#dev 2023-08-29

2023-08-29 UTC
geoffo, Xe, gRegor and sp1ff joined the channel
hit a big ATProto development today: my implementation https://github.com/snarfed/arroba successfully federates with their sandbox. exciting, even if (because) it took a ton of development and interop debugging to get here
[preview] [snarfed] arroba: Python implementation of Bluesky PDS and AT Protocol, including repo, MST, and sync methods
looks like I was the second or maybe third independent implementation to federate, not the first, but no matter, still good news
[schmarty] joined the channel
snarfed++ arroba++
arroba has 1 karma over the last year
snarfed has 103 karma in this channel over the last year (153 in all channels)
geoffo joined the channel
Late night hacking session got me in Micropub land
So https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#update allows multiple action types (replace, add and delete) all at once
I'm tempted to make this an error for the IndieWeb rust library to reduce complexity in implementing clients but I can see the benefit of not doing so because you can add tags and replace a syndication target
Does any client support this functionality of multiple actions?
Actually nvm, gonna let clients figure that out
I think for Koype, I'll do it the easy way (replace, delete, add) and then look into an changeset algorithm to parse that when it encounters more than one operation
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
bterry joined the channel
if I want to use a micropub client to publish an article. What format would I be expected to write the content in, markdown, html, mdx, etc? Would that be up to the server to handle different types of formats?
Generally text or HTML but your server is also free to interpret the content however you want. For example Quill has a rich editor that will send HTML, but you could parse that or augment it server side too. If the editor sends only text then your server could treat it as markdown too.
That said, I have an experimental feature in quill that tells the server the content type of the request so I can explicitly send Markdown sometimes
I see, so there is no content type in the post request the client sends that says what format the content is in right? So the server should do its best to figure it out
There is no content type field but there is an html and text field like the microformats JSON
theres an example of the request on micropub.rocks
Ah awesome, I'll have a look! Thanks aaronpk++
aaronpk has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
[Murray], AramZS, IWSlackGateway, geoffo, [aciccarello], btrem, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
This is interesting - a step beyond the narrow JSON spec https://cosocial.ca/@timbray/110974161072376590
bret joined the channel
For a second I thought Tim wrote yet another JSON spec because of how you introduced that link [KevinMarks] :D
same Zegnat
[capjamesg] joined the channel
I really did not want to add yet another JSON spec to /JSON hahaha
His ijson one is good
I-JSON is fine. It is the jsonc, jsonc, UBJSON, BSON, BJSON, JSONH, JSON5 et all that pushed me over the edge
sp1ff joined the channel
you're forgetting mf2json 😄
Thankfully that is not a new JSON format, that is just what you put into normal JSON.
All the other ones (claim to be) are new formats with specs. Because everyone wants a spec.
In 2018 I wondered if we should standardise on I-JSON for mf2 parsing into JSON, apparently: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/23
[preview] [Zegnat] #23 Should the spec define what JSON spec we adhere to?
I had since forgotten
[benatwork] joined the channel
Does that one specify using utf8 rather than \U escapes or & ones?
Today in "close to the meridian" problems: I have some locations in packed DMS lat long format so 58N3245 or 002W4312
One of them was 1 degree and 43 seconds East , so 001E0043 and the js parser decided that was 1e46 which rather broke the leaflet code treating it as a longitude.
[KevinMarks] I saw someone at the ordinance survey post on LinkedIn about digital maps you can control with your hands.
I’ll dig up the post and share.
Their app is crap though. Completely ruined by their crappy login model.
btrem joined the channel