#dev 2023-09-30

2023-09-30 UTC
nertzy, [jamietanna], IWSlackGateway, gerben, [tantek], [Jo] and [snarfed] joined the channel
current status: looking into running my own DNS server 😭
why? (the emoji makes me think its not just "for the fun of it" ;))
I'm back to mapping fediverse handles (eg @user@server) to Bluesky domain handles on Bridgy Fed
snarfed: so far I've been planning to translate them to user.server.bridge, but that takes two levels of wildcards, which SSL certs don't support, and Bluesky handle resolution over HTTP requires SSL, https://atproto.com/specs/handle#https-well-known-method
...which leaves DNS resolution, https://atproto.com/specs/handle#dns-txt-method , which is doable, but to make it relatively realtime and scalable, I'd probably have to run my own DNS server...?
That really doesn't sound fun.
most big projects have at least some not-fun parts
capjamesg didn't you get excited about learning DNS and building your own server a while back?
I did!
It ended in a Go program that is still technically running but isn't working.
[catgirlinspace] joined the channel
I don't think it's too outrageous of an idea to run your own DNS server tbh. It's only not fun if you're running one that expects to act like a public DNS server. But this one sounds kind of fun
just, admin tax
I'm leaning toward using something like route 53 or google cloud dns instead. will see
"Just" admintax 😭
tradeoffs for admin tax for developers are different than for end users
_some_ admin tax is more necessary and expected
but stil yeah
[aciccarello] and gerben joined the channel
How does Google DNS work?
capjamesg, do you mean
re-asking a couple of questions from the meetup
does anyone here do protocol-relative image embedding?
and 2. does anyone here do protocol-relative auto-linking/embedding?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
For external images you mean?
[tantek] I meant the Google Cloud DNS [snarfed] mentioned earlier.
[KevinMarks] for both
Same site images I link domain relative or current page relative. Protocol relative would be odd there
not odd at all. your URL design for different pages / images may vary differently over time
e.g. you might redo where you put posts and yet keep all your "big images" in a images directory or something
just for a directoryyou dont need protocol relative, only domain relative
though I suppose you'd use domain/root relative for that "/"
but if you had an images subdomain or something
then itd make sense if you served the site over multiple protocols too
subdomain for images.yourdomain for storage reasons is certainly a use-case
(and I guess even if you dont it doesnt hurt to use protocol relative)
thanks sknebel, that helps clarify the use-cases
ok this is worth implementing in CASSIS then
Multiple subdomains was more of a pre http2 thing to get browsers to fetch in parallel wasn't it?
[capjamesg] https://cloud.google.com/dns . similar to Route 53 and others, basically programmatic DNS server as a service
[KevinMarks] multiple subdomains is also a ease-of-configuration & backend-portability thing if you're using say AWS for image storage for example while the rest of your site is on a webhost, but want to be able to change the image storage host without touching anything that embeds your images on your site
e.g. for some folks www.domain or blog.domain vs image.domain
or perhaps media.domain (for images, video, audio etc.)
I believe this technique is also used for "large static assets" in general to better handle spikes in traffic which may overwhelm "traditional" web hosts, or if you have a hybrid home/remote setup for your text content (e.g. server in your garage / on your home ISP) vs large static files (images, video, audio) that you don't want to upload through your home ISP
I know we've discussed these use-cases before, however I don't know where to find them (or document them?) on the wiki
what is a subdomain
A subdomain typically refers to a domain with one more "name(dot)" component than that which someone actually has registered which is often seen indieweb sites with a family name domain like joel(dot)franusic(dot)com, or often on silos like matt(dot)wordpress(dot)com https://indieweb.org/subdomain
[KevinMarks], sknebel, I added this section, braindumping some of the above (and more) re: subdomain use-cases. Please review: https://indieweb.org/subdomain#Why
"This has bad security properties since it is not the same origin as other things on your site. " - not sharing security context with other things is not per-se "bad", it could be exactly why you do it
sknebel, yeah that should probably link to the large section on origins / security later on in that page
[KevinMarks] want to use the < < tool to at least get it on the page?
subdomain << what counts as a top level domain is a bit tricky - see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Public_Suffix_List
ok, I added "what counts as a top level domain is a bit tricky - see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Public_Suffix_List" to the "See Also" section of /subdomain https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89461&oldid=89460
Hmm, this may be convincing me to avoid protocol relative URLs in my content: https://webhint.io/docs/user-guide/hints/hint-no-protocol-relative-urls/
and certainly not add code support for them
or generating them
[schmarty] and geoffo joined the channel
yeah this may be worth documenting for others
what is a protocol relative URL
It looks like we don't have a page for "protocol relative URL" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "protocol relative URL is ____", a sentence describing the term)
protocol relative URL is a URL on a page (hyperlink, image source or similar) that starts with "//" and re-uses the protocol of the page itself, typically re-using http: or https: from however the page was loaded, which used to be a common web development practice and is now generally discouraged for a various [[performance]] and [[security]] reasons. https://www.paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/ and
[jamietanna] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://www.jvt.me/posts/2023/09/30/tweetus-deletus/" to the "See Also" section of /Twitter https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89484&oldid=89344
I wonder if Twitter will rate limit something like that. I've been rate limited from unfollowing people on Instagram before.
Haven't seen anything yet, and it's been ~2500 tweets in a few hours
capjamesg, re: the space+time table in /cities, and our discussion in the chat and meetup earlier today, I'm now wondering if that HTML+CSS space+time chart/flow could be generated automatically from a list of h-events e.g. on a page
Andy Herzfeld did a nice timeline generator at one point at Google.
nah, that's a boring horizontal crawl of columns where vertical position across columns is meaningless. sorry but that's crap design
[KevinMarks] please compare that side by side to /cities and note how *every* dimension used in /cities is relevant and communicating information
[KevinMarks] also that "timeline generator" looks like a multicolumn generalized version what we created a politics.technorati back in the day (2005)
gRegorLove_ and nertzy joined the channel
jamietanna has 6 karma over the last year
Holy crap that Twitter phishing screen
[tw2113] joined the channel
y'all still check X?
pardon my language, but it's a shithow
No I read jamietanna's blog post
ahh, that's legit
but still, X is a shitshow
I wouldn't know, I haven't opened it in weeks
don't trust random trending, you get some NSFW content