#dev 2023-09-09

2023-09-09 UTC
bterry, [aaronpk], trwnh, sknebel, gnoo, Habi, [schmarty], IWSlackGateway, btrem, AramZS, AramZS_ and [tantek] joined the channel
Good webmention test case!
Multi reply to multiple sites!
Would catch bugs where a receiver only checks the first in-reply-to it finds to see if it links to the receiver
[aaronpk] what are your thoughts on expanding webmention.rocks test cases?
kushal joined the channel
Happy to accept help, but don't have bandwidth to do it myself
[snarfed], gerben, greglopez and AramZS joined the channel
That makes complete sense. More a question of do you have any particular vision or preference for the scope of the test suite? Iā€™m thinking of coming up with more tests for specific /response "types" so folks can continue to expand their implementations with steps they can test
geoffo, btrem, [jeremycherfas] and [aciccarello] joined the channel