#dev 2023-10-05
2023-10-05 UTC
gerben, [snarfed], chee, AramZS and kleb joined the channel
[tantek] Folks editing & contributing to IndieWeb / Social Web specifications, please consider joining the Social CG meeting this Friday: https://events.indieweb.org/2023/10/october-2023-swicg-community-meeting-b4O0dmbEGJPo [KevinMarks] [snarfed] [aaronpk] (anyone else?)

[tantek] I remember. Now you're the (co-)author of lots of WordPress plugins that implement lots of key specifications. You should prepare a brief intro statement about your role & experience as an implementer as I suspect folks will want to know when people introduce themselves. And it's good to get that on the record.

vigoux joined the channel
vigoux Hey there !
geoffo, gxt_ and lockywolf joined the channel
geoffo, bret, gerben, lockywolf and AramZS joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Anyone a firefox expert? Firefox on my laptop has a corrupted local storage. If I use it in incognito mode it works. What do I delete or reset to fix this? This breaks Slack and AWS on it

[KevinMarks] when I try through the firefox UI it still gives the corrupted data alerts. As it's across more than one site i think it's a bigger problem

AramZS_ and AramZS joined the channel
thaidaree Hi, I have a static web page that is generated from a homebrewed code running locally then the output is copied over to Raspberry PI.
thaidaree I didn't have any special things running in it. I try to keep it simple.
thaidaree I have it for a while on my agenda to redesign the page and right now is a perfect opportunity to include webmentions.
thaidaree How would you go about it if you were making a static page?
thaidaree I presume webmention.io to receive them, JS to display them? What to use to send them?
[schmarty] hi thaidaree! https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Tools might be useful!

[schmarty] the main strategy i've seen is to run a process to find new or changed posts and send mentions for them. some look for new entries in a feed, for example.

[schmarty] for my own site, my build process looks for new and changed HTML files during an `rsync` step and uses that list to look for new mentions to send out.

[snarfed] some links for the client side approach: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ , https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js/ , https://indieweb.org/static_site#Receiving_Webmentions
rubenwardy I use a python script at build time, and then a JS script for getting newer mentions

rubenwardy I currently only support like mentions

rubenwardy I handle mention-of and in-reply-to manually

rubenwardy as I want to moderate

rubenwardy as for sending - I do that manually using telegraph/indiewebify as the site isn't published until _after_ the CI pipeline to build it runs - so there's not really a place to put the webmention send

thaidaree humm, so I can do the script during `rsync`. that seems to be the easiest way to go. should I be worried if it repeats the mention?
[schmarty] thaidaree it should be fine to repeat mentions. https://webmention.net/draft/#h-updating-existing-webmentions

thaidaree got it. thanks everyone!
IWSlackGateway, [benatwork], [tantek], [nsmsn] and [snarfed] joined the channel
capjamesg Welcome to the IndieWeb thaidaree[d]!
chee joined the channel
thaidaree thanks!
geoffo joined the channel