#dev 2023-09-01

2023-09-01 UTC
btrem joined the channel
since frontmatter conventions are nearly completely inconsistent, is there an opportunity to perhaps specify a microformats-based vocabulary and (micro)syntax for frontmatter as a proposed standard for frontmatter?
there's at least 1 precedent for that, since my frontmatter uses mf2 vocab :)
ok that's actually very cool
why is published: "2017-04-15T18:23:00-07:00" outside of properties? also presumably "type" is using mf2 root class names types
I think because "published" is generated by the software and is a 100% required property that everything would break if not available
i don't remember why type is there but I suspect it's similar that it is kind of core to everything
if it's in the mf2 properties then it's more or less optional, that's where the logic of switching templates and deciding what to show comes in
Interesting, I've stored mine in JSON
JSON is way less hand editing friendly
I store mine in HTML+mf2 lol
(well the "frontmatter" at least, the actual notes content is "plain text" which gets sent through auto-linking/hashtagging/etc.)
loo, lqdev, [schmarty]1, [snarfed]1, [tantek]1, IWSlackGateway1, IWSlackGateway, [tantek]2, bret_, jonnybarnes_, sp1ff`, gerben_, rubywarden and gxt joined the channel
There's some convergence of front matter in Hugo between themes, though they have 3 syntaxes for it
[pfefferle], AramZS and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Hugo seems heavy on convention
AramZS, gxt, greglopez, IWSlackGateway, btrem and [tantek] joined the channel
the real trick is to use .d/
[KevinMarks] and mretka joined the channel
Re: that article about <ol> from the other day ... whenever someone tells me HTML cannot do a thing I have to try and see if it is true. https://zegnat.neocities.org/ordered_list
[tantek] joined the channel
You may have to use :marker and explicit counter-* property list numbering to get it the same with all the ( ) properties etc