#dev 2023-09-18

2023-09-18 UTC
btrem, gxt, [tantek], tyram, MentallyRetired, codepoet and eitilt joined the channel
what's the best place to start for doing an indieauth implementation from scratch? just reading the entire spec?
great question
the wiki page has a bunch of helpful resources like: https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth#Client_Libraries
is your implementation an IdP or an RP?
uhhh i don't rlly know... just wannya be able to sign into other things from my website lol (with auth going through my website and not just doing relmeauth)
seems like the term for that is IdP from a quick skim of the wiki page?
sounds like you're trying to set up your website to be your identity and identity provider, and yes, that would make it an IdP
wannya do it from scratch because sounds fun ig. also no libraries for luau lol
learning this kind of stuff is also just neat too
there are libraries for IdP support in other languages, one of them may be useful
eitilt and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] What programming language do you want to use?
I wrote methods for signing in to services with IndieAuth in `indieweb-utils` (Python).
With those methods you can almost copy-paste this code for Flask, for example: https://github.com/capjamesg/webmention-receiver/blob/main/auth/auth.py
[Murray] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] thanks, that pointed me in the right direction gRegor++
gRegor has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
though I see the official feed only contains one item, yet my feed reader picked up 5 when I subscribed, so I guess it's doing something different. I'll keep an eye and see if I noticed truncation again then confirm if this is a reader issue or not 🙂
[catgirlinspace]: FWIW, I think the spec isnt bad to implement something primarily following the spec, but that's always a bit of a personal preferences kind of thing if that works for you
And of course we're always here to help!
aaronpk Aperture can't discover an RSS feed on this Old Reddit page.
The page has this tag:
> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="RSS" href="https://old.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/.rss">
Lol at atom + RSS
I can retrieve it with a `curl`
pharalia joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
unmung can read it https://unmung2.appspot.com/feed?feed=https%3A%2F%2Fold.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTaylorSwift%2F.rss - is this part of reddit's anti-scraping-for-AI changes?
Aperture says "0 entries" for that page.
> It’s not super popular, but it had momentum when I first started using it, it works great, and I have fun extending it, so we’re now married for life
frank[d] This is the way I feel about my site, too:
I built my own static site generator. It never was popular, but we are married now because everything works well and it's nice to tinker to add things every now and again.
Yes. And in my old age, I don’t have the patience for a rewrite 😬
So Lektor it’ll be for the next decade
I like the Links page on your website.
I keep one at https://jamesg.coffee/
[edit] I keep one at https://jamesg.coffee/
Perhaps the only place on the web where there are links to Garfield, IANA, and the web all on the same page 😅
Nice. Yeah on a former blog I used to integrate the linkblog and longer form stuff into the same stream. Always thinking about doing that again
I use Pinboard to manage those links, and I have a custom Lektor plugin + Netlify function to check for updates and rebuild/publish when I add new ones
Loqi___ joined the channel
[capjamesg] am using luau which is a fork of lua. might try and reference other libraries for building my own in addition to the spec maybe?
rkta, AramZS and yogurt joined the channel
Are web components faster than iframes?
[schmarty] joined the channel
capjamesg: sounds like a classic "it depends" question
capjamesg[d]: for what purpose?
[aciccarello] joined the channel
They are very different concepts. I'd consider web components a kind of client side rendering.
Rysheve, btrem, geoffo and bret joined the channel
[KevinMarks] rel=me is now in the IANA link registry.
[aaronpk] I tagged you in https://github.com/protocol-registries/link-relations/issues/63 w.r.t. IANA Considerations in IndieAuth.
[preview] [capjamesg] #63 Registration Request: indieauth-metadata
t0nic joined the channel
[capjamesg]++ congrats!
[capjamesg] has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
gxt joined the channel
[snarfed] Can you remind me what happened with Hacker Mention that you worked on?
capjamesg++ congrats!
capjamesg has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)
btrem joined the channel
[capjamesg] sure! I got a few complaints, but no positive interest, so I paused it and archived the repo
It would be nice to have as a utility to which one could opt in.
definitely! feel free to take it and run with it, happy to help you ramp up
I think a single-user setup can avoid querying the whole DB.
I was running it multithreaded, so that lock synchronized write access to the endpoints dict
Ah, I see!
t0nic, greglopez and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
I need to get the requirements set up etc.
[preview] [capjamesg] hn-webmention: Send Webmentions from Hacker News to your personal website.
[tw2113] joined the channel
did someone say Algolia?
<---big fan
also one of the primary maintainers of WP Search with Algolia plugin, which we forked from Algolia’s archived codebase years ago
what is Algolia
It looks like we don't have a page for "Algolia" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Algolia is ____", a sentence describing the term)