#dev 2023-10-14
2023-10-14 UTC
aaronpk no, it is at this commit https://github.com/tantek/cassis/tree/09ac2b30845b7d66583615f508a45185820324c8

Renfield gRegor: I'm using indieAuth for sign in.
Renfield Oh, gone.
gRegor joined the channel
Renfield I was just following indiewebify.me. I guess it prefers rel=me over indieAuth. Anyway I've got a rel=me for h-card and so step two thinks that's good enough.
Renfield I'm using the protocol. I'm using the selfauth PHP script.
[catgirlinspace] what do i do with webmentions that i receive for paths that aren’t a post/note?

[catgirlinspace] ah, so could have like a page only visible to me for webmentions for my front page?

jbove joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Calling anything Auth is confusing. Is it an it-me or can-I-hae?

gerben joined the channel
capjamesg Yeah.
capjamesg That may be where some of my confusion has come when trying to understand Ticket Auth.
[tantek]1, [pfefferle]1 and gerben joined the channel
capjamesg TIL about the WinterCG https://wintercg.org/

[campegg], saptaks, wagle, IWDiscord, jbove, Renfield, [capjamesg], jonnybarnes, monoob0 and geoffo joined the channel
thaidaree to pick your brain a bit... my use case is this:
thaidaree I'm using Django to generate a static bundle of pages and serve it as files. this way the back-end doesn't exist and it's local only.
thaidaree However, the JS part is very limited here. I'm thinking that I could go with some sort of page where there are a number of static HTML files and a number of "some other files" (not sure yet).
thaidaree Then the user comes and requests a page, gets the full bundle, and when they request a different page (different article on the blog) to render in browser that other bit using "some other file", but the url history is pushed. Not a hash based.
thaidaree Thoughts how to achieve it?
thaidaree basically it's some hydration part that would have to happen, but I don't want to have a back-end to reduce the attack surface
gerben, eitilt, [aciccarello], AramZS, [jacky], [tantek]2, [jeremycherfas]1 and [pfefferle]2 joined the channel
[schmarty] and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] [snarfed] sorry if i asked this before (i don't think i have, but honestly don't remember for sure) but does granary do any kind of html sanitizing on mf2-json outputs?

[catgirlinspace] oh and another question--when i include a link to webmention bridgy fed am i supposed to just, leave the inner text completely blank?

geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek]2 aaronpk re: 42, note as you quoted: "wrap your PHP include of cassis.js and use of functions therein" that latter clause is key
[tantek]2 calls to any cassis function also need to be wrapped with the ob_ wrappers
[tantek]2 So that garbage out you're seeing is from calling the function, not it's output
[tantek]2 thanks auto-correct for auto-misinserting that last apostrophe
[tantek]2 aaronpk++ for that issue 43, that has enough information to both track down the bug and potential other instances of the bug
[tantek]2 maybe this is the weekend I update cassis for PHP8
[tantek]2 this seems like a pretty big change in PHP 8 and I like it - out of range requests in string functions now return an empty string instead of false, e.g. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php "If an invalid character range is requested, *substr()* returns an empty string as of PHP 8.0.0; previously, *`false`* was returned instead."
superkuh is an empty string equal to false in logical contexts in PHP like it is in perl?
[tantek]2 yes
gRegor joined the channel
[catgirlinspace] [snarfed] was planning to use granary so that when i like, reply to a post from my website i can have a little embed of the post i'm replying to. but if the html in the mf2-json isn't sanitized then that kinda opens up xss on my own website lol,,,

[tantek]2 what is embed of the post i'm replying to
[tantek]2 gives Loqi a nudge
geoffo joined the channel
[tantek]2 what is reply context
Loqi A reply context is the display of what a reply post is in reply to, including linking to that original post with in-reply-to markup, showing some amount of that original post like author name, icon, summary / ellipsed content, and datetime published https://indieweb.org/reply-context

[tantek]2 ^ [catgirlinspace] lots more in there
[tantek]2 aaronpk, I believe I fixed that cassis issue 43 with this update: https://github.com/tantek/cassis/blob/master/cassis.js but I don't have "easy" access to a PHP8 environment to test it (new code still works in PHP 7.4, with the test case you used). can you verify with your PHP8 environment?
[tantek]2 or if anyone else wants to try https://github.com/tantek/cassis/issues/43
[tantek]2 with that latest top of tree cassis.js
[tantek]2 in a PHP8 environment
gRegor I think it's working. PHP 8.0.28, text/plain output of the code in 43: https://staging.gregorlove.com/indieweb/debug.php

gRegor And with moving ob_get_clean() after `auto_link`: https://staging.gregorlove.com/indieweb/debug2.php

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