#dev 2023-10-14

2023-10-14 UTC
aaronpk is that the latest cassis.php? (Top of tree)
Well since that file is one line per function the error message isn't super helpful
oh yeah huh
gRegor: I'm using indieAuth for sign in.
Oh, gone.
even better
gRegor joined the channel
Oh, if you have an IndieAuth server on your site then yeah you don't need the rel-me for sign-in
I was just following indiewebify.me. I guess it prefers rel=me over indieAuth. Anyway I've got a rel=me for h-card and so step two thinks that's good enough.
So there's some naming confusion between IndieAuth the protocol and IndieAuth the service.
If you're trying to use your domain to sign in, try it on indieweb.org and see what it shows you for options.
I'm using the protocol. I'm using the selfauth PHP script.
what do i do with webmentions that i receive for paths that aren’t a post/note?
ones for your frontpage are kind of interesting as "someone mentioned you", other than that you decide whats a valid target to receive and store mentions for
e.g. if you plan to show them as comments on posts, maybe you dont want to publicly show them for the homepage or other pages
ah, so could have like a page only visible to me for webmentions for my front page?
for example
Should Ticket Auth be called Ticket Auth? Maybe the name is an issue?
jbove joined the channel
Added some things to the Ticket auth Page in the Intro section.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Calling anything Auth is confusing. Is it an it-me or can-I-hae?
gerben joined the channel
That may be where some of my confusion has come when trying to understand Ticket Auth.
[tantek]1, [pfefferle]1 and gerben joined the channel
TIL about the WinterCG https://wintercg.org/
[campegg], saptaks, wagle, IWDiscord, jbove, Renfield, [capjamesg], jonnybarnes, monoob0 and geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg: Did the updated intro help?
to pick your brain a bit... my use case is this:
I'm using Django to generate a static bundle of pages and serve it as files. this way the back-end doesn't exist and it's local only.
However, the JS part is very limited here. I'm thinking that I could go with some sort of page where there are a number of static HTML files and a number of "some other files" (not sure yet).
Then the user comes and requests a page, gets the full bundle, and when they request a different page (different article on the blog) to render in browser that other bit using "some other file", but the url history is pushed. Not a hash based.
Thoughts how to achieve it?
basically it's some hydration part that would have to happen, but I don't want to have a back-end to reduce the attack surface
gerben, eitilt, [aciccarello], AramZS, [jacky], [tantek]2, [jeremycherfas]1 and [pfefferle]2 joined the channel
[preview] [aaronpk] #42 junk output with `auto_link`
and finally found the issue that triggered the indienews bug
aaronpk has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
[preview] [aaronpk] #43 Error with `auto_link` with simple @-username mention
Still staring at ticket auth
[schmarty] and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
[snarfed] sorry if i asked this before (i don't think i have, but honestly don't remember for sure) but does granary do any kind of html sanitizing on mf2-json outputs?
oh and another question--when i include a link to webmention bridgy fed am i supposed to just, leave the inner text completely blank?
geoffo joined the channel
[catgirlinspace]: It is a signal, not something for users to click
[snarfed] joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] HTML is expected in e-* mf2 properties like content, right? what kind of sanitizing were you expecting?
aaronpk re: 42, note as you quoted: "wrap your PHP include of cassis.js and use of functions therein" that latter clause is key
calls to any cassis function also need to be wrapped with the ob_ wrappers
So that garbage out you're seeing is from calling the function, not it's output
thanks auto-correct for auto-misinserting that last apostrophe
aaronpk++ for that issue 43, that has enough information to both track down the bug and potential other instances of the bug
aaronpk has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
maybe this is the weekend I update cassis for PHP8
this seems like a pretty big change in PHP 8 and I like it - out of range requests in string functions now return an empty string instead of false, e.g. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php "If an invalid character range is requested, *substr()* returns an empty string as of PHP 8.0.0; previously, *`false`* was returned instead."
is an empty string equal to false in logical contexts in PHP like it is in perl?
gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed] was planning to use granary so that when i like, reply to a post from my website i can have a little embed of the post i'm replying to. but if the html in the mf2-json isn't sanitized then that kinda opens up xss on my own website lol,,,
what is embed of the post i'm replying to
gives Loqi a nudge
grabs the nudge
geoffo joined the channel
what is reply context
A reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context
^ [catgirlinspace] lots more in there
yeah granary is just a format converter
and if you're converting HTML to mf2 JSON, that's just parsing mf2, you probably want to do that directly
aaronpk, I believe I fixed that cassis issue 43 with this update: https://github.com/tantek/cassis/blob/master/cassis.js but I don't have "easy" access to a PHP8 environment to test it (new code still works in PHP 7.4, with the test case you used). can you verify with your PHP8 environment?
or if anyone else wants to try https://github.com/tantek/cassis/issues/43
with that latest top of tree cassis.js
[preview] [aaronpk] #43 Error with `auto_link` with simple @-username mention
in a PHP8 environment
I think it's working. PHP 8.0.28, text/plain output of the code in 43: https://staging.gregorlove.com/indieweb/debug.php
And with moving ob_get_clean() after `auto_link`: https://staging.gregorlove.com/indieweb/debug2.php
monoob5 and [tantek] joined the channel
klez joined the channel