#dev 2023-10-16

2023-10-16 UTC
I kind of want to tell people to start their post permalink pages with a <body class="h-entry"><pre style="whitespace: pre-wrap" class="e-content"> put your blog post content here as plain text with line breaks </pre></body> until they figure out their content design & strategy before offering any other markup advice
GWG ^ please let me know if you see any flaws with this reasoning or methodology. And if not, then please consider when people ask what markup to use, ask them about their content design first
I thought having the page up meant the content design had been done
In that case all questions about "which markup should I use" should translate to questions about "what does your content look like now"
Not: well you could use this markup or this markup or this markup whichever you like better
Like the whole question about whether or not to add an h-card to the u-author. It's not a "feel like it or not" or "my parser would to this or that" question. Both of those frankly are irrelevant and misleading
The answer is: what information about the author IS ALREADY BEING DISPLAYED IN YOUR CONTENT? It literally nothing, and there's only an empty link (which I highly doubt) then yes you can omit the h-card. Otherwise, yes there should be an embedded h-card to markup the information about the author that is visible to readers
Good point
[0x3b0b], gerben, jimmy, geoffo, gnoo_, kleb and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
Renfield: https://lnx.graphics/train.html is a very fun idea! :)
sknebel: Do we need an indieweb train? Cars get added automatically when you send a webmention?
capjamesg: Did you ever look at the Ticket Auth page after I made some revisions?
srijan: People all over the world, start an indieweb train?
Yes, *someone* should build it!
Or, once/if I complete my new website, I can think of adding it
[pfefferle], AramZS, [tantek], [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
indieweb train?
how do i do?
they have something like this on tilde.team (i thinknit was that one) where the train is ascii art and the messages are on the cars
geoffo joined the channel
Relevant to private posting: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/7135
[preview] [Korbak] #7135 Ask for a new privacy level : "mutuals"
capjamesg, interesting thread on a couple of counts, but first, I pretty much agree with this comment: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/7135#issuecomment-419698660
[preview] [steckerhalter] I never really understood why we have "followers-only" toots. it just makes everything complicated. then you have to "lock" your account and approve followers, whereas with mutual toots none of this would be necessary and I as a user would have bette...
1 yet another confusing misuse of the term "private". "Private" needs to really mean *just you*, and then *maybe* if you allow someone/something to OAuth in with explicit access to your "private" content.
2 there is no need for "mutuals". the answer here is the Dopplr method. Followings-only.
and yes, as a result per that comment, drop the "followers-only" audience, that's useless (and confusing if you use any hashtags for example)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I agree, followers-only is a strange, audience model if you're not approving individual follow requests.
From a privacy perspective it's still basically public.
mutuals and followings-only are probably just different names for the same thing, right? specifically, if someone follows you but you don't follow them, you generally shouldn't see any of their posts, regardless of privacy level, right?
assuming that, then followings-only and mutual are the same, right?
snarfed, if you are logged in, you should be able to see a followings only post of someone who follows you.
without having to follow them back
this is the Dopplr way
and it makes so much sense
ah ok, distinction between "can you see it" and "does it show up in your feed"
like can you click on the permalink and see it
can a mutual friend share a permalink URL to you and you click on it and view it
the use-cases are numerous beyond "show up in your feed"
dopplr was very focussed though. whereas on other platforms its a mix of "personal" following and "informational" following, and just because someone follows lets say the mastodon account ofs their local parties/politicians doesnt mean they want them to be able to read their more private posts
that's a very good point and example sknebel++
sknebel has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
mutuals is one level more then, without going full list management/circles
[schmarty] joined the channel
I think your local parties/politicians example still applies even in the case of mutuals. I've certainly had some politicians that I follow just to be informed follow me back and thus "mutuals" wouldn't be any help if I wanted to restrict who reads my more private posts
wouldn't be sufficient that is to achieve the presumably desired effect
right, it primarily makes sense if you do filter who is allowed to follow you, as [aciccarello] said
IG's "close friends" feature seems like a reasonable alternative to "going full list management/circles" as well
yeah, you can make a "you get 1 list" variant
(also re the points about hashtags, mastodon UI is reasonably clear about hashtags only making your posts findable in fully public posts (with the second "level" being "unlisted", which is publicly accessible, but *not* appearing in hashtag listings, local/global feeds, ...)
(which I wish people would use more, because for some hashtags too many of the posts are people telling other people "you should look at <hashtag>" ;))
Flickr has 2 lists - friends and family
lol re: "you should look at hashtag" posts
I mean sure, please do tell people about cool hashtags they might enjoy, but it clashes with people already following those hashtags, who dont need that hint and want to see only the relevant posts :D
presumably such posts could be fixed by replace the instance of the hashtag with a link to a URL of a specific hashtag aggregation page, e.g. https://indieweb.social/tags/IndieWeb
also by linking to a specific hashtag aggregation page, the "you should look at" encouragement has a greater chance of showing the same/similar thing(s) to the reader as the person who posted "you should" encouragement post
[snarfed] looping back to an earlier chat re: how to POSSE things like bookmarks to destinations like Mastodon that don't have that post type. See for example how Nicolas Hoizey POSSEs his bookmarks from his personal site to his Mastodon (I don't know which tool is doing this), e.g. https://indieweb.social/@nhoizey@mamot.fr/111230110693021884
note the explicit use of the leading emoji 🔗 “link-destination-title” to indicate a bookmark post in a plain text note
I'm capturing this example and analysis in /bookmark but thought I'd give you a heads-up of a real world example answer to your question
totally, thanks! lots of great text-first ideas and formats, I love them
probably not ready to enshrine any of them into Bridgy [Fed] as its single opinionated format, esp since users can do it themselves, but it's useful to have examples to point to
yes, makes sense. I'll keep collecting example in /bookmark and perhaps a pattern will emerge
This conversation reminds me... I have a draft post thinking about hashtags I wrote after a moment of inspiration late one night. I should revisit that.
I'm sure I made some grave assumptions in my slumber that renders the ideas moot but might be something there.
geoffo joined the channel
^ good reason to sleep on a draft post, and then reduce it to the parts you're more sure of
today's a good day to implement liking of toots
and I think I got it coded, including a new cassis function
success! my first fediverse fave (like) https://cosocial.ca/@evan/111237962392745000/favourites thanks to BridgyFed++
BridgyFed has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
tantek++ nice!
tantek has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (104 in all channels)
ajr and gRegor joined the channel
what is authorship algorithm
The Authorship specification is an algorithm for discovering and determining the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship_algorithm
Going back a bit, yeah, indiewebify.me's current recommendations for h-entry aren't really aware of the authorship spec so it suggests the "typical" p-author h-card. Which unfortunately gives the impression "this is the one way to post on the indieweb"
I'm hoping to spend more time on https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/82 soon, maybe done by end of year? I think that will make it easier to expand and improve indiewebify.me tools
[preview] [gRegorLove] #82 Migrate to Slim4 framework
I just did a big rewrite of indie news to a more recent version of the routing framework and it was a PITA but also not that bad in the end
that's also Slim right?
yeah looks like
[preview] [capjamesg] #63 Registration Request: indieauth-metadata
monoob4 joined the channel
[preview] [Mario Zechner] The past two nights I wrote a "thread reader app" for BlueSky.https://skyview.socialOh boy. The protocol is absolutely insane. RPC galore, responses are only partially typed. The docs are pretty much useless.But the "funniest" part is this: there's n... https://cdn.masto.host/mastodongamedevplace/media_attachments/files/111/246/791/778/477/909/original/9070f60b3991b347.png
geoffo joined the channel