#dev 2023-10-18

2023-10-18 UTC
gRegorLove_, strugee_, gerben, [0x3b0b], gRegor, hoschi, [pfefferle], hoschi-it, rocto, [tantek], [manton], [Jo], AramZS and geoffo joined the channel
I need to improve mine from https://www.jvt.me/post-frequency/ as it's rather unreadable now :face_with_peeking_eye:
[jamietanna] I'm curious about the choice of line charts for indicating posting *frequency*. Especially curious in the context of line graphs having a strong cultural expectation of "always going up" which seems unsustainable for personal posting frequency (perhaps even undesirable).
in contrast for example the GitHub calendar heatmap style feels calmer and shows even "very little" activity as not that much different from "some" or "a lot" of activity on any given day and thus feels like less "pressure" to push things "up"
there's also the style that I feel I have seen from some folks (aaronpk?) of a calendar month with an icon for each post type for/on each day that has that kind of post
yes it was/is aaronpk, e.g. https://aaronparecki.com/2017/04
geoffo, kleb, AramZS, [chrisaldrich], gRegor, gRegorLove_, [marksuth], angelo, jonnybarnes, AramZS_ and gxt joined the channel
eleventy would be so much easier to use if it was typescript, currently a blackbox
btrem joined the channel
and there's apparently no API reference
ahh, you can use JSDoc to make the IDE more useful
also 11ty is pretty well documented!
And the code is really well written, I just jump into the code in the core software all the time and usually things are pretty clear
Typescript is such a pain sometimes when all I want to do is pop up a site with a bunch of data real quick
[schmarty] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I know Zac is pretty against forcing TypeScript on the project
Even as someone who likes TypeScript for work projects, I totally get why you wouldn't want to use it.
I do wish it did have something to improve the IDE autocomplete.
But the docs usually point me in the right direction and the collection of starter projects is useful for code examples.
11ty has a lot of tutorials and examples, but it's quite hard to actually find out what is in everything
It's hard to jump into the library code when the IDE doesn't know what something is
typescript doesn't need to be forced, it's common for it to come in an additional package - like @types/eleventy
JSDom is typescript at home
eleventy comes with a single .d.ts file that only documents UserConfig and nothing else
doesn't expose collections, items, pages, etc
angelo joined the channel
JSDocs are pretty effective and do have good autocomplete setups you can put in your IDE
but I also despair of maintaining them not least of the reasons is that they're only going to get used less. My employer is testing out CoPilot and very notably it takes over the autocomplete that TypeScript (or any strongly typed language) would use and replaces it with AI autocomplete (that's usually wrong btw)
JSDocs doesn't seem to want to work for me
You using VS Code?
might be an extension, but I'm not sure which it is
[preview] [FunctionDJ] This seems like the leanest method right now, which is fine once you know about it: ```js /** @param {import("@11ty/eleventy/src/UserConfig")} eleventyConfig */ module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => { ```
bterry joined the channel
ok, so I need to import from @11ty/eleventy/src/UserConfig not @11ty/eleventy
this would just be `: UserConfig` in TypeScript
Ah yeah. Let me know if that works. If it doesn't I can dig in my extensions and see if I can figure it out.
AramZS joined the channel