#dev 2023-09-14

2023-09-14 UTC
AramZS, wagle, [capjamesg] and ludovicchabant joined the channel
snarfed, Using the BF cross-post to Mastodon option, it's saying that social.lifeofpablo.com doesn't look like a Mastodon instance. Any details from the logs?
gRegor "doesn't look like a Mastodon instance" sounds like Bridgy classic, not Fed...?
Sorry, yes, the left big button on fed.brid.gy "cross-post to Mastodon account"
hard to keep the bridgy flavors clear :)
Bridgy got a 403 response when it fetched https://social.lifeofpablo.com/api/v1/instance , but I can fetch that fine
so I suspect that server is blocking Google Cloud :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
knowingly or otherwise
gRegor, AramZS, [bradleyallen], aaronpk, IWSlackGateway, [aimee], wagle, [pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
The thread at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/art/cPMz7xpst7lCktuEzM4f0wRh2xA/ is full of very scary examples of unicode mishandling in different OS's
sebbu and [tantek] joined the channel
^ this is very cool
What is Emissary
Emissary is an open source server project for “a different kind of distributed social medium that is friendly, safe, and welcoming to everyone” that supports IndieWeb building blocks https://indieweb.org/Emissary
[preview] [Ben Pate 🤘] Not that I know of, but I’d love to stay in the loop or collaborate with you. MicroPub is on my roadmap for #Emissary - as soon as I work out this pesky ActivityPub stuff. @ThePaulMcBride
benpate has 1 karma over the last year
Emissary << IndieWeb friendly plans/roadmap: [[Micropub]] support per https://mastodon.social/@benpate/111060394826305829
ok, I added "IndieWeb friendly plans/roadmap: [[Micropub]] support per https://mastodon.social/@benpate/111060394826305829" to the "See Also" section of /Emissary https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89247&oldid=86351
[tantek] Care to comment on this? https://github.com/Dan-Q/well-known-feeds
[preview] [Dan-Q] well-known-feeds: Specification for the .well-known/feeds resource identifier
You can do that with rel alternate discovery right?
Yes, this is somebody proposing an alternative to alternative; some minimal rationale at https://danq.me/tag/rss/
[preview] [kevinmarks] #1 Unnecessarily complicated
[nsmsn] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] wasn't it the (or a) convention that any rel=alternative links on the root page are considered as site-wide feed links
I think what he's trying to do is have someway to categorize groups of links (e.g. for site-wide feeds, for author-in-site feeds) and have them available in one (opml) resource
a feed-of-feed thing (which was IIRC what OPML was originally about)
geoffo joined the channel
And they have names and types which you can parse and show like aperture does
What you need for that is a page with a list of links. For example: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10628494
Re the data portability discussion, what became of https://dtinit.org/
saptaks, AramZS, ludovicchabant, chenghiz_, neatnik, Guest1350, laker, magni, voxpelli, nertzy and Fisher244599 joined the channel
Fisher244599 joined the channel
search << option for JS-based client-side search generated from static pages: https://pagefind.app/
ok, I added "option for JS-based client-side search generated from static pages: https://pagefind.app/" to the "See Also" section of /search https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89250&oldid=86584
Fisher244599 and nertzy_ joined the channel
Fisher244599 joined the channel
Rechartering a new Social Web Working Group is on the schedule. If you would like to see the WG continue to work on improving IndieWeb specs (Webmention, Micropub, etc.) please join the meeting and share your thoughts on the motion.
Fisher244599 and [snarfed] joined the channel
capjamesg++ nice!
capjamesg has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (122 in all channels)
Fisher244599 joined the channel
unrelated, I'm fixing a bluesky bug in my code right now caused by their data model (arguably) misusing the term `subject` when they actually mean `object`
they're arguing that `subject` is the appropriate term. the bug fix in my code is literally `'object': obj.get('subject')`. sigh
Fisher244599 joined the channel
(minor nit, of course)
Fisher244599, eitilt, gRegor, t0nic, jonnybarnes and [schmarty] joined the channel
"Minor nit: words have meaning" 😅
Fisher244599 and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
i have doubts about that schmarty…:P
Fisher244599 joined the channel
That's just... subjective 😎
Fisher244599 joined the channel
i relay facts 😄
Fisher244599 joined the channel
at least in my own head
Fisher244599 joined the channel
just a joke about the subject/object thing, not your comment :)
oh i’m serious on my end though 😉
Fisher244599 joined the channel
anyways, food consumed, back to work
Fisher244599, gerben, [capjamesg], eitilt, IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] angelo gRegor omz13 If you have time, attendance at https://events.indieweb.org/2023/09/september-2023-swicg-community-meeting-TA731v5tOpFY would be appreciated.
We are scheduled to vote on the prospects of a new Social WG and its remit.
Fisher244599 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] too (and all other CG members!)
I'll see, but I've honestly not had much capacity and haven't been following the CG
Fisher244599 joined the channel
capjamesg I'll try to attend but no guarantees; IndieWeb seems to be very much in the shadow of all the ActivityPub stuff (about which I have opinions but I keep them to myself)
Fisher244599, IWSlackGateway, eitilt and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Can you add how to join please
Fisher244599, eitilt1, Kaja_, oenone, Zegnat, [dshanske] and btrem joined the channel
Fisher244599 constantly joining and disconnecting seems a bit abusive of the service.
Fisher244599 joined the channel
I noticed that. Could be a bot?
Fisher244599 joined the channel
omz13 this is exactly the meeting in which we will discuss that.
Fisher244599 joined the channel
I think there is a lot more IndieWeb work to do; we had a nice discussion on data portability at TPAC, for example.
Will do [KevinMarks]!
Fisher244599, sknebel and [snarfed] joined the channel
the agenda for that meeting has us discussing the scope of the working group after agreeing to it being rechartered? shouldn't it be the other way around?
Fisher244599 joined the channel
related, minor FYI [tantek] on the SWICG meeting notes https://www.w3.org/2023/09/12-social-minutes.html#x528 , Nostr isn't blockchain based. the community overlaps substantially with the Bitcoin community, but it's just community overlap, not tech
Fisher244599 joined the channel
I should add a new row to https://fed.brid.gy/docs#compare that says "blockchain: no; no; no; no" 😆
Fisher244599 joined the channel
Fisher244599 joined the channel