#dev 2023-11-01

2023-11-01 UTC
barnaby, alephalpha0, geoffo, [catgirlinspace], [calumryan], [bjoern], [jeremycherfas], [sebsel] and CRISPR joined the channel
Rereading Oauth and IndieAuth specs... want to tweak the WordPress implementation a bit and update a few things about the experimental ticket endpoint.
[Ana_R], nertzy, barnaby, oenone, gRegor, AramZS, [snarfed], [nsmsn] and [jacky] joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
Ghost using Webmention for site recommendations. Haven’t totally wrapped my head around this yet but looks very interesting. https://ghost.org/docs/recommendations/?ref=ghost.org
[preview] [Evan Prodromou] @blake That sounds like a good strategy! I also think that there are some things that need adding to the AP API, which I've been adding as FEPs. In particular, collections for pending followers/following, and blocked users. I've also proposed an OAut...
Ahhh this makes me so happy lol
Such a missed chance for things to be out of the box (imagine if AP had this off rip? I really think people would have taken more care with making auth a bit more portable or consumable)
[manton]: very interesting, although not very useful for most webmention consumers if the source is a JSON file?
@barnaby Right, that is curious. If I’m reading it correctly, if someone recommends your site, you get a Webmention ping about it. Cool. But you would need to handle it in a special way compared to Webmentions for blog post replies.
yeah, it looks like it’s mostly an internal ghost feature which in theory other platforms could integrate with by special-casing ghost’s recommendation format
Yeah. I feel like this is progress, though, because it always bugged me that Ghost invented their own posting API instead of using Micropub. If this is the first of more open standards, I’m very happy about it.
yep, definitely interesting to know that they’re aware of webmention and see it as being useful
I thought Mastodon had a similar concept of recommended users, but I’m not finding it. Maybe they only have featured hashtags.
I suppose this is a bit of a marketing issue for webmention being so barebones – it’s very easy to claim “compatibility with webmention” when in practice what you’re doing isn’t really compatible with anyone else’s webmention implementation
on the other hand, it's fascinating as afaik one of the first non-HTML-source webmention implementations in the wild
and non-HTML-source is compliant and allowed, even if unusual
This is an interesting precedent for Vouch if these are made public
Could be used as an auto approve list or something for badging
Or even a "comments from recommendations"
Also interesting from their blog post:
> Recommendations also make it possible for readers to subscribe to recommended publications with a single click. While this feature is currently exclusive to Ghost sites, we are eager to help other platforms in implementing this 1-click functionality. Contact us if you’re interested in building 1-click subscriptions for the open web!
It's giving me "Myspace top 10" energy lol
Easy subscribing to feeds (or even ActivityPub across servers) has always been a tricky UI problem.
Wait wait wait they should reach out re: rel=subscribe
[nsmsn] joined the channel
Explore > People
explore is in the hamburger menu in deck mode of the web version
in the mobile app, it's under search iirc
huh I actually didn’t know that the webmention spec has a specific procedure for verifying webmentions from a JSON document https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#webmention-verification
“In a JSON ([RFC7159]) document, the receiver should look for properties whose values are an exact match for the URL.”
I didn’t realize that either. I guess this has never really come up before. Good find.
@rubenwardy Thanks. That is recommendations for the entire server, right? I was thinking personal recommendations on someone’s profile.
that's personal recommendations to the current user
looks like webmention.rocks doesn’t have a test for the JSON case https://webmention.rocks/
which I’m actually in favour of, IMO it’s good to encourage people to publish things as human-readable HTML
Re Webmention spec...it also says you should check for the url on HTML elements but many people just do a text search for the whole document.
you can "feature" hashtags and users on a mastodon profile
[nsmsn] joined the channel
it came up before during the Social Web WG, because so many other specs there focus on JSON(-LD) and there were some hack experiments to see if JSON-based Webmention could work, and that was verified, but it never went anywhere beyond that — it was very clear HTML+mf2 made the most sense as a format to use with Webmention
[nsmsn] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
there was one site doing academic references that did json webmentions IIRC
csarven had an implementation afaik
there was a whole thing about adding a "property" filed to webmention that csarven was pushing and we decided was superfluous and after that he made his own LD-mentions spec or something
AramZS joined the channel
sknebel yes, csarven did
AramZS_ joined the channel
I guess I'm more curious about _receiving_ JSON wm implementations. have there been any, how do they parse the source, etc
Re: accessibility talks at IWC, apparently it was also the time to start making your READMEs accessible over at GitHub! https://github.blog/2023-10-26-5-tips-for-making-your-github-profile-page-accessible/
[schmarty] joined the channel
how interesting
geoffo, AramZS, gRegor, neceve, lifeofpablo and [marksuth] joined the channel
Zegnat: auth.hawx.me has the same problem it seems
[marksuth]: Someone asked about IndiePass for iOS. What's the latest?
@gwg antonio has been working on updating the codebase to the point where it can be submitted to Testflight
I'm an Android user, but someone asked in -wordpress
jeremycherfas, AramZS, AramZS_, vhbelvadi, tbbrown and [nsmsn] joined the channel
[marksuth]: Good news about IndiePass...I'd be happy to test an iOS beta
barnaby, AramZS, bterry and barnabywalters joined the channel