#dev 2023-10-05

2023-10-05 UTC
gerben, [snarfed], chee, AramZS and kleb joined the channel
Folks editing & contributing to IndieWeb / Social Web specifications, please consider joining the Social CG meeting this Friday: https://events.indieweb.org/2023/10/october-2023-swicg-community-meeting-b4O0dmbEGJPo [KevinMarks] [snarfed] [aaronpk] (anyone else?)
[tantek]: I have the day off Friday, maybe I'll make an appearance.
GWG, I think you would find it quite illuminating and educational. Also your opinion as an implementer is quite welcome
[tantek]: I resisted during the 2014 period, if you remember. I had just joined the community then
I remember. Now you're the (co-)author of lots of WordPress plugins that implement lots of key specifications. You should prepare a brief intro statement about your role & experience as an implementer as I suspect folks will want to know when people introduce themselves. And it's good to get that on the record.
I will have to see how these intros go
To know what to state
GWG, how would you introduce yourself in <1min in terms of all the IndieWeb / Social Web specs you have implemented? Prepare something for that in advance and that will work fine. Other intros are all over the map.
vigoux joined the channel
Hey there !
geoffo, gxt_ and lockywolf joined the channel
It worked! I put hashtags and plain p-category markup in my most recent blog post (article), and BridgyFed federating it got it to show up in Mastodon tag pages!
geoffo, bret, gerben, lockywolf and AramZS joined the channel
Anyone a firefox expert? Firefox on my laptop has a corrupted local storage. If I use it in incognito mode it works. What do I delete or reset to fix this? This breaks Slack and AWS on it
does trying to delete local data for the sites help?
(from the lock-icon menu in the url bar?)
when I try through the firefox UI it still gives the corrupted data alerts. As it's across more than one site i think it's a bigger problem
AramZS_ and AramZS joined the channel
Hi, I have a static web page that is generated from a homebrewed code running locally then the output is copied over to Raspberry PI.
I didn't have any special things running in it. I try to keep it simple.
I have it for a while on my agenda to redesign the page and right now is a perfect opportunity to include webmentions.
How would you go about it if you were making a static page?
I presume webmention.io to receive them, JS to display them? What to use to send them?
the main strategy i've seen is to run a process to find new or changed posts and send mentions for them. some look for new entries in a feed, for example.
for my own site, my build process looks for new and changed HTML files during an `rsync` step and uses that list to look for new mentions to send out.
I use a python script at build time, and then a JS script for getting newer mentions
I currently only support like mentions
[preview] A WebMention Endpoint
I handle mention-of and in-reply-to manually
as I want to moderate
as for sending - I do that manually using telegraph/indiewebify as the site isn't published until _after_ the CI pipeline to build it runs - so there's not really a place to put the webmention send
humm, so I can do the script during `rsync`. that seems to be the easiest way to go. should I be worried if it repeats the mention?
got it. thanks everyone!
IWSlackGateway, [benatwork], [tantek], [nsmsn] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Welcome to the IndieWeb thaidaree[d]!
chee joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel