#dev 2023-10-11

2023-10-11 UTC
geoffo, sp1ff, rocto, sebbu, [Murray], gerben, [catgirlinspace] and BinarySavior joined the channel
GWG Are you interested in editing Ticket Auth?
[capjamesg] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Are you interested in helping advance IndieAuth / Micropub / Webmention / any other specs?
[tantek] Is there any work you want to do on PTD?
[KevinMarks] Are you interested in working on jf2 or fragmention?
(In a WG as an Editor, to be clear.)
[tantek] joined the channel
for PTD I'd like to review the state of current implementations, where they are deployed, how much of PTD they implement to see if there is a practical useful core to advance as a standard. I'm also curious about any extensions any implementations have made for new post types
Yes. There is work to be done on jf2 in its use in http://webmention.io etc. Fragmention needs to acknowledge the Chrome :~: syntax
I'd say for both ptd and jf2 there's plenty of work in the open issues on each
Please make updates here as you see fit: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/WG_Charter_Discussion#Deliverables
[tantek] I updated the order; feel free to change more.
capjamesg++ thanks much!
capjamesg has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
Evan is interested in AP editing.
And AS.
[KevinMarks] there's already an open issue on Fragmention regarding the Text Fragment :~: syntax: https://github.com/indieweb/fragmention/issues/10
[preview] [gsnedders] #10 Relationship to Scroll to Text Fragment
I'm also interested in Micropub and IndieAuth
[capjamesg]: I'd be happy to work on indieauth again
kushal joined the channel
AramZS joined the channel
specs can have co-editors, except I would strongly suggest looking at the issues of spec repos and see who is doing "editor-like" work, that is things like:
helping nudge issues toward consensus & resolution
proposing spec edits (PRs) to resolve open issues
one thing to avoid is people asking to be editors just to get their name on a spec. that's a known anti-pattern, and it's much harder (emotionally, politically) to remove an absent editor than it is to not add one in the first place
thus the advice for anyone wanting to edit an existing spec (that already has an editor or more), jump into the issues and help facilitate the conversation in them towards resolution
btw similarly, if it looks like an editor hasn't responded to any spec issues in many many years, that's a good indicator that the editor has deprioritized working on that spec, and it's worth looking for a new editor. that being said, some specs are done "enough" to be left alone for a while, like if none of the issues were critical
geoffo joined the channel
[tantek]: I just like working on these things, I don't care about my name..not that the occasional credit isn't nice
aaronpk: But not Micropub work?
GWG, I appreciate "working on these things"! There's a big difference though between implementing / spec questions & feedback and moving spec issues forward and spec editing
[tantek]: I'd like to give back more...so I want to help edit if I can. I may ask for some mentorship on how to do it well from more experienced types
happy to help with providing spec editing guidance.
first steps towards that is what I noted above: jump into spec issues and help facilitate the conversation in them towards resolution
do we have any introductory material for TicketAuth? as far as i recall the spec is "workable" in that fluffy, GWG, and others on the https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth#IndieWeb_Examples page seem to have implemented some ticket-management endpoints
but i don't understand the full user story (or stories) that TicketAuth enables. private posts? via social readers? permissions tied to an IndieAuth identity when viewing a site? (challenge: my site is largely static so i have to roll extra dice for bonus difficulty 😂)
definitely need an "explainer" for TicketAuth that clearly documents the user stories
[Jo], rocto and [jacky] joined the channel
Congrats [pfefferle] on http://WordPress.com supporting ActivityPub! Now I just need to figure out why I can’t @-mention people from WordPress → http://Micro.blog…
rocto_ joined the channel
Not seeing a WebFinger hit or anything. Anyone experiment with this yet?
[manton] can you @-mention folks from http://Micro.blog to Mastodon?
[tantek] Yes.
I can @-mention from http://WordPress.com to Mastodon too, but doesn’t seem to work with ActivityPub usernames hosted on http://Micro.blog.
[manton] interesting, we are having trouble getting @-mentions working from BridgyFed -> Mastodon. Any tips on how you got that working for http://Micro.blog -> Mastodon would be greatly appreciated! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/493
I’ll compare that with what I’m sending… A lot of this was trial and error until Mastodon was happy with the JSON.
Why even bother having specs when we just trial and error test against mastodon 😆
Sigh. Yeah, it’s not a great situation.
[aaronpk] Sorry for the spam, but I’m going to try to @-mention you from WordPress and see if WordPress recognizes it…
No problem
Worked! So I guess something is confused on the http://Micro.blog side maybe.
Was I supposed to see something?
[schmarty]: I'll consider that a task to perform
GWG: much appreciated ✨
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Possibly. Do you have a place on your site to receive mentions that are not replies to a specific post? This is the WordPress post: https://manton.wordpress.com/2023/10/11/6218/
[schmarty]: I'll need feedback
It should have come thru in my notifications tab or at least ActivityPub inbox
GWG: 👍
Ah there it is, it was just slow I guess
[preview] [David Shanske] During this month’s Pop-Up event, as part of the overall topic of sensitive data we were discussing the continual challenges in getting a method of having private posts on one’s site. As a community, nothing has gained enough traction for adoptio...
I think I found the WordPress / M.b problem. The WP code appears to not allow redirects from WebFinger… I do a redirect for custom domains.
GWG: it helps a very little. to recap that blog post: TicketAuth describes a publisher sending tickets to potential audience members which they can exchange for access tokens, but assumes I know how that would slot into AutoAuth.
It was 2021...time to iterate
[pfefferle] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
oh yeah supporting webfinger redirects is important
[schmarty]: pretty much anything to "how to turn that into something actual applications can use" is pretty much up in the air/to be experiemented with
[snarfed] I might be wrong in my reading of the source… I think it does support up to 2 redirects for the WebFinger call that matters here. So something else is amiss.
sknebel: that's what i remembered, but hoped had improved. :}
is there a Webfinger test suite that tests for supporting redirects? :trollface:
gerben joined the channel
fixing a longstanding text layout bug in some old blog posts, and it was the fault of one line-height declaration
pro tip: don't use float for layout
[schmarty]: Thinking about this on the way home, can I name a user story after you? For example, Schmarty has a static site...and wants to...
GWG, maybe consider display names rather than chat aliases/nicks?
btrem joined the channel
fixed my CSS bug that was impacting blog post headings for several past years. time to take a break and switch contexts to hopefully get back to writing a blog post. I find coding and writing prose require very different mindsets
Trying to figure out open source licenses is quite a chore. There are *so* many.
GWG: feel free to take inspiration. I don't particularly think my name or nicknames should be attached
I'll just call you Bob
btrem I believe we settled in a small number of OSS licenses in the indieweb GitHub org but I’m not sure where we documented them, in case you were looking for what others in the community decided to use
I am. Is it on the wiki?
gerben and [pfefferle] joined the channel
thanks a lot for the karma 😊
[manton] I will check that tomorrow... need some sleep, was an exciting day 😉
gerben joined the channel
Thanks! Totally understand. Big day.