#dev 2023-10-11
2023-10-11 UTC
geoffo, sp1ff, rocto, sebbu, [Murray], gerben, [catgirlinspace] and BinarySavior joined the channel
capjamesg GWG Are you interested in editing Ticket Auth?
[capjamesg] joined the channel
[capjamesg] [aaronpk] Are you interested in helping advance IndieAuth / Micropub / Webmention / any other specs?

[capjamesg] [tantek] Is there any work you want to do on PTD?

[capjamesg] [KevinMarks] Are you interested in working on jf2 or fragmention?

[capjamesg] (In a WG as an Editor, to be clear.)

[tantek] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Yes. There is work to be done on jf2 in its use in http://webmention.io etc. Fragmention needs to acknowledge the Chrome :~: syntax

capjamesg Please make updates here as you see fit: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/WG_Charter_Discussion#Deliverables
capjamesg [tantek] I updated the order; feel free to change more.
capjamesg Evan is interested in AP editing.
capjamesg And AS.
[tantek] [KevinMarks] there's already an open issue on Fragmention regarding the Text Fragment :~: syntax: https://github.com/indieweb/fragmention/issues/10

kushal joined the channel
capjamesg Noted all this information on https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/WG_Charter_Discussion#Deliverables.
AramZS joined the channel
[tantek] btw similarly, if it looks like an editor hasn't responded to any spec issues in many many years, that's a good indicator that the editor has deprioritized working on that spec, and it's worth looking for a new editor. that being said, some specs are done "enough" to be left alone for a while, like if none of the issues were critical

geoffo joined the channel
[schmarty] do we have any introductory material for TicketAuth? as far as i recall the spec is "workable" in that fluffy, GWG, and others on the https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth#IndieWeb_Examples page seem to have implemented some ticket-management endpoints

[schmarty] but i don't understand the full user story (or stories) that TicketAuth enables. private posts? via social readers? permissions tied to an IndieAuth identity when viewing a site? (challenge: my site is largely static so i have to roll extra dice for bonus difficulty 😂)

[Jo], rocto and [jacky] joined the channel
[manton] Congrats [pfefferle] on http://WordPress.com supporting ActivityPub! Now I just need to figure out why I can’t @-mention people from WordPress → http://Micro.blog…

rocto_ joined the channel
[tantek] [manton] can you @-mention folks from http://Micro.blog to Mastodon?

[manton] I can @-mention from http://WordPress.com to Mastodon too, but doesn’t seem to work with ActivityPub usernames hosted on http://Micro.blog.

[tantek] [manton] interesting, we are having trouble getting @-mentions working from BridgyFed -> Mastodon. Any tips on how you got that working for http://Micro.blog -> Mastodon would be greatly appreciated! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/493

[manton] Worked! So I guess something is confused on the http://Micro.blog side maybe.

[schmarty] GWG: much appreciated ✨

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[manton] [aaronpk] Possibly. Do you have a place on your site to receive mentions that are not replies to a specific post? This is the WordPress post: https://manton.wordpress.com/2023/10/11/6218/

[schmarty] GWG: 👍

GWG [schmarty]: Does this help? https://david.shanske.com/2021/06/27/thinking-about-ticket-auth/
[schmarty] GWG: it helps a very little. to recap that blog post: TicketAuth describes a publisher sending tickets to potential audience members which they can exchange for access tokens, but assumes I know how that would slot into AutoAuth.

gRegor joined the channel
[schmarty] sknebel: that's what i remembered, but hoped had improved. :}

gerben joined the channel
btrem joined the channel
[schmarty] GWG: feel free to take inspiration. I don't particularly think my name or nicknames should be attached

gerben and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] thanks a lot for the karma 😊

[pfefferle] [manton] I will check that tomorrow... need some sleep, was an exciting day 😉

gerben joined the channel