc.
a minority, yes
which could change at the whim of the silo at any moment
on the other hand, interop is way harder and less predictable in the fediverse than in silos
hence more confidence that depending on an open standard would "keep working"
different confidences for different problems
confidence that what you do get working, keeps working
yup, that's one kind, of a number that apply
which I'd assert is the more important one, reducing future uncertainty
eh. subjective. but understood
whereas short term challenges in figuring out how to make something work "at all" is more of an immediate / known "problem" rather than a lack of "confidence"
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] Having spent a fair amount of time developing for all of them, my experience has been that most proprietary social network (“silo”) APIs are on the easy/low effort end of the spectrum, followed closely by the Bluesky API, webmention + microformat...
yes, confidence (or lack thereof) is a different measure IMO than "ease of implementing" (or lack thereof)
I'd argue they're sometimes long term, ongoing, and still lack confidence that they'll keep working
every time a new implementation pops up, it's interop testing all over again. and moving goalposts with HTTP sigs versions, etc
both sides have problems. my experience has definitely been that building for the fediverse and similar protocols is very different than silos, but so far _not_ that it's easier. just different
that's a good point, even with masto/fedi, since there's plenty un/underspecified, every new implementation is going to be a bit of a testing/guessing game
(both building and maintaining over time)
oversimplification would be that silo APIs are significantly easier to get working, fediverse and other protocols have the _potential_ to be easier to maintain. I haven't seen that yet, but maybe it'll turn out to be true over time
(webmention + mf2 are way easier to get working. not always as easy as the average silo API, but much closer)
sp1ff`, barnaby and bterry joined the channel