#dev 2023-10-02

2023-10-02 UTC
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, geoffo, gxt and nertzy joined the channel
is there a good path i should host internal stuff at like an activity composer or indieauth stuff? thinking /admin/ maybe...
You could also host on a subdomain. auth.sitename.example
oh true. need to come up with a subdomain then though 😅
hm could do something silly
feel like a subdomain might actually complicate stuff a bit though. especially with my already somewhat fragile routing for my website...
True, dns always feels like I can't trust that I'll get the same results in an hour.
lockywolf, geoffo and gxt joined the channel
is there a good way to figure out implementing passkey support like, completely from scratch other than reading the massive spec (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/)?
geoffo joined the channel
this is fun for GWG and aaronpk doing location tracking https://jamesbvaughan.com/southwest-wifi/
[preview] [James Vaughan] Wifi without internet on a Southwest flight
I wrote a little program to handle that, actually. Haven't been on Southwest since though
gerben and anon joined the channel
ok, I added "https://tonsky.me/blog/unicode/" to the "See Also" section of /Unicode https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=89573&oldid=46954
I've done that before. I actually wrote the code into my iOS gps tracking app so I could have the phone know its location during the flight
geoffo joined the channel
aaronpk: I thought you abandoned that though
i got better results using flightaware
aaronpk: I keep meaning to add that. But I have so many projects
AramZS, jjuran, hermit, geoffo, kleb, gerben, AramZS_ and joshproehl joined the channel
aaronpk, do you have the ability to set a countdown on your own site (e.g. as a special kind of event post) and then receive a push notification when the countdown completes?
Nope I've never done that
you could literally do it with the same syntax as the "... until" text syntax we use with Loqi here, as a note post, and have your site recognize it and treat it accordingly
have you ever posted a countdown in your IG?
alephalpha0 joined the channel
Hmm yes I have posted them on IG
eitilt joined the channel
Clearly you have use-cases for /countdown posts then