#dev 2023-10-01

2023-10-01 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
gonnya delete all my tweets i think
shouldve done it earlier but idk didnt rlly think abt it ig...
gonna keep the account i think. just, no tweets.
what feed formats should i worry about supporting (other than microformats)? atom and rss?
I don't think you need both nowadays, so I'd go just Atom
Yeah, I have microformats and atom. Mt atom feed also powers a email newsletter and bridgy fed powers a mastodon/fedi feed.
gerben joined the channel
Though I need to double check that the last one is working
mhm, ive never rlly looked at the atom spec until now. looks kinda annoying to implement >.<
I found it easier to implement than RSS
geoffo joined the channel
think the most annoying part will be figuring out how to put the content in the xml and escaping it all. not very familiar with xml so yeah....
or if your content is already well-formed, you don't need to escape it. see mine for an example: https://tantek.com/updates.atom
oh i can just, put the raw html in it?
that makes it a lot easier then.
as long as your raw HTML is *well-formed* 🙂
hopefully... lol. probably will just be the output from whatever markdown library i use.
you have to see if it has an XHTML output option to handle things like explicit self-closing <img /> tags
library im looking at does not :(
also not seeing any other lua markdown libraries that don't have c extension things.
epoch joined the channel
is it acceptable to have rss/atom feeds just contain a short summary and not the entire post? would make implementing a lot easier
geoffo, jeremy, monoob2 and monoob joined the channel; epoch left the channel
Aaronpk did you want to add Meetable sites to https://passkeys.directory/?
catgirlinspace yes - I do that, I used to have all my post content in it, but it got _far too large_ a feed so I trimmed down to summary + link
[catgirlinspace] yeah, that's totally acceptable. Many news or ad dependent sites do that. I have the full content for only the first few articles in my feed. Then it's a summary.
gxt and geoffo joined the channel
[jamietanna]: it looks like that list is meant to be consumer services you can sign in to. Right now passkey support in Meetable is just for admins of the site
geoffo, nertzy and eitilt joined the channel
(copied from #chat) A write up on my Build a Website in an Hour project: https://jamesg.blog/2023/10/01/click-fingers-navigate-website/
[preview] Click your fingers and talk to navigate a website"
capjamesg++ nice write-up!
capjamesg has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
capjamesg has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (123 in all channels)
eitilt and AramZS joined the channel