aaronpk[tantek]: I am changing the post-process file to preserve more of cassis.js. The main reason I want it is to not deal with ob_start at all, so now I am doing only the steps necessary for that.
[tantek]oof re: default branch name. I somehow thought unaltered default branch names were all being auto-renamed and completely spaced on checking that. now renamed to main. thanks for the heads-up aaronpk++
GWGaaronpk: Yes, but I figure I might as well try. I do this all week at work...try to explain technical things to people...IndieAuth...airline reservations system....same difference.
RenfieldI'm having some trouble with h-entry. First, I wanted to just have a link with rel=author to my domain instead of putting a p-author h-card in every post. But validators don't seem to see that. They just notice it as a u-url.
RenfieldThe instructions there seem to indicate it should, "There should also be some way to discover the author of the post — either link to your homepage (which should have your h-card on it) from anywhere within the body of the page with rel=author, or optionally embed a p-author h-card in the h-entry."
RenfieldOriginally, I had the link with classes p-author and h-card. But then indiewebifiy.me didn't find my logo and such. Of course, because this isn't the complete h-card. The complete one is on the home page, which is what I would expect should be looked at to get all of that info.
RenfieldNext question. I want to add e-content. I put it in the same element as h-entry. I don't think that works. Unfortunately, I don't have a sub-element to which I can put it.
GWGIf the first paragraph is the summary, then having it inside the tag that has e-content is fine. It only doesn't make sense if it is a separate text.
[tantek]You first figure out what content you want to display for yourself and your readers. Only second do you worry about how to mark it up. That follows directly from the decisions you've already made about content.