#dev 2023-09-15

2023-09-15 UTC
petermolnar, aaronpk, Fisher244599, rhiaro, [snarfed], [dshanske], Saphire1, strugee_, klez, sivoais, IWSlackGateway, lanodan, nsh, joshproehl, slyduda and eitilt joined the channel
capjamesg guess I need to read through the meeting notes, but like angelo said it is coming across as horse before cart
but that could just be the phrasing
plus AS2 and AP have, at the moment, so much momentum
interoperability will tend towards whatever is easier for the big players to appear to meet their obligations vis-à-vis applicable EU directives
AramZS joined the channel
Yeah I should have reversed the order; my bad.
I’ll clarify that in a statement in the meeting.
btrem and [Murray] joined the channel
Quick technical question about This Week in Indieweb: is there an RSS/Atom feed or is it purely MF2? If there is, does it truncate the content at all? Trying to work out if I have a bug in my feed reader or not and couldn't seem to find it by viewing source
[tantek] joined the channel
thanks [snarfed]! Yes please add that to the table 😂
tiim, [schmarty] and btrem joined the channel
Is there any interest in continuing work on Microsub toward a standard?
btrem joined the channel
A microsub/mastodon api bridge could be interesting
my impression is that generally "more work with microsub" would have to come before "toward a standard"
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
sknebel What work would you like to see?
(I agree fully.)
tbh not up to speed what the main points were (stopped using microsub-based things and didnt really follow up), but in general I think more different things using it and finding edge cases and gaps would be needed. and of course the question if anything "toward a standard" past "we have a living spec on github" is even needed
afaict the main difference with a real standards body vs github-only living spec is more and clearer governance and process. another difference is the authority and weight that the standards body gives to it
(actual standards people here probably have more thoughts)
[snarfed] Any thoughts on Johannes' last email?
not really. I don't know the best ways to do standards body process. lots of other people here have more experience and opinions there
rubenwardy joined the channel
[Murray], TWII has both h-feed and RSS https://indieweb.org/this-week-in-the-indieweb
angelo joined the channel
[preview] [dret] #29 Register "webmention" with IANA
wow i have no memory of that 🙈
[preview] [gobengo] @snarfed @RangerMauve I tried to figure out what `rel=me` would mean, but it is hard, because it is not a registered link relation. Can you link me to the relevant specification and/or community that would be appropriate to manage a registration at h...
give me a thumbs up if you like my double double wordplay in my reply to that
Did bengo have a stroke, or is he being a roll on purpose this week?
maybe just an honest mistake
[capjamesg] joined the channel
Can I submit it aaronpk?
How do I do that?
Oh I see now.
I'll do it now.
[preview] [capjamesg] #61 Registration Request: me
What other ones can I do?
`micropub`? `indieauth-metadata`?
Should we submit `rel=me` to the WHATWG HTML living standard too?
[dave] joined the channel
Oooh, nice!
Both w3c and whatwg already link to microformats
[nsmsn] joined the channel