#dev 2023-10-04

2023-10-04 UTC
strugee_, geoffo and rrix joined the channel
and Google will actually obey too...because they had to turn it on by default
it should be robots.txt directives to opt IN to training, not opt OUT
rrix, geoffo and gerben joined the channel
Added to /robots_txt and my site
IWSlackGateway and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
[preview] [Colin Morris] I had a trim robots.txt until the AIbots came Last year I started having search issues due to my host and third party DNS service got each other in a tizzy. I'm not in Google results, not in Bing. After having no success with either of their supports...
[tantek] joined the channel
Yeah seems ill-conceived (as the comments make it clear). Work is already happening here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9309/
gxt_, eitilt, geoffo, monoob1, win0err, gerben, [KevinMarks], IWSlackGateway and IWSlackGateway1 joined the channel
telling ppl that a grassroots movement can't actually rely on OS vendors to do things...
Surprised they didn't manage a i
jeremycherfas: hmm?
anyway, we see "OS vendors do the thing" as the endgoal. we need ways to do the thing without the OS vendors.
[schmarty] joined the channel
"Problem Exists Between Congress and Corporations"? 🙃
sp1ff, [catgirlinspace] and AramZS joined the channel
we're mostly talking about #fedilinks but anyway
[tantek], GWG and [snarfed] joined the channel
when decoding url encoded form data, should %20 be a space or a +? the url decode function im using is using + and wasn’t sure if this was right for doing form data.
%20 is space
often in practice + is also decoded to space, but that's a separate convention, not URL-encoding
(%2B is +)
geoffo joined the channel
this direction is clear, yes. %20 is space
in a query param (the stuff after a '?' but before a '#'), space == '+' == space
I believe this was so that forms with GET handlers created more readable URLs based on text inputs with spaces in them
because %20 is ugly
this%20is%20not%20friendly%20to%20read, whereas+this+is+easily+readable
and in application/x-www-form-urlencoded form submissions also with POST
but since the question was about decoding %20, this is all not entirely relevant
ah, looks like the body is sent as `space=no+wait%2Byes` for (no wait+yes). so before doing the url decoding i could just replace + with space and then the %2B still decodes to a +.
python's unquote_plus is an example that handles that right: https://docs.python.org/3.11/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.unquote_plus
right, this is not something you should have to do yourself
it is in my case though. decided to deal with the challenge of implementing a lot of stuff from scratch by using a runtime with very light like, utility things. is more fun this way :3
fair :)
(fwiw, HTML5 describes something like that as the algorithm how to do it: replace "+" with "%20", then decode as before: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#application/x-www-form-urlencoded )
Wow haha.
“The application/x-www-form-urlencoded format is in many ways an aberrant monstrosity, the result of many years of implementation accidents and compromises leading to a set of requirements necessary for interoperability, but in no way representing good design practices”
[Jo] and srijan joined the channel
lolsob. evergreen
I did resist quoting it myself 😅
But to be fair the web world overall does an impressive job of making the best out of these things. Are they messy? Yes. Is how to handle them nowadays properly documented? Also yes. Was old stuff broken? No.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
That's like the Python csv library
Hm the current version is less rude than I remember. https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
Maybe it was PEP 305 I was thinking of https://peps.python.org/pep-0305/#rationale
a whole PEP for CSVs! 😮
[marksuth] and gerben joined the channel
all this talk of FEP and PEP is tempting me to start MEEPs for #microformats engineering enhancement proposals
or should we have IWEEP for IndieWeb Engineering Enhancement Proposal? 😛
any MEEPs that are based purely on solving hypothetical problems will be recategorized as MEHs (microformats enhancement hypothetical)
how broadly can we scope a MEEP? is "Turn the industry against Tailwind to stop the proliferation of utility classnames that interfere with mf2 parsing" too far? 😏
MEEPs are only for *engineering* enhancements. That sounds political
didn't we have link previews
engineering is political 😂
Soni I doubt curl supports web+ap: 😛
who maintains the link previews again?
Soni, sounds like a question for the developers of the chat client you are using
[tantek]: yeah we doubt curl is a fully featured activitypub implementation too
hence better to stick with sharing https: URLs
why not add web+ap to the preview bot?
little to no real world uses would mean it's a low priority at best
(ideally web+* if you want compatibility with all of fedilinks)
especially for a volunteer-based project
we mean, it works in feditext and tokodon
since everything takes time. "why not add" <-- in general request for free labor are not a great thing
[tantek]: that goes for all feature requests then
correct, thus you can file a feature request issue (put in some labor) if you want it to be good faith considered
hmm what's the thing that does the previews again...
what is the thing that does link previews in chat
It looks like we don't have a page for "thing that does link previews in chat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "thing that does link previews in chat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
The thing that does link previews in chat is /Loqi
what is the thing that does link previews in chat
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/thing_that_does_link_previews_in_chat
ah okay, thanks
meh we'll try to remember to do it when the power comes back
jan6, gxt_, [tw2113], [campegg], monoob7, jeremych-, AramZS_, AramZS and [aciccarello] joined the channel