#dev 2023-10-19

2023-10-19 UTC
[tw2113], jeremycherfas, gerben, btrem, gRegor, gRegorLove_, geoffo, win0err, [catgirlinspace], [Niklas_Siefke], AramZS and AramZS_ joined the channel
are there any good communities to POSSE indieweb too, r/indieweb seems pretty dead
maybe more general interest
reddit is kind of a bad place to POSSE to given their rules on self promotion
indeed I would recommend against POSSEing to either reddit or HN
definitely happy not posting to HN
AramZS joined the channel
rubenwardy, that being said, there is still the possibility of backfeed from both/either reddit and/or HN
that is, when someone *else* posts a link to your site (like a post permalink) to one of those aggregators, you could receive / moderate the comments made therein
I don't currently backfeed comments as I think it violates privacy
even publicly viewable comments?
yeah, they don't consent to it on my website
if I were to do it, I'd design it in such a way that I only cache and not store, and deleting the source comment deletes on my website
so it's effectively more like embedding a tweet
[snarfed] joined the channel
yup, webmention deletes work like that now. tends to be a less implemented feature on the receiving side, but sounds like you'd plan to include it on your site
does bridgy send webmention deletes from reddit/mastodon/etc?
theoretically yes, but in practice afaik no, since most silos don't expose tombstones for removed comments, so it's hard to detect deletions
(part of the mismatch btw webmention being push and silo APIS being mostly pull)
lazy deletions can be implemented by webmention receivers once in a while (monthly? yearly?) checking webmention sources to see if they 410
which wouldn't depend on bridgy
my guess is that lazy deletions would be "good enough" for 99% of use-cases for those that are concerned both on the displaying side (of deleted comments) and on the posting side (who have deleted their comments)
14-30 days is the max I'd do. In my case, maybe daily as it's low volume
the nice thing about "just" implementing webmention delete receiving is that anyone who deletes their comment on their own site or reddit/HN etc., can then immediately send a webmention to cause their comment to be deleted by the receiver
good point! scaling it in bridgy would be impractical, at best. it's sent >2.5M wms, so checking them all on any regular schedule, even infrequently, would be prohibitive
[preview] [snarfed] > At a guess it’s about 1000 web mentions down the list. Is there an easier way to find it that clicking “older”? sadly no. at a high level, updating old webmentions when something changes like this is a good use case, but not something Bridg...
we should definitely encourage wm sending implementations to send wms for deletions though! I don't know how widely implemented that is, but I suspect not enough
[preview] [snarfed] #693 hacker news support: publish, backfeed
maybe? I assume it's possible
I added a countdown scheduled for 2025-03-09 10:01am PDT (#7062)
507 days until 10 years since js;dr https://tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead posted — see what content (if any) from sites dependent on JS for displaying their content are still available, visible, or archived anywhere on the web
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] js;dr = JavaScript required; Didn’t Read. Pages that are empty without JS: dead to history (archive-org), unreliable for search results (despite any search engine claims of JS support, check it yourself), and thus ignorable. No need to waste time ...
datemath is hard
!cancel #7062
Okay, I cancelled it!
508 days until 10 years since js;dr https://tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead posted — see what content (if any) from sites dependent on JS for
I added a countdown scheduled for 2025-03-10 10:02am PDT (#7063)
displaying their content are still available, visible, or archived anywhere on the web
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] js;dr = JavaScript required; Didn’t Read. Pages that are empty without JS: dead to history (archive-org), unreliable for search results (despite any search engine claims of JS support, check it yourself), and thus ignorable. No need to waste time ...
there we go
gerben joined the channel
[snarfed] FYI to follow up on that languages discussion last week, I ended up adding contentMap to my ActivityPub JSON to make Mastodon happy, plus a new http://Micro.blog setting for what to use as your default language. I still think Mastodon needs to be improved here, but for now at least the posts look better.
> I still think Mastodon needs to be improved here, but for now at least the posts look better.
evergreen activitypub dev sentiment
eitilt and win0err joined the channel; gnoo_ left the channel
[manton] awesome, thanks! so you just duplicated `content` in `contentMap.en`?
oh bummer, indieweb.xyz domain might have been lost. Redirects to an SF architecture firm now ??
Kicks Condor who set it up doesn't appear to have posted since 2022-06 https://www.kickscondor.com/
what is indieweb.xyz
Indieweb.xyz is a syndication service organized into subs, similar to Reddit, created by Kicks Condor https://indieweb.org/indieweb.xyz
^ Was going to suggest that for an indie-reddit type thing, rubenwardy, but alas.
oops darn
spokc 😞
hah, took me a second to decode that
eitilt joined the channel
[jacky] joined the channel
How do I markup a cover image using microformats2? `u-photo` says its for photos that are the main subject of the post, so seems like using it on a cover image would be a bad idea
what is featured?
featured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a post https://indieweb.org/featured
[snarfed] Yep, duplicating content and contentMap.
[schmarty] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
eitilt joined the channel
is anyone using a GitHub action to tweet from their repo every time something is committed? I used to have this setup on http://twitter.com/cassisjs, don't remember why it stopped working, and am considering trying to set it up again
probably the twitter API being limited?
bterry1 joined the channel
yeah sounds likely but you can still use v2 to tweet from your own account, you may just need to go through the new API project flow(s) on https://developer.twitter.com/
(whether you actually want to is a separate q 😁)
shouldnt that be micropub-ing and then let the site handle POSSE if desired? ;)
sknebel, GitHub actions support Micropubbing?!?
^ I mean THAT would be amazing. cc: aaronpk
you can run whatever code you want in there. if you can call a program to make a call to a twitter API, you can also run a script that makes a micropub request
(or you can have GH send you webhooks, and do something with those, instead of using Actions)
(probably also more widely supported with other forges)
gerben joined the channel
I was surprised to see "Federation" so prominent haha.
eitilt and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
> tweet every commit to github
nah, but I twtxt every commit to local git repos
close enough? :P
AramZS joined the channel