#dev 2023-10-13

2023-10-13 UTC
wish patreon supported activitypub tbh :v
(tbh we don't consider services like wordpress.com "indieweb")
gerben, eitilt and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
if http://wordpress.com isn't indieweb, couldn't the same logic be applied to something like http://micro.blog?
There's a pretty well established documentation of how Wordpress.com and micro.blog are indieweb so you're going to have to clarify who you mean by "we" there
http://wordpress.com is very indieweb imo. at the very least, it's more indieweb than twitter lol
Wordpress has kept RSS/Atom feeds alive.
eitilt, rocto, geoffo, superkuh, gerben and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk any time for an IIW summary blog post from an IndieWeb perspective for this week's newsletter?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
wagle, gerben, win0err and geoffo joined the channel; win0err and rkta left the channel
[snarfed] Sorry for the late reply… I’m trying to find an @-mention example from M.b → Mastodon… I might just create a new one for testing to confirm. I’ll also follow up with an example on GitHub assuming it works.
Confirmed it does work. Now looking at ActivityPub JSON.
[manton] awesome, thank you! and just to confirm, by "work," you mean it generates a notification inside Mastodon for the Mastodon user who was mentioned?
[snarfed] Yes. I see the mention show up under Notifications in Mastodon.
I wish I had taken better notes when I was working on this. There are so many non-obvious things like the domain name in URLs or ids needs to match, etc. Mastodon-isms that can really only be figured out with testing.
Looking at your JSON in that GitHub issue, nothing seems wrong, except maybe `Update` instead of `Create`. Your JSON is more verbose than mine but if anything that should be more compatible.
Mastodon is known for ignoring some things in Updates as compared to Creates, e.g. hashtags
I can imagine that updates are more restrictive to prevent abuse with replies.
awesome, thanks [manton]! yeah I just happened to be testing with an `Update` there, I'd tried `Create`s too
Cool, figured as much.
I guess Mastodon could also dislike those https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://snarfed.org… redirect URLs? Not totally sure why, just grasping for ideas.
[preview] Ryan Barrett
I distinctly remember having to change some of my URLs because Mastodon would just ignore posts if the domain name didn’t match up, e.g. http://micro.blog vs. http://yourdomain.com.
yeah I hit that too 😐
There is really barely any difference between your JSON and mine. You have to/cc in both the root level and object. You have inReplyTo. Otherwise nearly identical.
all the other parts in there are working, just haven't managed to generate mention notifs yet
thanks again, this is useful!
AramZS joined the channel
No problem.
[campegg], superkuh and gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] [gRegorLove] getting @-mentions working in and with Bridgy Fed is a pretty big deal and worthy of a short post about for IndieNews if you can manage one in the next hour!
(For the newsletter)
sure! will do
oof aaronpk did my submission ^ made indienews unhappy? or unrelated? https://news.indieweb.org/en rendered fine before, but now it's a stack trace
(in CASSIS, cc [tantek])
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 8 hours, 8 minutes ago: any time for an IIW summary blog post from an IndieWeb perspective for this week's newsletter?
Oof how embarrassing. Ugh don't have time to take a look at it for a few hours
[snarfed] if it's an "obvious" fix, PRs welcome
Hi. I'm trying to go through indiewebify.me. I'm on step two. I set up indieAuth, but it seems to want rel=me. But I don't have any big tech social media I want to associate with my domain.
hmm, we should update that on indiewebify.me then
Do it with email? <link href="mailto:indieauth@superkuh.com" rel="me"/>
try logging in to the wiki https://indieweb.org/ that gives you some non-silo options
superkuh: the problem is indiewebify.me is encouraging only silo links and doesn't say that the mailto link is a valid option
Yes, that works.
[snarfed] If you don’t mind, going to send you an @-mention from http://WP.com… Trying to debug where things are going wrong in WebFinger land.
I'm preferring to obfuscate my email address to reduce potential spam.
[snarfed] Okay, it didn’t work. So whatever is broken with http://Micro.blog must be similar with Bridgy Fed.
gerben joined the channel
Yes. My rel=me email does get a lot of spam.
gerben, [Jo] and angelo joined the channel
Using rel=me in my h-card u-url link seems to satisfy indiewebify.me. So that satisfies two items in one.
That will make it a /representative_h-card, which is good, though won't help if you're trying to use RelMeAuth to sign in
[preview] How to Set Up Your Website for IndieLogin.com
The indiewebify.me step 2 is basically checking for any rel=me links and verifying they link back to your site. That's not a guarantee the rel-me link is supported for signing in to a service, though.
A github profile would also work and that's not "social media", big tech or otherwise
it is "big tech" tho :D
[KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
what is gitlab
GitLab offers git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds and wikis https://indieweb.org/GitLab
^ supports rel-me, might be worth adding as a RelMeAuth option
True! Is it easy to setup an OAuth client with GitLab?
No experience, but looks like they have good docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html
Aha, already a github issue on indielogin: https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com/issues/82
[preview] [reinhart1010] #82 Feature request: GitLab authentication provider