#sisomaIt's amazing how far CSS has gotten, from floats being literally everywhere (while I haven't used floats, I have added features to websites which *heavily* use floats), to basically not being necessary ever, except for the actual situation where they are useful; Having elements inside a flow of text and the text seamlessly wraps around the element.
nertzy, [KevinMarks]1, [fluffy]1, AramZS, geoffo, jan6, [asuh], [tw2113_Slack_], greglopez, [nsmsn], saptaks, nsh and [dave] joined the channel
#Loqi[preview] [Aaron Parecki] We are just a couple weeks away from closing up the walls on the new house! Are there any last minute requests I should put in for things in the walls? We already have: ethernet everywhere, 2x the required power outlets, water on the patios, intercom...