#[catgirlinspace]feel like a subdomain might actually complicate stuff a bit though. especially with my already somewhat fragile routing for my website...
#[aciccarello]True, dns always feels like I can't trust that I'll get the same results in an hour.
#GWGaaronpk: I keep meaning to add that. But I have so many projects
AramZS, jjuran, hermit, geoffo, kleb, gerben, AramZS_ and joshproehl joined the channel
#[tantek]aaronpk, do you have the ability to set a countdown on your own site (e.g. as a special kind of event post) and then receive a push notification when the countdown completes?
#[tantek]you could literally do it with the same syntax as the "... until" text syntax we use with Loqi here, as a note post, and have your site recognize it and treat it accordingly
#[tantek]have you ever posted a countdown in your IG?