#dev 2023-09-13

2023-09-13 UTC
sebbu, Kaja, strugee_, tbbrown, AramZS and Renfield joined the channel
I was talking with angelo yesterday about the advantages / disadvantages of having W3C Social Web WG standards becoming IndieWeb living standards.
I understand the rigor of the W3C process lends credibility to a standard and involves extensive review from web experts. The IndieWeb doesn't have that process, nor, perhaps, should we aspire to have. But nonetheless I thought I'd raise this!
AramZS and [bradleyallen] joined the channel
[preview] [Matthias Pfefferle] We just released version 1.0.0 of the #WordPress #ActivityPub plugin! 🎉This is the first release under the umbrella of #Automattic!Thanks to Automattic and all the fantastic people who helped with this great release!@mattwiebe for the amazing new ...
thanks [KevinMarks] 🙂
AramZS joined the channel
Amazing work!!!
[capjamesg] joined the channel
Discussions are happening at TPAC, the W3C annual conference, about rechartering a Social Web Working Group.
The group would have a new mandate that is still being discussed. Current thoughts are around advancing the existing standards from the last Working Group.
A lot is still to be determined, but we anticipate a vote in the next community group meeting to ascertain whether we want to restart the Working Group.
Loqi_, AramZS and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
tantek Oh, web actions are really cool! I wasn't aware of this! I'm not sure it matches the Soni proposal, which is about having links or web actions open in specific apps instead of in the web, which I think is the standard for webactions? I guess sort of a take on a deep link.
btrem and AramZS joined the channel
for all the shouting about mastodons link previews being a problem, bluesky seems to go the other way which seems ... worse: https://github.com/qwell/bsky-exploits
letting users provide the preview cards is ... a choice
It is weird.
And, as evidenced above, insecure.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Haven't we been through this before?
aaronpk Re: link previews?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
capjamesg you don't necessarily have to choose between "official" standing (eg W3C) and living standard that evolves more quickly, right? WHATWG is the canonical example that does both
obviously others here know more, I'll defer to them, but I'd love to see that model used more widely
AramZS, yes, webactions are about opening things across ... the web. That being said, most platforms have hooks for "specific apps" to claim to handle specific URLs and that's good enough
creating links on the web that "open in specific apps instead of in the web" is a non-open-web anti-pattern which we should strongly discourage
(except for prototypes and in situations where no standard alternative exists 😞 )
[tantek]: we don't focus on specific apps
we don't focus on *specific* apps
we think alternatives are good and we should crowbar things open where we can - and the web hasn't been open since everything became a webapp
sigh, that's a statement I find I can related to: "web hasn't been open since everything became a webapp"
Soni, you may find some resonance with /js;dr
alternative frontends (invidious, nitter, etc) are a good start for crowbaring things open
tho we could probably use more effort
(and yeah, we may be biased but personally we do think our spec, https://fedilinks.org/2 , is also a good start)
[preview] Fallback Protocol Handlers
webmention and micropub test suites are getting praise right now in the activitypub chat on matrix: https://matrix.to/#/%23fediverse-devs:matrix.org
"Typically at this point, somebody refers to the WebMention testing site. ;-). However, I wonder why nobody refers to the Micropub testing site, which I'd guess is closer to ActivityPub than the simpler WebMention functionality."
"Yeah, WebMentions were a piece of cake BECAUSE of its great test suite."
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
I may have repeatedly mentioned webmention.rocks in today's Social Web Test Suites breakout session at TPAC 😎
[tantek] has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
[snarfed] Good callout!
I have reached out to the chairs and editors to schedule the next SWICG call. I'll post it to the IndieWeb events page when we have agreed on a time and date.
capjamesg++ thank you!
capjamesg has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
[tantek]: (also, what's /js;dr ?)
(sorry, apparently we forgot to ask)
we mean we don't mind js
we use it for the fallback to web+feed://soniex2.autistic.space/microblog.atom
could we do server-side rendering? probably, but figuring out how to configure the webserver for that was too much effort
(we still don't have a real git web interface)
[tw2113_Slack_], AramZS, btrem, bret, gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
...but sadly it looks really complicated. requires each implementation to build its own custom harness before it can be tested
[preview] [steve-bate] activitypub-testsuite: Server-independent, full-automated test suite primary focused on ActivityPub server compliance testing.
they prioritized fully automated over 90% automated with online test server with a "test this URL" button, like the webmention and micropub test suites. sigh
Saphire1, rocto, [pfefferle], [capjamesg]1, [tantek]1, [bradleyallen], [bradleyallen]1, [KevinMarks], angelo, [jeremycherfas], mooff and nertzy joined the channel