#dev 2023-10-03

2023-10-03 UTC
gxt_, rrix, jeremycherfas, earlps, moodydot, monoob8, __earlps, mro_, geoffo and mro__ joined the channel
mro_, mro, gwg_, geoffo, jeremycherfas, gerben, miyaduki, [aciccarello]1, AramZS, [campegg], [nsmsn] and [snarfed] joined the channel
does anyone here implement (or use!) the Web Push API on their personal site?
[snarfed] re: unread badges, I've heard the term even more generically used in developer contexts e.g. https://www.w3.org/TR/badging/
maybe "application badge" rather than "unread badge"
oops that was meant for #indieweb
Dev question: does anyone here implement (or use?) the W3C Badging API on their personal site? Do you know if your CMS uses it?
Two possible uses I can think of immediately:
1 new posts indicator for readers (ie other people looking at your site in a tab, especially an inactive tab)
oh neat i hadn't heard of that
hmm, that's a JS API, so it can't be used to set a badge remotely right?
2 new responses to your posts (when you're signed into your own page) ie new items on your /notifications page like comments, likes, follows etc
aaronpk you have to use Web Push API to send a push notification (plumbing) which then activated your Service Worker which can then call the Badging API
ajr joined the channel
i would love to see a quick little tutorial on that
I don't know anyone who has built it for their personal site
My guess is because neither Chrome nor Firefox support it yet, and so you have to do your own "polyfill" hack anyway to manually change your favicon in the tab to make it work
well the good news is if I build this only for myself I don't care about browser compatibility :D
You do care about browser compatibility, the browser(s) that you use 🙂
but yes, if you're ok with using only Safari, go for it! And then be sure to blog about it to provide a real world use-case / support example so other browsers can use that to prioritize their work 🙂
kleb, [schmarty] and [nsmsn] joined the channel
Speaking of which, I would love it if Firefox supported the web speech API :D
Is there a ticket or GitHub repository somewhere that I can express my interest in the transcription web speech API for alternate web browsing paradigms?
caniuse often links the tickets
(or other documentation on browser status)
Maybe I'm lucky this is the first browser compatability issue I have run into as a developer?
(thanks all the people working on web compat)
[bneil] joined the channel
capjamesg, sometimes you can find such links from MDN also
or Mozilla's standards-positions repo
e.g to Bugzilla
depends on what you want to ask for I suppose. if all you're asking for is for it to be implemented, I think Bugzilla is the right answer. If you're looking to document another novel use-case, then the explainer on the API might be the better place to submit a PR to add that use-case
in the specific example, its behind a feature flag since 2019 (I think)
Really? Ooh!
[tantek] has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
[nsmsn] joined the channel