#dev 2023-09-19

2023-09-19 UTC
geoffo, joe, angelo, btrem, greglopez, AramZS, [pfefferle] and [manton] joined the channel; Maxpm and greglopez left the channel
Anyone following Evan P’s work on an OAuth 2.0 profile for ActivityPub client-to-server? I asked whether IndieAuth could play a role here, but I haven’t a chance to figure out if that actually fits. Identity with WebFinger-style addresses vs. domain names might be too much of a mismatch.
I like the Nostr NIP-05 approach: it does user@domain identifiers, but in client UIs, when user is `_`, it hides the user and uses the bare domain as the id
not useful at the protocol level though, ie trying to connect one that expects user@domain with another that expects bare domain
[manton] it could work bc AP has no dependency itself as a spec on WF. Also we already know how to integrate a client API with IndieAuth: Micropub. So AP Client API could use the same method
[campegg] joined the channel
Currently the IndieAuth spec says pretty clearly that the client ID must be an HTTP(S) URL. I’m imagining that Mastodon people will want to enter a user@domain-style identifier instead, although they could do http://domain.com/user and be compatible with IndieAuth.
Would it be worth exploring an extension to IndieAuth to support user@domain? Compatible servers would translate that for the user to a real URL.
In other words, user@domain is really just a shorthand for the real actor URL.
The advantage would be avoiding yet another OAuth profile with its own way of describing a user, e.g. name and profile photo would just use IndieAuth conventions.
Lemme know if I’m totally off-base here. I’d love to see more of the new work in the ActivityPub world be as IndieWeb-friendly as possible, where appropriate.
[snarfed] IndieAuth placed requirements in the protocol, not the UI IIRC
Thus if some implementation wants to translate some random format like ~user into an HTTPS URL and then use IndieAuth, it can do so. Layering additional UI/processing like that is allowed (not disallowed), nor does have to be in spec
AP client id's are URLs too.
Right. Therefore someone could write a "how to use IndieAuth with AP" extension doc that hooks into the existing spec
Mastodon also identifies an account by URL https://docs.joinmastodon.org/entities/Account/
loooool so good eprodrom++
eprodrom has 1 karma over the last year
geoffo joined the channel
I would suggest opening up the client ID to be a URI/URN as that opens up opportunities
I think the disconnect with ActivityPub IDs is that a Mastodon user is going to want to type in user@domain, not domain/path/user.
Something (probably the IndieAuth server) is going to need to do a WebFinger lookup to translate that to the URL that is used for the rest of IndieAuth.
ajr and pharalia joined the channel
The usual OAuth pattern is to put in the base domain - that's how mastodon OAuth works, and it relies on login or session cookies from there, just as IndieAuth does.
The type-in prompt is for indieweb.social or xoxo.zone, not my full account url. So you could strip any preceding @name@ and have it work
geoffo and amitp joined the channel
[manton] there's a big difference between "what ActivityPub IDs can support" and "what UX an ActivityPub implementation will want to present" and there is no need to assume a 1:1 correspondence there. That's what I meant when I said above: "Thus if some implementation wants to translate some random format like ~user into an HTTPS URL and then use IndieAuth, it can do so. Layering additional UI/processing like that is allowed (not
disallowed), nor does have to be in spec"
The IndieAuth server does not need to do any WF or translation. The AP implementation/client can do all that in its own UX, and then talk IndieAuth over the wire to the server
slyduda joined the channel
i really need to write some stuff about evan's oauth discussion
Thanks y’all. [aaronpk], would love to see your thoughts on what Evan wrote. I need to look in more detail too.
While you have your standards hat on aaronpk, mind looking at https://github.com/protocol-registries/link-relations/issues/63
[preview] [capjamesg] #63 Registration Request: indieauth-metadata
do note that one of the examples evan has is the user entering an https URL https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/d8c2/fep-d8c2.md#examples
amitp, AramZS_ and ramsey joined the channel